
Priya Echo's Adventure - Book 4 - Transcendence

Priya Echo is a magical hero trying to save the universe from the evil wizard Telenon

DaoistmMAJLZ · Fantasy
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51 Chs


Second Age, Echo Realm

A metal mask lay upon a table of dry ice, enshrouded by wisps of carbon dioxide vapor. Saga Def looked down, then retrieved it, placing it against his face. In a courtyard with bee-keeper's boxes, there stood out one from the rest. Removing its contents, the comb slid from its container, altering its aspect into a terminal board. He input the sequence and throughout the planetary network the anti-gravity units activated. Lucky were they that early in the history of the colony, traders came from earth, and brought with them a remarkable strain of orchid, genetically engineered to be a blank slate for their various agricultural uses. But soon after scientists discovered its latent potential, how energy was channeled effortlessly through the ordinary flower. Soon greenhouses were constructed and created the foundation of the colony's rapid expansion. Through viewscreens he could see their steady approach. "My Lifegiver, you will never be lonely in your room again, we are coming home!" Saga thought. Planet Elemna, … which was closest to the sun … broke from its orbit, steadily increasing its velocity towards the greater center of gravity and when it was near, it was accepted, downloaded into the corona.