
Priya Echo's Adventure - Book 4 - Transcendence

Priya Echo is a magical hero trying to save the universe from the evil wizard Telenon

DaoistmMAJLZ · Fantasy
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51 Chs


Second Age, Echo Realm

Linden felt a zephyr of morning coffee enter his lungs as he stepped towards his muse, "Even when I close my eyes, I cannot see beyond the ascension. Do you think these are our last days?". "Perhaps, but that is unknown" Melina replied. "Then we may not survive to see earth become a tumbleweed spinning across a lonely desert road" he bemoaned. Raising an eyebrow at his spurious grief, she crossed her arms in recognition of the ploy, "Are you trying to flirt with me?". "Well, time is on our side today" he answered modestly. "Are you afraid of time, Linden? I'm the only one you should be afraid of" Melina assured him. "As always, my love" he complied, seeing a glimmer of recognition of his suggestion alter the other's features. Melina reached towards his face, to the circular lenses he wore, doing away with them first, "Then let us retreat into the embrace of fate … Let me take off those glasses". Then she turned into a dining room table set with platters and silverware and glasses upon a white tablecloth. Linden took hold of the tablecloth and pulled it swiftly, so that the articles remained as they were. Then Melina transformed back, and disrobed, she was naked. And they began to make love ... Both of them returned to normal human form and were almost at the end, sweating in each other's arms, panting. Just at that time there alighted on the edge of Coffee Island a messenger. "Patrons, Jack Bronze and Crytania have escaped!" Falzar shouted as she ran to them. A telegram rested in hand, notifying her the Couple were out of contact. A wave of shock crashed into her as she saw the two in the natural state, panting from the completion of their task. So surprised, Falzar bent over and vomited her lunch onto the supple brown earth of the island, then fell down, fainting.