
Private Number: Don't Block Me, or else.

*Ting* Private Number: “I'm warning you someone will die,” //blocked// Trapped by her new "Friend", Lilly is forced into a brutal mystery where she must do exactly what he says or someone close to her will die. So begins the madness. Her normal life is over but she won't go down without a fight, she'll find out who he is and free herself from him. But who exactly is he, a deranged bloodthirsty psychopath or a hero who went off the right path?

lazyredragon · General
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3 Chs

1. Last Normal Day

What better way to start this story than with the classic, Once upon a time in a far a way place in a world not too different from our own there lived a princess of mildly tolerable appearance who was snoring away on a Monday morning

"BEEP! BEEEEEEEEEP! BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-SLAM!" the alarm clock met it's brutal end under the fist of a sleep deprived fifteen year old.

"Ugh," she groaned shifting her eyes to the clock; 6:30, classes would begin in an hour, she hadn't finished her math homework but math was boring and she was pretty sure her future job whatever it would be would not involve Logarithms then again she would be in trouble if she didn't hand it in...She'd do it on the bus.

"Honey, you up?" her mother called


Rolling out of bed and dragging her self to the bathroom she quickly showered and combed out her hair promising herself once again to get it cut over the weekend; something she would probably forget the second she left the bathroom, dressed up in a simple blue shirt and jeans and ducked out for the bus in fifteen minutes, like she always did.

"No breakfast?" her mother asked.

"I'll eat when I get back!"

Just another Monday. She went to school met up with her friends got a scolding for sleeping in class nothing new whatsoever.

When she got home Lilly half ran to the kitchen grabbing a tub of vanilla ice-cream and a spoon before making her way

Her phone buzzed, she picked it up thinking it was probably Jenny asking if she could come over.

It wasn't.

The users info was hidden, It was from a private number...

"Huh, I didn't know you could text using private numbers, cool."

Private Number: "Hey, is this Lilly's number?"

Lilly frowned, the sender already new her name, that was a red flag. It was probably a shy boy, she felt that was kinda cute in a creepy sort of way.

the troubles of youth, she thought laughing to herself

Lilly: "Yep, who's asking?"

She put down her phone shoving a spoon of ice cream into her mouth waiting for a reply

Private Number: "Oh cool you answered! I'm just A Nobody,"

Lilly rolled her eyes: "Okay, cool. what do you want?"

Private Number: "I want to be your friend?"

Lilly grumbled, another pervert how did they always get her number?

Lilly: "Okay ,whoever you are I'm blocking you,"

Private Number: "If you do that somebody will die."

Lilly paused staring at the text.

Lilly: "That's really not funny."

She looked at her clock,


It was still early

Private Number: "I wasn't trying to be funny."

Lilly searched for the blacklist bar in her phone before another text interrupted her

Private Number: "Answer when I text you."

she ignored the text doing a quick search on how to block unknown numbers, she would just block the guy like she had blocked all the other weirdos before him,

Private Number: "And don't tell anyone about these texts if you do, I'll kill them."

Lilly: "Okay, I'm blocking you now."

Private Number: "I'm warning you someone will die,"

Lilly responded with three clicks.

Lilly: "//BLOCKED//"