
Prison Hunter

Jake doesn't know where he is or why he is there. All he knows is that he is locked up in a high-security prison, surrounded by guards and cameras. He also knows that he is not an ordinary prisoner. He is a clone, created by a secret organization called Project Lazarus, that wants to use his DNA to unlock the secrets of immortality. Jake also learns that he has a past life, and that he was murdered by someone he trusted. Now, he is determined to find his killer and get his revenge, even if it means following the will of a secret organization. But as he follows the clues, he realizes that his past is more complicated than he thought, and that his enemy is not the only one who wants him dead.

spoiler_alert · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

chapter 1

Jake opened his eyes and felt a sharp pain in his head. He groaned and tried to move, but he was restrained by metal wires and electrodes attached to his body. He looked around and saw a white room filled with machines and monitors, and a glass window that separated him from a group of people in lab coats. They were observing him with curiosity and excitement, as if he was a rare specimen.

"Where am I?" Jake asked, his voice hoarse and weak. "What are you doing to me?"

One of the people in the lab coats pressed a button and spoke through a speaker. "You are in Project Lazarus, a top-secret facility that specializes in cloning and genetic engineering. You are our latest creation, a perfect replica of a deceased person. You have his memories, his personality, his skills, and his appearance. You are Jake Lee, the famous detective who solved many cases and died in a mysterious explosion two years ago."

Jake felt a surge of anger and fear. He remembered his life as a detective, his friends, his enemies, his cases, and his death. He remembered the bomb that was planted in his car, the fire that engulfed him, and the face of the person who betrayed him. He also remembered something else, something that he had kept secret from everyone. He had a special ability, a gift that allowed him to see the past and the future of anyone he touched. He had used it to solve crimes and help people, but he had also paid a price for it. He had seen too much, too many horrors and tragedies that haunted him every night.

He realized that he was not human anymore. He was a clone, a copy, a tool for some unknown purpose. He felt violated and disgusted by what they had done to him.

"Why did you bring me back?" Jake demanded. "What do you want from me?"

The person in the lab coat smiled coldly. "We want your DNA, your blood, your cells, your organs. We want to study you and find out what makes you so special. We want to unlock the secrets of immortality that lie within you. You see, you are not the only clone we have made. We have cloned many other people who had extraordinary abilities or talents, such as geniuses, artists, athletes, politicians, celebrities, etc. We call them the Lazarus Subjects, and they are our most valuable assets. You are one of them now."

Jake felt a chill run down his spine. He wondered how many clones they had made, how many lives they had stolen, how many secrets they had uncovered.

He also wondered if there was any way out of this hell.

He decided to find out.

He closed his eyes and focused on his ability. He reached out with his mind and touched the person in the lab coat who had spoken to him. He saw his past and his future.

He saw that he was Dr. Chen Wei, the leader of Project Lazarus and a renowned scientist in the field of cloning and genetic engineering. He saw that he was ambitious and ruthless, willing to do anything for fame and power. He saw that he had no scruples or morals, that he treated the clones as experiments and disposable objects.

He also saw that he was going to die soon.

He saw that Jake was going to kill him.

He saw how he was going to do it.

He saw that he was going to use his ability to manipulate Dr. Chen's mind and make him release Jake from his restraints. He saw that he was going to grab a scalpel from a nearby table and stab Dr. Chen in the throat. He saw that he was going to take Dr. Chen's ID card and use it to access the security system and open the door to the room.

But before he could do any of that, he felt a jolt of electricity run through his body.

He screamed in agony as he lost consciousness.

Dr. Chen had noticed Jake's strange expression and realized what he was trying to do.

He quickly activated an emergency switch that sent a high-voltage shock to Jake's brain.

He smiled triumphantly as he watched Jake's body twitch and convulse.

"Nice try, clone," he said mockingly. "But you can't fool me. I know all about your ability. I've been monitoring your brain activity since you woke up. You think you can see the future? Well, let me tell you your future."

He leaned closer to the speaker and spoke in a sinister tone.

"You're going to spend the rest of your miserable life in a prison cell, where we'll torture you every day until we extract every drop of information from you. You'll never see the outside world again. You'll never find your killer or get your revenge. You'll never be free."

He laughed cruelly as he turned off the speaker.

He ordered his assistants to remove Jake from the room and take him to the prison section of the facility.

They obeyed and carried Jake's limp body to a metal cart.

They wheeled him through a series of corridors and elevators until they reached a dark and damp basement.

There, they threw him into a small and dirty cell, with no windows, no furniture, no light, and no sound.

They locked the door and left him alone.

Jake lay on the cold and hard floor, still unconscious.

He didn't know where he was or why he was there.

All he knew was that he was locked up in a high-security prison, surrounded by guards and cameras.

He also knew that he was not an ordinary prisoner.

He was a clone, created by a secret organization called Project Lazarus, that wanted to use his DNA to unlock the secrets of immortality.

He also knew that he had a past life, and that he was murdered by someone he trusted.

Now, he was determined to find his killer and get his revenge, even if it meant escaping from the prison and risking his own life again.

But as he followed the clues, he realized that his past was more complicated than he thought, and that his enemy was not the only one who wanted him dead.

He also knew that he had a special ability, a gift that allowed him to see the past and the future of anyone he touched.

He knew that this ability was his only hope of survival.

He knew that he had to use it wisely.

He knew that he had to wake up soon.

And he did.