
Peacock Princess Short film: Romantic , fantasy Author: Morn kunthea

* During the first semester vacation, a 12-year-old boy asked his parents for a vocation in his mother's hometown at the foot of Sunflower Mountain. The boy also wants to meet his grandmother, who has not seen her for five years. The boy's grandmother has been living alone since his parents moved to town. he only knows his grandfather by photo. because he died while digging for gold in the mountains with other villagers. And since then the area of ​​the gold mines that were dug has been abandoned and there is a thick vine growing near the area which is scary and difficult to get to near the gold mines. After hearing his son's request with the results of the exam he showed them, he was ranked No.1 in his class. His father gave him permission to let him travel to stay with his mother during the holidays. so he called his mother to pick up her son from the airport. The boy's mother is preparing to go to the market to buy gifts for his mother-in-law and other necessities for her son. when her grandmother met her she was so happy. They returned to the lodge. Grandma's red farm truck was carrying fertilizer for the sunflower. The boy want to sit in the back because he wanted to stand up and look at the view and breathe in the fresh air on the way. At the corner of the village, a herd of cows crossed the road. The boy sees that the old man is looking at his grandmother with gentle eyes. The boy started to cough for interrupting their conversation. he told his grandmother he was very thirsty. She saw this grandson like that, she said goodbye to the old man and continued to go home quickly.

* When he got to his room, the boy looked out the window to see the village children playing to throw the ball. Seeing this, he hurried to retrieve his toys which he put in the candy box he used to play under the cupboard and ran to play with the children without getting tired of the trip. The boy watches them throw a rubber ball, each ball size is half 0,05 kg as small stone. he starts in new conditions playing the ball game. This game is similar to the traditional Khmer New Year Bos Angdkunh game. The name of the game Bos Angkunh comes from the Angdkunh fruits. And now they are playing Angdkunh fruits are replaced by a ball. They can play from 2 to 10 people, divided in equal numbers, a girl and a boy. Or mixed all the genders together. The players are played divided into two teams. They take five balls as a master. All that each team needs is to build master balls in their place which is arranged like a head down of pyramid or they can prepare it like rooftop five of Angkor Wat temple. if they prepare as the rooftop five of the Angkor Wat temple , there are four balls to prepare as a square and one which the top ball in the middle of the square. They can prepare the same style of master ball or a different style as they wish. Another balls is kept to be thrown to destroy the master balls. The spacing of the master balls is about half a meter. And the thrower must throw the ball from a distance. They can stand at the dividing line. the line drawn at a distance of about 4 to 6 m to control the balls according to the decisions of the players. Each members that throw the ball can have balls around three to five balls to keep throwing their marching master balls. If they are the same group , they can be shared the ball with each other whose skill seems to throw to hit the master ball. All of players must follow the rules. they can pitch to hit the master ball depending on the conditions. if the master ball prepares like a pyramid head down, They need to hit all the master balls that prepare the left or right to roll out of their place before hitting the roof of a pyramid ball. During playing the game , if they can't destroy to hit all the balls that are on the left and right, but hit the top of the pyramid instead, they will lose directly in the game. they must wait for another team throw to destroy their master ball. if the marching team are destroy the tops of the balls like their team during the throwing of the ball. the game draws a tie and they must again build a master ball and Rock Paper Scissors again . They can throw to destroy the ball which is left or right without throwing by line, but they have to be careful not to hit the roof of the pyramid. The five Angkor rooftops are the same that the player must be careful with with the top ball in middle of the square. Before the game, each player leader must play paper, scissors to find who to throw the ball first. the losing game of rock, paper and scissors awaits their rows again. They gonna sit down and see another team whose players throw the ball first depending on the conditions on whether or not to throw the ball. The players must be throw the balls that they have. if they throw all the balls and do not destroy all their marching master balls , they have to wait for their next row to throw all remaining their marching master ball. The player throw a ball that can throw to destroy the master ball left or right, rolling out of place, but if the master ball rolls to hit the last master ball to roll out of place before destroying all of the master ball. And the master ball rolling over the last master ball will be survival again. The player whose throw of the ball is bound to the above rules, will have to take the balls and suspend a game in one march. In this case, players can make two mistakes while playing. If three times will be suspended from the whole game like playing soccer. There are special cases where players can throw their ball to hit a master ball rolled to hit another master ball out of its place will be counted. players need only pay attention to the last master ball. This game is repeated again and again until which group can destroy their master balls by conditions first.

* After playing for several rounds and for about an hour, the boys' blue team won. The boy rose to fame among the village youth group because of his ability to throw the ball to the right place and help the team members play smoothly. The game ended filled with smiles and fun, each person doing their best and wisdom in the game. The boy said goodbye to his group for dinner and promised to attend a tent camping party in the forest behind the boy's grandmother's sunflower farm. after dinner with her grandson, they strike up a conversation in front of the TV. His grandson told her about his plans for tomorrow. She didn't forbid it, but she told her grandson not to climb the mountain because it was dangerous and could have all kinds of beasts. Talk at this point She remembers her village fairy tail stories that in her generation, If they got lost in the mountain, they close their eyes and call the peacock princess, begging her to drive us home. It is a superstition of ancient times that the villagers believe that the peacock princess is the protector of this mountain. But perhaps this belief has forgotten, since the day of the incident at the gold mine. Nobody climbs the mountain to take the sunflower seeds to give to the peacock princess.

* Now is the time for the boys to prepare their food and their tents with boxes of sunflower seeds. The boys and their group were camping near the hill. All the passengers were boys as they thought the girls traveling with them would be difficult and they were not yet adults. The captain tied a hammock with a mosquito net to a tree for sleeping. The boy looks for dead trees to cook. and another member is preparing tents. Suddenly a wild boar ran out of the woods towards them. Frightened, the boys cling to the trees. The boy thinks there are wild boars on the hill, how about the mountain what kind of beast has. After the boar ran away, they came down from the tree with happy faces. The group leader asked the group members to go to the green area where the firefly can be seen at night. They had to go through a row of trees to cross the lake to the other side. The boys were reluctant to move forward as they gradually climbed the hill without realizing it. the ground looked flat, there were no steep inclines which made them hard to know that they are tight on the hill. While crossing the lake, the team leader slipped and fell into the flowing lake. Seeing this, the group members took the vines stuck to the trees near the lake and brought their leader up to the surface where they had crossed. After the incident, they showed desperate faces, unable to return to their tents. Because their captain suffered a leg injury while sliding down tree, which broke his leg. And his body began to freeze from injuries and drownings. The boy sees this awkward situation and only tells the group members to take a risk at the gold mine to rest for a while. Fortunately on the way, the boys did not meet the beasts. When they got to the cave, they lit a fire again and the sky started to rain, which was surprising since they had already checked the weather. The boys saw many of the miners' tools. He took a helmet near the wall and saw his grandfather's name engraved on it. the boy was excited and hugged his grandfather's helmet. they look so tired and have fallen asleep. They had the same dream that they had come home and were playing games like they first met. The boy also met his grandfather in a dream which told him to tell his grandmother living happy and his grandfather flying to heaven. The shadow of a white peacock-haired woman emerged from the cave towards the boys. She looked at the boys for a moment, then ordered the animals under her command to find some kind of red fruit to heal the wounds on the captain's leg. She also criticized the tiger for not protecting the entrance well. Because if the tiger plays bears, the thorns whose power the princess uses to prevent people's eyes from coming for gold, they will melt away when the tigers and bears do not stand in their place. The peacock princess was helping many people when they were lost in the forest before. But one day they found a gold mine that determined the dragon king and dug to destroy the dragons in their home. this made the dragon king very angry and used his power to make the land of the mountains crush them. Even though the Peacock Princess wanted to help, she couldn't help them because of their sin and greed. The boy's grandmother, who had not seen her grandson as his promised , and the villagers also did not see their children return back at home. they went to the police and go to find the boys at the hillside. They saw the boys' tents but did not see them. Everyone was pale, knowing that the boys must have climbed the mountain. Speaking of peacock princess used powerful dreams to put the boys to sleep and prevent them from making a sound to wake up the Dragon King. She told the tigers to be ready to show the way when they arrived and remembered the prey called her name. Police were unable to find the boys. they seem lost in the jungle and walk in the same place. and it's hard to find because of the rain. Suddenly, the old man who secretly fell in love with the boy's grandmother told the villagers to follow their beliefs by throwing sunflower seeds and calling on the peacock princess to lead the way. Due to the fact that the villagers performed these ceremonies. Suddenly, the vines opened the door. The police were also able to reach the gold mines and find the sleeping boys and successfully rescue them. Once gone, the vines are return to their original state.

* The boys were taken to hospital safely. The boy's parents, after hearing the shocking news on television, also went to meet their son in the hospital. After all these incidents, the villagers came to offer sunflower seeds to the peacock princess on the hillside every year, and no one climbed the mountain to violate the sacred site again. The boy also handed over his grandpa's helmet to his grandmother and did not forbid his grandmother to have love again. Because the old man showed his love to the boy like his grandson and try to help him in the accident. Before the boy came home with his parents. The boy also promised the village children that he would come back to play with them again in the future.