
Morgan dans le miroir Morgan in the mirror Movie fantasy, romantic, cartoon, princess, adventure Author Morn kunthea

Morgon was born at the castle as her family is a senior officer in the town of Glowry. She was ten years old and loved to read all the novels and fairy tales. One day when she looked at a new mirror that her father had received from his friends whose famous author is the story of Mirror Fairy. The mirror faded as the wave called her name as the moon shone from the window all over her room. She was hypnotized and climbed onto her mirrored table and entered it fearlessly. The wind blows her from the clouds to the ground full of marshmallows, soft pillows protect her body. She opened her eyes and was shocked, but when she looked up, she saw that the mirror door in the clouds was closing and melting. So she decided to move on after crying hard, calling everyone's help, but no one answered her. When she crosses the street line that signed by bending down without showing which direction she can walk in the right direction. She saw baby clown onions pull a candy stick asked the little girl did you lose. Come with me I bring you a registered member of the mushrooms and you have to work there to exchange coins to go home the next cloudy day and you only have time to do it once before you lose and become mushrooms forever. After giving her a clue, the clown took his stick, hit his head, rang the bell to call the fly cups elephant to bring her the dinner door table to register in mushroom town. She climbs inside the cup looks at the view outside that she saw full of farm vegetables that have movement and wear a stranger dress like onions. The vegetable walks as the line enters the middle pot like a volcano that makes her wonder what they are doing. The cup seems to know what she was thinking and told her that the old people will cool off by cooking themselves as a serving soup to gain mom's cloud, then they will be reborn again as a baby vegetable and become healthier. After listening to these weird things make her consider the soup looks delicious that she always hates to eat vegetables before, so she tries to test it when the cup cause her to explode soup from the volcano pot while crossing at the above, she tests vegetable soup to make her look more so beautiful and shiny skin.

Morgan running quickly hides under another cup of tea when she arrives on the dinner table, her body getting so small after the elephant cup puts her down. She saw a newcomer where sugar and waved at the army gate enter the mushroom cycle gate. So she went to stand in the back row to do like everyone else that made army of spoons or knives doesn't suspect on her. After entering the mushroom town, which is full of fantastic buildings and strange vegetables and fruits, especially the mushroom family is the best citizen. She walked after the newcomer signed up for a job as a cleaner at the royal palace. At this, she learned a lot of many skills there, especially she has to converse with madam black widow mushroom who has hair like nets. She works some days and everyone likes to work with her and she knew a lot of fairy tale stories and sang to everyone when they were tired from work. Because cleaning the whole bottom of the royal palace is not easy. She always heard another waitress rumor here about the mushroom prince who lost in the pumpkin farm since last week and the king worries so much for him. This pumpkin farm is full of mysterious items that don't get into it easily, even the army has fighting skills. She thought that if she could help the prince back , she will get what she wants.

Morgan's request for the army to enter the pumpkin patch causes everyone to laugh at her. But she was allowed by the king when she show how well she can solve difficult puzzles. When she came to the pumpkin patch, she saw that many mosquito trap there, so she told the army that the burnt grass killed those mosquitoes when she dropped poisonous oil in wood burned. The first time the army can enter areas inside, but they get trapped and get lost again in a puzzle garden full of pumpkins, only Morgan can cross it and she saw that the mushroom prince was tied up with a giant pumpkin. So she climbed on the pumpkin and cut it. She holds the prince's hand and pulls him up to sit on three with her. Because the falling pumpkin sprays its seeds as if smacking around itself. She called for help from the elephant cup and they hid out of the pumpkin farms. The pumpkin on the farm is empty because another army of pumpkins returns to its place outside the land of mushrooms. Prince falls in love with Morgan for the first time, but he must do as promised to bring her home and they will meet again when they grow up. Morgon kissed everyone goodbye and ascended to the clouds took a mushroom gem from inside the box lock door and it opened which pulled her inside. Morgan wakes up when her parents call her to get ready for school in the morning and She looked at the mirror with a smile. She turned to the adult for the mirror lights to shine again called her name, Morgan prepared some gear before confidently stepping into the mirror and said it was time for me to do as my promise.