
Lion heart by morn kunthea Movie Morn kunthea

Flower is a girl who lives in dreams and she always thinks about everything around her positively. She picked up a magic mirror with a lion in the background in her old home depot. When she stared at the mirror for a while, she saw her figure turned into a lion. And the lion told her that if she wanted to go to the dream world she had always dreamed of, at night 12 she had to take this mirror at the moonlight, and a door would open and a gateway to the world of dreams. But remember that when walking to the end of the sky, remember the words that the boy told you and shouted three times in your heart. So you can come out back to real world. Flower woke up when her grandmother came into the warehouse looking for her diary. flower, she hid the special mirror she had found in her bag and hurried back to her room.

Flower ate her favorite fried chicken dinner and watched her younger brother and her younger sister quarreling over chicken thighs. Therefore, she also donated her chicken thighs to her younger siblings. Her father said that this was the right thing to do, and that siblings should love, understand, and tolerate each other. As for her mother, she also brought her favorite banana dessert for all the family members to eat after dinner. After washing the dishes, Flower sat down to do her homework, listening to her favorite foreign songs during do her homework . At around 12 midnight, she was sneak out her bedroom, down to the garden outside the house and to put the special mirror reflected with moonlight. And as the magic lion said, a golden door appeared. She entered the door, and she fell into the golden meadow, which was as soft as feathers. And everything around it is a huge zoo with all kinds of animals. But the animals in cage was just a doll. Suddenly a handsome boy came to ask her why she could come to this world. She also pulled out a special mirror, with the boy saying that the mirror was his spirit. Then the boy turned into a lion for her to see, much to her surprise.

Pizza the lion boy told her that he had kept his soul in the mirror for 2,000 years. And he's looking for someone with a temper who can help him cross the blue zone and bring back the diamonds to wake up the caged animals. In particular, the person who saw the first lion soul in the mirror, also connected with his heart to be able to cross this world . He told Flower to put her hand on her left chest, which made her feel her heart beat surprisingly, especially as she listened to Pizza's chest where she heard his heartbeat like her heartbeat . Pizza took her to rest in a cart which she saw inside like a room in a palace. In particular, there is a group of golden keys in the shape of a dolphin dancing to the rhythm of Lullaby in the music box. She listened until she fell asleep next to Pizza. The next morning, he made her a breakfast of fruit and hot milk. And he gave her a local costume to wear on their mission trip.

On the first journey, the two of them had to pass through a group of matchsticks who lived in Wood, and the matchstick told them first tested their strength before allowing them to enter the house of their leader that have road central lowlands of Ostrich live. Flower She signals Pizza to run to burn the grass near the matchstick's house. With a large number of matchsticks, they play tricks were used to beat them, forcing them to roll backwards, leaving their partners to roll first. So they both deal with their confidence as they choose to embark on their play activities. While the group of matchstick put out the fire , they run into the matchstick leader's house crawled down the tunnel, where the water pipe brought them down to the central lowlands.

Many Ostrich chased them both, but Flower climbed on the back of the pizza to get tired of clinging to an Ostrich feather with purple- pink feathers. Once they had Ostrich's feathers, Pizza jumped crossed canyon with a flower clinging to his back. Flower hugged Pizza and held her face close to his face because of the frustration and happiness at the same time. As for Pizza, his heart beats with shyness and he also fall in love with Flower. They rested on the nests of the golden meadows and stared at the stars in the sky in the shape of animals. And Pizza also teaches her how to look at the stars.

Flower, she started to have a fever, Pizza was very worried, he went out to find water nearby for her to drink. And when he returned, he found many snakes lying around the sleeping flower. So he fought and bit the snakes away from Flower. When the Flower recovers from the disease, they continue to travel to the end of the blue sky. Pizza could not get into the land, so he told her to ride the swing rope, which was attached to the high wooden tree , and picked up the diamond on top to give it to him. And he said the word Habibi to her. By Flower, she did not understand the word, but her heart was pounding. Flower tried to swing high, as she slid her hand off the rope several times. And she picked up the diamond and handed it to Pizza. Because his body was injured while fighting with snacks , he fainted. Therefore, she cry out of fear, and she shouted the last three words in her heart, as Pizza told Habibi. Then the light in the sky healed Pizza's wounds and also pulled Flower's body back into the air.

Pizza just watched Flower from a distance with regret, and he also took the diamond to help the animals in his Zoo. And not all of them are animals, but they have the same spirit and human body as Pizza, and his cart has become a palace. His cage turned into many houses, like a fairytale kingdom. From that day on, Flower, she still lives a normal life, but she still knows all the feelings and thoughts connected to Pizza. And when there is danger, he exchanges souls with her and protects her body. During their relationship, many problems happened on them, but they kept going. And sometimes they have to cross time and turn around, help each other and do a lot of important things to help people in both worlds. When she was an adult, they could see and communicate through special mirrors. Until one day, that special glass shattered everything, with the city of Pizza present in the real world, and he came to visit her At night and picked her up with him when everyone was asleep. Sometimes she saw her parents come to visit her too. and after that day they lived together in love and happiness.