
Princess Selena

Precious_L · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The King's death

Walking horridly through the castle's corridor,Selena had a torn expression on her face. she was both confused and scared when the maids came to inform her about her father's sudden request to see her. She just left his room about an hour ago after making sure he ate well and took his medications.

The King of Astrate had been sick for almost a year and had been placed on special medications. Everything seemed fine with him until two months ago when he slumped at the council meeting. Since then he had been placed under bed rest and different physicians has been making their way in and out of the castle. No one really understood what the problem was with the King's health but yet the life continued to leave him with each passing day. Since the king was not strong enough,Selena has been acting in his place with the aid of the King's bosom friend and adviser. This didn't sit well with some members of the castle as a woman was never in control of running the affairs of the kingdom,it was said to be abominable and a shame to the entire people but the king had no son and his only child was Selena. She was never really interested in taking the position as all she wants is for her father to be back on his feet. After losing her mother at a very tender age,her father the king had refused to remarry and instead he raised and trained Selena into the fine,strong confident young lady that she is.

As she continued to walk,heading for the King's chambers,she let her mind wander to the time she was about six and her father had started to teach her how to fight,she remembered being so intrigued by the skills of swordsmanship,standing every afternoon in the castle's training ground to watch her father and other warriors of the kingdom fight one another.

"papa,I want to be a swordsman just like you"she said to her Father while helping him take off his armor. Her father looked at her beaming with admiration,he lifted his hand patting her head before speaking.

"Selena being a swordsman is not that easy,it takes time and hard work and dedication and..."

"I know papa"she said cutting him off. "I know what it takes to be a swordsman and I'm ready,pls teach me" she pleaded looking into his eyes. Her father had agreed to teach her how to fight and even though it was not a proper thing for a young girl to learn he still did it. Most of the council members had thought it was just childish curiosity and that she would get tired and drop it but as Selena grew,her love for swordsmanship and her desire to protect the kingdom had only increased. It was bad enough that she was a girl and the king had no heir but her being in the castle's army was terrible. The council members had tried to persuade her father into talking her out of it but the king was unwilling to do it.

"I don't see what you all are so worried about honestly" the king said,holding a bunch of files and sitting in the presence of his council,a seven-man committee.

"My king,if I may" Gideon the first council member said. After seeing the king wave his hand,he continued.

"it has not been heard of in the land of Astrate that a woman join the kingdom's warriors and worst of all a princess"!

"then let be known and inscribed the books of history that the first female warrior and the greatest,is my beloved daughter princess Selena"the king said with a smile on his face.

" that will not be proper for your reputation and that of the kingdom,try to see reasons with us sire"pleaded Simon who sat opposite the king.

"if you had taken the option of taking another wife after the late Queen passed away then maybe you'd would have gotten an heir and we wouldn't be so..."

"enough!" the king said striking his fist on the table. He glared at Simon who quickly bowed.

" seems like dear Simon doesn't know how to control his tongue,maybe I Shu show him" the king said glaring silently at Simon.

"apologies my king,I only want what's best for the kingdom" he said with his head slightly bowed

"I refused and still refuse to remarry,I love my late wife dearly and would not like to replace her with any random woman and besides,I wouldn't want any woman coming here to mistreat my daughter,is that understood?"

"yes sire" they responded at the same time

"good then"the king said,the smile coming back to settle on his face.

"if there's nothing else to discuss,this meeting is hereby dismissed" he said rising up and the council members almost stood up to bow as he made his way out of the throne room. Coming out,he found Selena sitting on the floor looking beating. He walked up to her and sat on his heels.

"what's bothering the apple of the King's eyes" he said raising her head up to notice that her eyes were swollen from crying. Sniffing she looked into her father's eyes before saying

"don't leave me papa,its not my fault I love being a warrior. I just want to protect you and the people,pls don't take another wife" she added before breaking down again. The king let out a heavy sigh,he should have known she'd be eavesdropping on their conversation in the throne room.

"Selena I am not taking another wife"he said and brought out his handkerchief to wipe her tears.

"and for the case of you being a warrior,I have no problem with it. I have seen you fight Selena,you use the sword more than many young boys your age and I'm too proud of you". Hearing this a smile appeared on her face. "come,I want to show you something" the king said before pulling her and they walked hands holding each other. She wondered what her father wanted to show her and was even more curious when he stopped walking and they stood at a deserted part of the castle's garden.

"where is this place papa?" she asked craning her neck to look at the King's face

"this....is where your mother and I had our moments,this is where we used to come to get away from the troubles in the castle" the king replied

She wondered why he said get away from the Castle like this place wasn't still inside the castle.

"can we go in?" she asked

"of course dear,hold tight" he said and she tightened her grip on his hand. Pushing the leaves away,they made their way through and stopped in front a wall. She wondered if this was just it when he pulled something from the ground and the wall parted by itself. They walked inside and Selena gasped at what she saw. It looked like a cave with so many beautiful crystals hanging out like Chandeliers and a mighty waterfall stood at the end.

"this place...its beautiful" she said looking around

"what are this markings on the wall?" she asked as she ran her hand through the wall.

"those are the ancient markings of the seven gods" he said. Selena was quiet for a second,as she pondered over what her father said

"who are the seven gods?" she asked

"the seven gods are immortal beings who look after the earth and all its inhabitants. They are said to reside in the heavenly place and they run their affairs from there. They are the water,fire,air,stone,animal,ice and frowls"

"what are frowls?" she asked with her hands still placed on the wall

"frowls are the leaders of the seven gods,because they have all the other six abilities in them. So they are higher than the other gods". "from the beginning of the world,the seven gods have been in existence. They make sure to bring balance and justice on earth".

"how does one become part of the seven gods?"

"well,after a particular period of time the old gods choose whom their successors shall be and they bestow their powers in them".

"thats very interesting" she said when she caught sight of something glowing on the ground. Stepping forward,she picked one of the crystals up and stared at it with admiration.

"papa,look what I found. It must have fallen from the one of the chandeliers" she said showing the crystal to her father.

The King's eyes widened at the sight of it and who had found it but he didn't let Selena see the shock on his face

"can I keep it papa?" she asked,still looking at the beautiful crystal in her hands

"of course,we'll just ask the blacksmith to make it into a necklace for you. That way you will wear it always and not misplace it"

"thank you papa" she said excitement filling her voice

"you're welcome,Now let's head back to the castle shall we?"

Tears swelled up in her eyes as she thought of all the good memories she had with her father. Now standing in front of his chambers she braced herself up to expect the worst as she pushed the door and stood inside the King of Astrate's room.