
Princess Sakura: An Oiran Quest for Love

Princess Sakura is based on the movie made in Japan in 2012 called Princess Sakura: Forbidden Pleasure. The protagonist is banished from her home. So she searches for a way to redeem herself, but unexpectedly chooses a much different life than most would expect.

SakuraGibson · Movies
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4 Chs

The Blossoms Bloom Once More

As I traversed the chilly, desolate streets, my strength waned with each step, leaving me teetering on exhaustion. I finally succumbed, standing motionless in the middle of the road, my vision clouding as I rocked on unconsciousness. A voice called out my name, its gentle taps on my shoulder, rousing me from the brink of collapse. Weak and feeble, I mustered just enough strength to turn and face the person who had sought my attention.

A stranger, their gaze fixated upon me, spoke with an offer that hung like an eerie echo. "You appear to be a fine young lady," they began, their words laden with a chilling proposition. "Would you consider coming with me, working in a place where we provide shelter and sustenance in exchange for your services? You'd be tasked with cleaning and entertaining those who desire it. A strict rule applies: You cannot refuse any request."

Inexplicably, I agreed, though the reasons behind my decision eluded me. Perhaps it was the pursuit of fleeting pleasure or, more likely, the relentless quest to reclaim what had been taken from me – the scroll and the man who had brought me happiness, only to shroud my life in darkness. Love and desperation intertwined, forming an unbreakable resolve to recover my lost scroll at any cost.

Over dinner, the establishment's owner introduced me to my newfound companions, women with stories and secrets of their own. With her short black hair accented by purple highlights, Akiko offered a bright smile and a wave. With her lengthy, black hair cascading down to her bosom, Tomomi greeted me with a smile framed by striking blue contact lenses. Yoko, her flowing hair adorned with jewelry, acknowledged me with a measured glance before returning my wave as her peers introduced her. Nanami, the youngest among them, possessed a wild mane of dark hair that seemed to defy gravity. She exuded warmth and affection, readily embracing our newfound camaraderie.

Finally, there was Moriko, the eldest and, it seemed, the most aloof of the group. Her demeanor hinted at an air of authority as if she deemed herself the leader. Nanami guided me to the room where I would perform my duties and, in the evenings, rest. My bed was ingeniously tucked away within a cabinet alongside the cherished cherry blossom kimonos that held sentimental value. In this peculiar and uncertain new chapter of my life, one singular purpose drove me: to find the man I loved, no matter what obstacles lay ahead. It was an unrelenting determination that left me with no choice but to remain, biding my time until destiny led me back to him.

I donned my exquisite Kimono and promptly went to the breakfast area the following day. However, our host had other plans as he ushered in a stream of guests, each with unique demands and expectations for the day. He efficiently orchestrated the arrivals, leaving little time for respite as we prepared for the next guest in line.

"Sakura," he remarked, a hint of bemusement coloring his tone, "for some inexplicable reason, your schedule is packed solid through the next season. You've become quite the popular attraction here, and it's only your initial days."

He handed me a voluminous list of pages, but I understood that my newfound popularity wasn't solely due to my recent arrival. Unbeknownst to these guests, I held a title of great significance in these lands, one I had chosen to keep hidden. It was a part of my past I was reluctant to reveal, for I yearned for more than the life of a hime, despite the societal expectations that came with it. My discontent had festered for months, my dissatisfaction with the rich man who had been assigned to me never truly dissipating. Each day was an endeavor to make it work, exploring every conceivable avenue, yet none bore fruit. I had exhausted all efforts, trying every position with every man, all in vain.

As the day unfolded, my fellow companions and I meticulously cleaned the rooms, scrubbing away every vestige of the previous day's activities with soap and water. Tensions ran high, and a conflict erupted between Yoko and Nanami, their voices escalating in a heated exchange of words. I watched silently as the two engaged in their spirited quarrel, a turbulent undercurrent of emotions coursing through the air.

"Yoko, why are you suddenly so furious? I barely bumped into you, and I even apologized! What more do you want?" Nanami's voice quivered with frustration.

"You think you're flawless, don't you? Well, I'll be reporting you!"

"I'm not a child anymore. Maybe I just take better care of myself than you do." In a rage, Nanami flung a bucket of water at Yoko, clearly exasperated by the unwarranted accusations. I stood there, helpless, unable to intervene as the situation escalated. Yoko's screams filled the room, the temperature rising with her anger. Ever the peacemaker, Tomomi attempted to cool them down by dousing both combatants with water. Enraged, Yoko shoved Tomomi into a nearby bath out of frustration. Tomomi, however, took it in stride, finding the situation more amusing than anything else. Soon, Akiko joined in, playfully splashing water in my direction, setting off a wild chain reaction of bucket-tossing and towel-waving that left us all thoroughly drenched. Amidst the chaotic water fight, Moriko, clad in her elegant Kimono, passed by, laughing at our antics.

"You're all behaving like foolish children! Grow up and get back to scrubbing the floors. Sakura, you can clean my room while you're at it!"

"Don't pay her any mind, Sakura; she's just one of us. Moriko doesn't hold any higher status than the rest of us; she's simply playing pretend," Nanami chimed in, tossing a soaked rag at Moriko. I remained silent throughout, choosing not to participate in the fray. We waited until Moriko had moved out of earshot before the girls burst into laughter, exchanging high-fives. Moriko may be a bully, but it always brightened our day when someone stood up to her.

The following day arrived, and the owner served us bowls of rice adorned with fresh vegetables. Curiously, a small black, chewable pill nestled within our food. Oddly enough, none of the girls seemed to question its presence. Nanami turned to me, her gaze fixed on the enigmatic pill nestled in her bowl, seeking my opinion.

"Sakura-chan, it's safe to eat the black pill. The owner provides them to us every few months to enhance our strength."

I contemplated her words, my brows furrowing in mild disgust. Reluctantly, I accepted her explanation, feeling compelled to eat the pill to avoid any suspicion from our boss regarding my dietary preferences. With a heavy sigh, I swallowed it down and the rest of my meal, mentally preparing myself for another grueling day of work.

As the following days passed, I couldn't help but notice Yoko's scheme to deceive the house owner, luring him out of the building daily to purloin additional pills. Her misguided belief was that these pills would enhance her beauty. I allowed her to continue her antics, silently hoping she would learn her lesson before it was too late. In this line of work, punishment was harsh and perverse, reserved for those who violated the rules. It was a fate that no one desired.

On a rare free day, the rest of us decided to venture a few blocks from the establishment for some tattoos, purposely leaving Yoko behind. Akiko and Tomomi scoured the tattoo parlor, struggling to decide on their designs. Nanami, however, had already arrived with a specific image in mind, which she presented to the tattoo artist for his consideration. I couldn't help but be curious about her choice.

"Hey, Nanami, what's the image in that photo you're getting tattooed on your body?" I inquired.

"It's a portrait of my Shiba Inu, Teru," she replied.

"How adorable! You never mentioned having a dog. Where is Teru now?" I asked.

"Teru passed away from an illness before I took up this job," she responded solemnly.

"I'm truly sorry to hear that. It's lovely that you're getting a tattoo to commemorate the bond you shared with your furry friend," I empathized.

Nanami nodded, her eyes expressing a mixture of sadness and understanding. "Isn't it similar with you, Sakura-hime?"

"Yeah, I suppose it is," I admitted. "I had a dog too, an Akita named Rikki. He died protecting me when I was just a child. He took a piece of my heart with him, and now, with the man I love, that missing piece is finally being made whole again."

Nanami, her gaze thoughtful, inquired further, "Where is your man now?"

"I honestly have no idea," I confessed, melancholy. "That's why I'm here, waiting for him to find me and sweep me away to a lifetime of happiness."

"That's so sweet. I hope you reunite with him soon," Nanami remarked warmly.

"Thank you, Nanami. I hope so too," I replied, determination in my tone. "So, today, I'm going to get a tattoo of his to show that my love for him is everlasting."

Nanami smiled in agreement. "That's a wonderful idea. Let's do it."

I got a dragon tattoo on my arm, precisely where he had his. It was my way of etching his memory onto my very skin. In loving tribute to her cherished dog, Nanami chose to ink his name and the date of his passing on her shoulder. Her beloved pup had meant the world to her; this tattoo was a heartfelt remembrance. Moriko opted for tiny black crows that adorned her breasts, while Tomomi had intricate black wings spanning her back. On the other hand, Akiko boldly wore a large tiger tattoo that sprawled across her entire back, its tail elegantly extending down to her left leg.

With our new tattoos proudly worn, we returned to work the following day, harboring the hope that our inked secrets would remain concealed from prying eyes, revealed only to those we chose to share our intimacy with. After each session, I would recount how I met the man I loved and how I was fervently searching for him now. I would proudly display my dragon tattoo, and to my relief, no one seemed to inquire further, save for one older gentleman who mentioned a mansion with a dragon motif similar to the one I now bore. He had assumed I was a member of that illustrious family. Little did he know that I had severed my ties with the world of high society, no longer belonging to any esteemed lineage.

The craving for the unique pleasure he had once bestowed upon me gnawed at my core. It was a warm and exquisitely tantalizing sensation that had become an insatiable need. I could no longer suppress my desire; I had to find him, wherever he might be. I got wet thinking of him as a middle-aged man licking the interior of my vagina. Rotating with his mouth, all I had to do was think of the man with the dragon tattoo. He concluded, so he rested on my leg after his long session. As he got up, my boss struck him to knock him out.

"Sakura, you have a visitor; please come and meet him. He's paid me millions of Yen to see you, so please give him your utmost attention."

"Who is this man? Is he scheduled for an appointment with me?"

"No, he doesn't have an appointment, so be sure not to disappoint. Come with me!"

Intrigued by the unusual situation, I followed him out of my room, eager to discover who had been generating so much buzz lately. As I entered the dimly lit hallway, a man dressed in a Kendo uniform slowly approached. I recognized him immediately, but his hazel eyes came to life in the ambient light. The man with the dragon tattoo was back to see me again. His long hair partially obscured his handsome face, and just the sight of him sent shivers down my spine. I felt as though I might faint from the sheer intensity of my emotions.

"Here she is, the stunning Sakura. Your time has already commenced, but feel free to take all the time you desire."

"Thank you," he replied with a courteous bow. "Come, Sakura."

He gently took my petite hands in his, guiding me into the bedroom, where he tenderly laid me down and, with a soft, lingering kiss, ignited a passionate connection that left me clutching onto him tightly. I removed his uniform, and he pulled my Kimono Obi and sash to make it easier for us. He smooched my neck, then my breasts down to my vagina. He bit my ear hard, then sucked on my neck to pleasure me more. However, he did not need to because I loved him enough to get wet whenever he wanted me to. He stuck his enormous penis into me, kissing me more profoundly. My moaning got louder each time he went in deeper. So loud that all of Nippon could hear the moans of the cherry blossom finally making love with the man she worshiped once more. The deeper it went in, the wetter she became. He discharged a large quantity of sperm inside her, soaking them. "Let me clean you up," I said, holding on to his warm, soft wet penis. Licking it at first, I only made him cum more juice inside my mouth. I put it so far down my throat that I ended up ingesting the sweet taste of his cum. I still wanted more. The girls in the other rooms felt the pleasure as well. They ended up playing themselves. So I played with myself in front of him. He fingered deep inside as he squeezed my breasts, licking my hard nipples. From the sound and contentment I felt, Cherry Blossoms around Nippon began to bloom again. We brought back happiness for Japan just by pleasuring the Japanese Cherry Blossom Girl, meaning myself. We were so tired that we left for the room with baths. He lay in one of the round, warm bathtubs and called for me to join him. I took off my Kimono and sat beside his benevolent body, soothing me to the moment I could rest.

"It's been a while since I've seen you, stranger."

"My name is Ren."

"I love you, Ren. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"I know you have, hime, but you left the palace; why?"

"I had to find my scroll. I also wanted to find you and bring you home with me."

"The scroll is in a safe place now; don't you worry."

"Why did you take my scroll in the first place?"

"So I could have you as my bride. I could never allow you to marry another man."

"Well, you have me now."

Ren's gaze shifted to my arm, where he noticed the identical tattoo in the exact same spot as his. He studied it for a moment before gently caressing it. With this shared mark, our lives were forever intertwined, promising a lifetime of happiness.

"Why did you do this to yourself?"

"I wanted one to match yours. It looks odd on my arm; it's just because my arm is slimmer than it appears, making it seem more minor.

"You shouldn't have done this."

"I had to, so I could feel more connected to you."

He didn't say another word about my tattoo. Instead, our eyes locked in a silent understanding that transcended talks. I touched his hair, parting it gently to reveal his entire face. At that moment, I knew that I had fallen in love with the perfect man for me. There were no words to describe the depth of my feelings. I always wanted him by my side, a love that would endure until our last breaths, our hearts forever entwined.

"Sakura, I must go now. I will return for you, but there are some tasks I must attend to first. Please stay here until I come back for you. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

Ren swiftly dressed and departed without drawing any attention. I was the sole witness to his departure, and he was the only one I needed to keep on living. After leaving the bath, I resumed my Kimono, preparing for the next session with another man. However, I was suddenly startled by screams echoing from one of the rooms. These were far from the usual sounds of pleasure; these were the sounds of torture. I quietly left my room to investigate, concealing myself behind a door frame to remain unnoticed.

I found Yoko in a heated confrontation with the boss and his security personnel, as he referred to them. I watched from the shadows, careful not to reveal my presence.

"I didn't give you permission to take more pills than necessary!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I didn't steal anything. It was probably Moriko who took the pills!"


The boss lashed out, striking Yoko's legs with a whip, rendering her unable to stand correctly. His security reaped her up and had her stand over a sharp wire that could effortlessly incapacitate her vagina if she didn't keep standing on her toes. The boss poked her on her nude ass with a sharp needle until she acknowledged it was her.

She vehemently refused to accept her punishment, and as a consequence, they bound her tightly and subjected her to repeated lashings. The horrifying screams that echoed through the building were unbearable, prompting me to cover my ears to shield myself from the torment. My heart ached for her significantly since she believed I was more beautiful than her.

Amidst the chaos, the other girls hurriedly donned their kimonos by the building's entrance. Intrigued and concerned, I turned and grabbed Nanami by the arm.

"Nanami, what's happening?"

"The winner of the sumo wrestlers is here to satisfy himself. He's paid the boss a significant sum to have all the girls attend to him. Come on, this could be our way out of here, away from this job."

"I'm not sure if I want to..."

"Just come on. Are you waiting for your man to find you? Well, this will pass the time while you wait, so come on!"

"I'll come later. I have something to take care of. I can't make any promises, but there's something I need to do."

"At least come and greet the man."

"Alright, I can at least do that."

The girls and I, excluding Yoko, welcomed the sumo wrestler. This colossal man, who had indulged in roasted mutton on his journey here, gradually disembarked from his carriage. He greeted all the girls with joviality before accompanying them inside. Seizing the opportunity, I slipped away unnoticed and sought shelter from the rain outside. I retrieved an umbrella and headed to the back doors, where I discovered Yoko tied to a pole, drenched by the downpour. Setting the umbrella aside, I quickly worked to untie her from her agonizing predicament, feeling a profound sense of responsibility for her suffering. I need to apologize.

Once she was free, Yoko unexpectedly attacked me, shoving me to the ground and gripping my throat in her fury.

"Die, you despicable bitch! If you die, I'll regain my status as the prettiest one here! I used to be everyone's favorite until you showed up, prancing around like some pretty princess slut!"

Yoko delivered two swift kicks after releasing my throat, leaving me choking and struggling to rise. But her relentless onslaught continued as she kicked me back down.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, Yoko," I managed to gasp, my voice strained. "I think you're very beautiful. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted us all to be friends."

"No, I won't ever be your friend! You've taken everything from me!"

"That wasn't my intention. I didn't just waltz into this place on my own. The boss asked me to join. I didn't have much say in the matter."

"Yeah, right!"

Yoko shoved the back of my head under a puddle of water for several agonizing moments, all while tears mingled with the raindrops on her face. Using my arms to pull my legs up, I kicked her away to stop her assault. And once she was down, I returned the favor, submerging her in the water for even longer. To my surprise, she managed to rise from the ordeal. She walked away, muttering vehemently about her hatred for me. I couldn't help but fear that she might return one day to exact her revenge. But I felt vulnerable with my uncertain future here and the possibility of her ever finding me.

My legs ached as I struggled to return inside. The hallways and most rooms were shrouded in darkness, save for the space where the Sumo wrestler was being entertained. Eavesdropping on their conversation, I overheard them discussing me.

"I heard that Sakura girl is some kind of princess, maybe the Princess of Nippon," the Sumo wrestler said. "Word has it she ran away from the palace with her Cherry Blossom scroll, and now she's considered a disgrace to her family. They say she betrayed them."

But that wasn't the truth at all. I couldn't just walk into the room and correct the narrative. No one would believe me in a place like this. Fear and uncertainty gripped me as I rushed back to my room, dreading what the following day might hold for me.