
Princess of the Twelve Magics

Our heroine gets struck by lightning and 'dies', only to wake up as Filia Atmos Strondom, a princess in a world of magic. The problem is only men practice magic!? image from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:RGB_color_wheel_12.svg

Atmos_Scriptor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Just Ignore That Decade

"You'll never take me alive!", a teenage girl was running through a sparse forest. She was wearing pants and a jacket. Anyone would call her pretty, but many were thrown of by the masculine way of dressing and assumed she was an effeminate man. "Please get back here, my lady!" Several maids and butlers were following her. "Filiaaaa!!!", a middle aged man shouted. Filia became worried, "Oh, shit..."


>You should really return, your father's gonna be enraged... even more.


"No, help me out here," she mentally berated her bracelet. Her father wanted her to look into prospective partners, so she ran.

She ran to the main entrance. If she exited the property it would buy her a few days. She ran to the front gate. There were two butlers standing guard. She used magic to jump over the gate.

[Solid Air]-changes the density of air, can be used to walk on air

Sadly, she failed to look where she was jumping. There was a person at the front gate already.

She crashed right into them. "Ow, oh? Hi, Filia." A teenage boy was lying below her. "Iris? What are you doing here? Oh, sorry about that." She rolled off him. "Huh, I was told I needed to meet you. Didn't you ask me here?"

At this moment her father opened the gate, "Filia! Oh, I see you've noticed Iris is here? I guess I should explain. Let's go back."

Filia and Iris were sitting in a meeting room on a couch across from her father and mother. "So, as you know you just turned 16 and for years rejected the idea of an arranged marriage. So, we thought you should marry Iris. Iris, don't worry; your father and I both agreed to this." Filia and Iris looked as if someone told them they were going to marry each other...

Her mother spoke up, "You are both of similar ages and are friends. If you have a son, he will be very adept at magic!" The two blushed at this remark. They were teens after all and both knew what that would entail. Filia shouted, "NO! I don't want to marry him. We're still young and you want to have grandchildren!?" Iris looked as if he was slapped across the face. He thought to himself "Well, I don't disagree, but why so blunt?"

Her mother conceded the idea of a marriage arrangement? "Fine, you don't have to get married, but then the two of you, Amary, and Marc will go on a mission for me." Even her husband looked confused. "The country has a problem with... uh... I'll think of something later." Her plan was way too obvious. "We'll go", Iris agreed.

"Good, and I thought of something...", her mother had a dangerous smile. This would not end well for the four.

Two days later the four teens were gathered near the edge of town. "So, what are we doing here?" Marc grumbled. He was standing next to Amary who responded, "We're going to conquer a dungeon."

[Dungeon]-A magical hotspot for monsters and magical treasure, created by godly beings or ancient civilizations. Total number 1,024.

"Oh, is that ....what!?" Marc looked as if his eyes would fly out of his skull. "We have to do it. It was requested by the Queen herself." The Queen was in fact Filia's mother. She was the daughter of the previous king, and as such the country is a matriarchy. They were to conquer a mid-tier ranked dungeon. They were given all the equipment they would need for a month, along with enough money to last the group for a year.

The group headed out the west gate. Those who left this gate were mostly those who wanted to conquer the local dungeon, "The Dungeon of Terra", said to be one of the most beautiful and popular dungeons. Many sections contained an artificial sky. It was a very large dungeon where the area was estimated to be 50 Km^2 for one layer.

The group was stopped by two guards at the front gate. "Aren't you a little young, and why are you bringing girls with you?" Even if there was a matriarch, the world was mostly sexist. Filia walked up to the guard speaking, "So, would you mind saying that again." Her smille looked sweet, but the killing intent coming off of her was insane. "Uhhh, um, I just meant girls may be weaker than the boys, I meant no offense! Forgive meeee...!" The guard nearly peed himself. He was kneeling on the ground clutching his spear.

Filia placed her hand on her sword and drew her blade. A millisecond later it was sheathed. She walked through the gate out into the world. The others followed. The two guards looked at them leave. The guards' pants fell. They were dumbstruck; when had she done that?

It would take four days to reach their destination, Fundum, a place renowned for its crops. It was the closest town to the dungeon, with a population of 2,000. People would stop by to restock supplies for their adventures.

They rested at sunset. They set up their tents, which were magical and were easy to set up. They sat around the firepit cooking stew. As they were eating Marc complained, "Ah, I wish I had a horse." Amary worriedly asked, "You want to eat horse?" Marc shouted, "No, I mean I don't like walking!" They started to chuckle at the missunderstanding; pretty soon they were laughing so hard they could barely breathe. Being able to laugh was a gift. It could turn the worst of situations into the best of them. They went to bed with full stomachs and hearts.

In the morning they set out again. Mid-day they met a traveling couple. The middle-aged couple were peddlers. They went around from town to town buying and selling goods. The group bought jewelery, clothing, and a few tools.

Filia et al. finished their second day. The second night did not go as smoothly as the first. They woke up to a noise outside. Bandits were not uncommon. Monsters, although rare, did appear. They rushed out of their tents to see a bear looking for their food. Amary was the first to say something, "You DARE to wake me up?" The killing aura was so thick it could be cut with a knife. [Ice Needle]

Amary shot a thin needle of ice at the bear. The bear stood there not reacting. Suddenly, the bear fell forward, a red dot on the back of its head. The needle went through the bear's head killing it instantly. They all learned not to annoy her. They decided to leave the bear for tommorow as they went back to bed.

First uploaded November 10-7-2019 14:22

updated April 4-25 2:30

I said a layer was 25 square km or a five by five area. Needed to change that to like 50

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