
Princess of Nexy World

The most different and magical world of Nexy World's "Queen Elira"... Elira's daughter princess Anahira, who has been away from her loved ones in her childhood, somewhere far away in another world, how and why this accident happened to princess Anahira. With?..Will Anahira be able to know her identity?...

Nisha_Mahar · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The real face of the enemy was revealed

Hearing Elira's words, the man started laughing again.

Then Evander says to Elira again, "Elira, you take Anahira and go inside the palace."

Elira goes inside the palace with her daughter Anahira and the old woman. A troop of soldiers also follows the queen to protect her.

The people of Nexy world and some guests also see all this and go out of the palace with their children.

Only those warriors who had sensed danger remained guests in the palace.

All the soldiers surrounding that man were standing still, leave alone attacking, they were unable to even move. Looking at him it seemed as if some force was stopping him, seeing this Evander and Hakira realized that all these soldiers were not able to attack that man.

Now Evander orders his second squad "Soldiers attack this man", the soldiers run towards the man with their magic swords, and as the second squad tries to attack the man with their magic swords When he does this, the swords of those soldiers melt, all the soldiers get scared, and start looking towards him, as soon as those soldiers look into the eyes of that man, these soldiers too, like the earlier soldiers, start pelting stones in their place. Become stable like.

In this way, any soldier who tried to attack that man would become as still as a stone.

Seeing all this, "Hakira" says to Maharaj Evander, "Your Majesty, our soldiers are not able to attack that man, if this continues then the entire army will become immobile like a stone."

In this way, any soldier who tried to attack that man would become as still as a stone.

Seeing all this, "Hakira" says to Maharaj Evander, "Your Majesty, our soldiers are not able to attack that man, if this continues then the entire army will become immobile like a stone."

""This is really a serious problem Minister, I don't know what dark powers this evil man is using, he has to be stopped otherwise our entire nexy world will be under the control of this evil man", Evander says to Minister Hakira,

"Your Majesty, I think we should call the warrior Gavril. If you allow, this message should be delivered to Gavril as soon as possible", Hakira says to King Evander, explaining the solution.

Evander says, Hakira, you know that Gavril will not help us, the reason why you also know very well.

Now I will personally enter the field and tell this evil person what happens when someone even looks towards Nexy World.

Before Hakira could say anything to Evander, Evander jumped from the second floor of the palace with his magical sword, and stood at some distance in front of the man standing below.

""It seems that your love of losing has drawn you back to the Nexy world, and it is my duty to fulfill your desire", Evander tells the man in confident words.

"So at last you have recognized me, Evander", the man says to Evander in his heavy and low resonant voice, but alas, you do not know what you are going to collide with this time.

Evander tells the man, "I am well aware of you and your intentions, and I also know that you will never succeed in your goal", because I will never allow this to happen if you allow yourself to If you want to save yourself, go back to your world.

"There will be a war, Evander, and it will be such a war that your future generations will tremble with fear", the man says in a roaring voice.

As soon as he says this, the man starts rising above the ground, after reaching some distance in the sky, he stops, black smoke scatters around him, the black smoke starts rotating rapidly around him, within no time he appears to be a middle-aged man. A man would turn it into a body, in which only the upper half of the body was visible, the other half of the body was just black smoke, out of which only black flames were visible, that scary black body. But he had a very big head, his black hair was scattered all over his face, which made him even more scary, his eyes were so red that anyone who saw his red eyes would fall under his spell. I would have been. And perhaps this was the reason due to which that troop had become as stable as a stone.

He had a big magical instrument in his hand which had a big circle on it.

Evander and everyone else were astonished to see this form of horror, when suddenly their eyes fell upon an evil army coming from the sky, an army of dark shadows that were thirsty for blood, with saliva dripping from their mouths, telling that That this army is so thirsty for blood.

Actually, this army belonged to the same person, due to which all this was happening, and that reason was, "Tamraj", which is the uncrowned king of the black world, another name for terror and time, Tamraj wants the entire world to be black. Let the shadows and blackness sink into the dense darkness, no light of any kind will be left in this world, due to which the dark powers of Tamraj will become more powerful.

Giving orders to his army, Tamraj says, "Go my children, go and quench your thirst."

Upon receiving Tamraj's orders, the army of dark shadows attacks the Nexy palace.

Coming towards us, to fight this threat, the army of the Nexy world, all the warrior guests, ministers, and King Evander were ready with their weapons.

Within no time, the armies on both sides crowd together, the dark shadow army starts clawing at the other side's army with its sharp and poisonous teeth, in defense the Nexy army also attacks them and starts cutting them with their swords. Yes, King Evander also attacks those dark shadows, using his sword skillfully.

And this war gathers pace.

On the other hand, Queen Elira, along with Princess Anahira, comes to her room in the palace with the old lady, the military contingent stands outside that room.

As soon as she comes to her room, Queen Elira puts ""Princess Anahira"" to sleep in the cradle, and goes and opens her wardrobe.

The old woman asks "Queen Elira" "What are you doing, Queen?"

Without saying anything, Elira takes out a big rectangular box from her cupboard, and brings it and puts it on a table, and goes and looks from the window of the room, at the war going on outside the palace, and that old woman. She says, how did Tamraj reach Nexy palace despite so much security, now I don't think this war will end so easily, I will have to do something.

"Queen Elira, whatever is happening is proof that someone has definitely tricked you, otherwise it would not be so easy to cross the seven gates of Nexy Palace", the old woman says to Queen Elira.

Elira heeds the old woman's words. And she wonders who that person could be.

That beautiful and attractive scene outside the palace which was celebrating the arrival of Anahira, it took only a few moments for that scene to turn into a bloody scene, only loud sounds of those bloody shadows could be heard all around.

Tamraj was watching all this happening from the sky, and it was probably happening exactly as Tamraj had imagined.

Seeing Evander and all the other warriors trapped in this battle, Tamraj makes his next move, and starts going inside the palace, hiding from everyone's eyes, defeating the soldiers standing at the door to go inside the palace was not a big deal for Tamraj. , Tamraj killed those soldiers in a moment, now as soon as Tamraj tries to cross the palace door, a magical blue light coming from behind wraps around Tamraj's neck, and Tamaraj is forced to return to the palace. She pushes it outwards, due to which Tamaraj falls down face down on the outside.