
Chapter 1: Forgotten

I don't remember. All I know is that I don't remember anything. How did I get to this room and who am I? Anytime I try to remember I get an excruciating pain in my head as though working is stopping me. The doors to the room I am in swing open with great force and a handsome young man strides in.

"Good morning, my bride. I am relieved that you have woken," the man speaks. There comes that pain again as I try to remember.

" Who..who are you? What am I doing here? I don't remember who I am. What have you done to me?" I asks fighting through the pain.

"Do not be silly, my love. You know who you are. You are my bride, Crown Princess Lilliana of Goldoake. It's me, Leonard. You remember me don't you?" He asks with a painful look in his eyes.

" I am sorry Leonard but I don't remember anything you speak of. I'm not a crown Princess, I'm just...just, I...I don't know what I am. But a Princess? Please do not ridicule me." I try to stand up but my body feels unsteady. I'm trapped in this bed looking up at the handsome man who is claiming to be my fiancé. Maybe he is having memory loss also because there's no way I'm a Princess. I try to stand again to no avail before Leonard lifts me in his arms and carries me to the sofa where my clothes are laid neatly.

"My love I will send in your maids to get you ready then we must start planning."

"I can manage on my own. I do not need maids, thank you. Planning for what sir?"

" For our wedding of course. We are to be wed in 2 weeks, it's the event of the year Lils. Get ready and meet me in the dining room. You must eat, you're skin and bones after your adventure." I try to comprehend what this man is saying but as I am trying the maids interrupt pulling me out of my thoughts and into a hot bath. My muscles relax and I feel better instantly. Whilst soaking, I try to concentrate on what Leonard had said. I am his bride, the crown Princess and we are to be married in 2 weeks. The only problem is I don't remember ever meeting him.