
Princess Not in Distress

Ever heard of the word, "damsel in distress"? Ever wished these damsels were never in the position to be in distress? Aria is a princess from Glacier, who was drugged and taken to the neighboring Kingdom of Azalon through the notorious magical "Mirage Forest". What makes this forest so notorious? Why did the neighboring Kingdom have to resort to that devious means to get Aria? Who masterminded the whole plot to get her kidnapped? What would happen when the young King of Azalon, Zane was poisoned by none other than Aria on their first official encounter, left with no other option than to oblige due to her being in possession of the antidote. Why would King Zane suddenly develop a liking to Aria's special kind of antidote? How would these enemies turn lovers? Until then, they have no choice but to watch as Aria freely uses her advantage over them to her pleasure. She has to bend the situation to her will and her captors are in for a pleasant surprise. What to expect: • Comedic relief • Plot twists • Detailed description (to say the least) • Unforgotten side characters • You might have to play detective in some instances • Hidden antagonist who uses others to do his bidding • Friendship between rival Princesses(Yes, you saw that right) • Action • Daily updates! Do check back daily Mass release of 5 chapters once we hit the top 100 in powerstones or more. Silver Tier winner of WFP #29(Role Reversal), please do: ¶ Add to your reading list ¶ Vote ¶ Click on the heart in the book tag ¶ Drop your reviews ¶ Buy a privilege chapter for the win-win event ¶ Send your Gifts ¶ Care to participate? Join the Collection section in my auxillary chapter. WARNING: This book is in it's unedited phase until chapter 128, so please bear with the cringe worthy write up until that chapter, it is bound to get better after that!

Bloom759 · Fantasy
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203 Chs

Train me to be stronger

"Maelin!" Her ears picked up her name which was called in a sing song voice.

Groaning she forced her eyes shut, not wanting to get a glimpse of who said that.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten about me too soon. That makes me really sad." The voice said.

The rush of pain came crashing down hard, she was determined not to open her eyes nonetheless, there was something eerily familiar about the voice, but she couldn't place her finger on it.

°Am I still in the Infirmary or my Chambers?° She searched the bed cautiously with her fingers, ignoring the supposed presence of whoever tried calling her name.

"Oh I see, you are awake after all, yet you ignore me so well." A dry laughter could be heard.

Maelin's hand froze in place, there was no mistaking it, this was definitely Liam's voice. Her body trembled violently at the thought of being killed, why couldn't he let her go?