
Princess Knight lewd travels

Julia the princess trained her whole life in becoming a knight. She is now the leader of the knights, taking matter in her own hands she leaders a group of all female knight called the Valkyries. She travels the kingdom keeping people safe, bringing order. Upon her 23 anniversary she was summoned back by her father to speak about her future.

CatiaD · Fantasy
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4 Chs

1. Responsabilities

Julia came back to the castle. She had matters to discuss with her father the king.

- Good day, I'm here what do you wish of me?

- Good day Julia it is a pleasure to see you again, you barely come back these days. I summoned you discuss about the future of the kingdom. As you can notice I am getting old myself, it will come time for you to take my place as the ruler of the kingdom. I apreciate your efforts in keeping the kingdom safe, you became a symbol of hope for our people. The problem however I fear you only know how to fight with your fists, and you only know the side of our people who are grateful for saving their lives. Sadly people have different sides. On one side they may seem friendly but beside their back they may plot how to take advantage of you.

- Do not worry father I have seen my fair share of unsavory men, from bandits to slavers. I imagine they do not like me that much.

- On other note there is this prospect of marriage. Hearing how much you did for our people I will grant you these options, you can marry a person you love or out of politic interest. However please do marry someone while me and your mother are still alive. It will give us great joy.

- I know is something people do, I delayed this telling myself there is something I must do before that. I promise I have this in my mind. And thank you for allowing myself to marry the person I love.

- That would be all for now, I'm glad I saw you again.

- Thank you father I will make you proud.

- I'm sure you will.

Julia left the castle for the garrison. Although she had her bedchambers ready she felt more like home togheter with her comrades.

Julia arrived and was greeted by her friend and second in command Camelia.

- How was the meeting princess?

- As you would expect, my father reminded me that I must find someone to marry, and that I should get to know people better. He thinks I do not see the people for what they are, and even people I save have a darker side.

- He ain't wrong. Anyway since we are here and to put what your father said into action, why don't we take a tour of the city, this should get you in touch with the people right?

- I suppose so. Come to think of it I never patrolled in the city. I always fought bandits or other creature in forests or caves.

- There are guards around the city and usually nothing notable happens. Well let's get moving.

The two of them started their patrol. While walking in front of the tavern they heard a glass shattering and entered the building. Two men were having a having a heated exchange and took a fighting stance with their fists.

- Is there a problem in here Julia shouted, with one hand on her sword.

The two men stood aside.

- Nothing I was just clumsy and dropped this mug. I will just for the mess and take my leave.

- Then I see no problem here.

After the encounter the two girls continued the patrol:

- These are the things that happen around, Camelia said.

- At least they respect the guards.

The two of them reached the slum area.

- There's nothing to see here expect homeless, drunkards, and crippled people, we should head back.

- Well my father said I should see people for what they are, I suppose I have to see for myself at least once.

- Alright but prepare yourself I heard the smell can be quite bad.

The two of them went in as expected people here seen better days. Camelia stopped by a child begging, she knew that any coin given would go for booze of his parents but food at least that he would eat. Julia heard a man moaning she approached the man asking:

- Are you in pain?

The man was masturbating head against the wall, as he heard the voice he turned around imagining an angel, lacking any shame, he turned around to see her.

Julia was disgusted to see the man, it was the first she saw, from an old man masturbating in her face. The cock was black and covered in precum the shape was curved, and the man just picked up the pace seeing the beauty in front of him. Before she could finish asking" what are you doing?", the man started spurting his semen towards her face. Julia put her hands in front of her stopping the semen from hitting her face. However her hand were now covered in the cum of the man. He started running before she could do anything. That seem to have worked for the man. Julia was still processing what happened and looking at the semen in her hands. It was smelling foul, intoxicating she knew she had to clean herself up. However her nipples grew stiff upon smelling it, her legs were trembling, her pussy leaked out some drops in her panties. Against her better judgment she put her hands closer to her face. Without realizing she sticked her tongue out towards the semen. She tasted it, it was salty, a strong taste thick she was guiding it through her mouth with the tongue before gulping it down. Camelia after finishing with the little beggar came to Julia asking her:

- What are you doing?

The voice broke her trance.

- Nothing, we should be moving, we should not be here. Clenching her fists.

- Finally you came to you senses. Let's get back to the garrison.

On the way back Julia sucked her thumb once out of the slum. Maybe this patrol was not so bad she got to know someone better.