
Chapter 8

"Then, I would like to invite you to live in the Kerheit household. Nearer me, out of the servant role, being prepared to be a princess." - Jensen offers to her.

Gracie is ecstatic. But soon felt overwhelmed. It was happening so fast. She hesitated for a minute. Then, spoke her mind.

"I have some possessions in my room, back in the Volosonova household. If you let me take it, I'd go right away with you to live at the Kerheit grounds." - she accepted.

"Let's go. If it is important to you, I'll let you keep as many things as you wish. Let's go, fast." - Jensen was nearing a collapse of so much excitement.

Once everything collected, they went towards the Kerheit household, which to Gracie was the real palace.

Inside, they were greeted by Queen Amar, Jensen's mother. Which got jawdropped to see Gracie.

In her, she saw the true essence of a princess and a shadow of the past.

"Mother, Queen, this is Gracie, my girlfriend." - he said, and giggled.

"Gracie...?" - Queen Amar got a question mark.

"Is just Gracie. I am orphan, and was adopted by the Volosonova household's staff." - Gracie explains the missing surname of a clan.

"Oh..." - Queen Amar is a bit shaken - "So, feel welcome in the royal household of the Kerheit, Gracie. If you mind, I'd like a word with my son.".

Gracie curtsied and left, scorted by a friendly servant towards her room.

"Son, she reminds me of something that occurred a time ago. Do you remember a portrait you draw of a girl you dreamed with every night?" - Queen Amar asks him.