
Chapter 10

"Yes, mother. I believe it is her. But I cannot pry all the information I gathered in all the dreams I had onto her." - he is relieved. Soon he was to put her on test, to see if she really came from his dreams.

"If really is her, she is perfect, not only to you, she is suitable to the Island too, for a princess. I feel strangely OK with her." - Queen Amar is sincere.

"Mom, this is all so meaningful to me. Thank you." - Jensen is somehow relieved - "I'll go after her.".

In her suite, Gracie is happy, beyond her understanding. Seemed like it was destiny to meet Jensen, being his future princess.

She is found by him, which, also happy beyond his own understanding, shared a kiss by the balcony of the suite.

They sat on the wooden bench by the bed, and Jensen did not know how to says his thoughts.

But he knew he could not stay any longer. So left, promising to come back later.

Minutes after, 3 maids came in with a box, full of new clothing and jewelry and some other gifts from all the household.

"My name is Amaya, and these are Taruka and No'ri, we are your ladies-in-waiting. These gifts are from all the Kerheit household, not only Jensen. Now, we want you to join us in the Harem, where a bath is being prepared." - her new scort is very excited.

"Hi girls, thank you for your warm welcome. From which families are you?" - Gracie makes an effort to know more about them.

"I am from the japanese, Kotsumoto, Amaya is from the spaniard, Valdéz, and No'ri is from the nigerian, Noomatoto. My sister, Kaori, had spoke wonders of you to me." - Taruka was as ecstatic as the others.

Gracie followed them to the Harem, chatting all the way.