
Princess and The Guards

knicol · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Wedding planning

Bella didn't get to leave her chambers ever but she did get to plan a wedding that would never happen. Gladio checked in one time while she was.

"Why are you planning when you know it won't happen?"

"Because that's the fun. Maybe you guys should steal me at the wedding. That would be fun, " Bella joked but Gladio took it seriously.

"That wouldn't be a bad idea actually. Everyone would have their guard down but that's another three months there, " Gladio was concerned.

"Oh well. It's another three months. I will be okay, " Bella reassured him and even drew a smiley face on her paper. She knew he could see it. "Plus it won't be a cheap wedding. No wedding of mine even fake will be cheap whatsoever."

That got Gladio to laugh. "I don't expect anything different."

"Good, I am the future Queen. I will look after my people but stylish just like every other Queen before me, " she laughed and she kept looking through things. "I need to get him to have dresses made for me. How many should I do?"

"You need at least two. No Queen would wear the same dress from the wedding at the ball after, " this got them both laughing and it was the only relief Bella truly had.. she needed to get the King though when a lady in waiting comes in.

"Don't you know what knocking is?" Bella shoot up out of her chair and stared at the lady in waiting.

"I am sorry my lady, " she curtsey but stayed that way. No one dares to upset the future Queen.

"What do you want?" Bella sighs and rubs her forehead.

"Well the King wants to see you in the throne room so I'm here to help you get ready, " she finally stood and started moving around to get everything together. "Also I put your dresses in while you were asleep."

"Okay. I can get ready on my own. You can leave, " Bella looked unsatisfied with the lady in waiting. She was disgusted with herself but how else would she get Arnold to question himself.

"His Highness ordered me to get you ready so I will be doing it today."

"Ugh of course he did. Whatever you can do my hair but I do my own makeup and I will pick the dress, " Bella walked over to her massive closet. She grabbed the first one she liked the best and set it aside.

She sat down and started her makeup and the lady in waiting worked on her hair. "How have you been my lady? You hardly leave your room."

"So Arnold hasn't told his court of this marriage?"

"He told us you were just acting out from stress of the wedding."

Bella laughed at that. She laughed really hard at it. "Pathetic man. I am being forced to marry him. This is not from the stress of the wedding. I want the kingdom to see how much of a coward a king truly is. Did he tell you the truth about me?"

"What's that my lady?"

"I am not even from this timeline. I am the Crown Princess of the neighboring kingdom and when I came to this timeline five years ago he stole my power. Well he stole my time traveling one anyways."

"I-i didn't know that. Does he have it?"

"That weak man? No it'd kill him. My time traveling power is too powerful for anyone else to hold. He's been killing guards to keep it from me," the lady in waiting gasped. He really had kept so much information from his kingdom.

"That's impossible. He would never do that to us.. "

"He has. I won't be able to get my power back but I'll get it back one day. He has sent so many of my kingdom's heirs back to this time to destroy my kingdom, " Bella finished her makeup and the lady in waiting quickly finished her hair.

"I am so sorry my lady. I never knew. No one knows... we all thought this is what you wanted."

"No it isn't. I have someone who was sent back to this time from my timeline that I would like to be back with but here I am. Marrying a tyrant pathetic man, " Bella stood up and went over to the dress. "I am truly not as terrible as I act. I am not a royal brat. I am trained in combat because my power is good for combat. If my kingdom ever goes to war, their Queen will be right beside them."

"If you can get out of this. Or is this your kingdom now? Will you fight for us like you would yours?"

"I am sorry but no. This kingdom isn't my problem nor is it mine. I will never pick up a sword to fight for this kingdom," Bella started to get changed and the lady in waiting helped her. "I am sorry for being insufferable. I wish it could be different."

"No I understand. I won't tell his Highness anything my lady. Your free to talk to me about anything."

"You don't have to tell him anything. He's got a coward of a mind reader. That's what the first tantrum was about. This time it'll be about getting the best seamstress to make me multiple wedding dresses to choose from to wear, " Bella sighs as she gets the dress on and let's the lady tie it up. It had a corset looking back but it was extremely beautiful to Bella.

Bella was in love with this dress. It was her favorite shade of blue and had gems all over it. "I don't think he'd have a mind reader look through my mind. I am a lady in waiting so nothing important."

"Yes but you interact with me so you are. Thank you for your help. Now I must go raise hell about a wedding I wish would never happen, " Bella sets herself. She must walk perfect without missing a step.

So that's what she does. Bella walks the whole hall but stops halfway. There are a lot of people in the hallway. More then any other time but oh well. She does what she has done everytime she reaches the huge throne room doors.

"I got it my lady, " her guard went to knock but she pushed him out of the way and threw open the door.

"I have more important things to do right now Arnold, " she huffed out.

"You look lovely today my dear. I just wanted to see my bride and have you sit next to me while I deal with some issues. Is there a problem with that? "

"Yes. You want a wedding in three months and won't give me the fastest and perfect seamstress to make me multiple dresses to try on, " she walked up to the thrones and looked at the one meant for the Queen. It was sad compared the the King's throne. "This should be a better throne. Why hasn't any Queen gotten the best throne?"

"Well that throne has been there for years. No one wants to replace it, " Arnold looked angry at Bella for suggesting to change it.

"I hate it. I want it replaced. Now someone does, " Bella made a disgusting look as she sat down on the throne. "I want it to be better then yours."

"That's not happening my dear. The King's throne is always the best."

"Not where I'm from. My mother's throne was always better then my father's. That's what a true king would do, " Bella sat back and looked at the doors. They hadn't been closed which was unusual.

"Whatever. I have to go through the prisoners and decide who to execute. I thought I would invite you to watch, " Arnold had a weird way of showing affection.

"Whatever," Bella said sassy. She was tired of this. Who has their bride sitting through criminal convictions anyways?

After about two hours it was over and Bella went back to chambers. She was met with the best seamstress finally.

"I want three dresses but I don't exactly know which I want. So you need to make nine dresses and I will pick three of them, " Bella didn't even bother with hello anymore.

"My lady that's a lot of work. Why don't we sit down and figure out what you want?" the seamstress curtsey as she talked and Bella rolled her eyes.

"I already did the sketches of the types of dresses I want. I didn't stutter, " Bella hands her the sketches and the seamstress left look stressed.

"Bella isn't that a little too many dresses? That poor seamstress isn't going to be able to do it all.." Gladio sent and Bella sighed and looked away from the door.

"Gotta be the wicked Queen. Can't do that unless I work everyone half to death. You heard me talking to the lady in waiting and I know you did. Not my kingdom not my problem right now."

"Speaking of your kingdom we have bad news from Jake about home... that's why I reached out," Gladio's voice changed and she felt Prompto there too suddenly.

"What? What's wrong with my kingdom Gladio? Prompto?" Bella demanded but didn't dare raise her voice.

"I knew you wouldn't look past me entering the conversation. Jake said there was an attack on the castle..... your parents didn't make it and your brother is being an active Prince but for obvious reasons he can't the throne." That broke Bella. She has said her parents were dead to get sympathy and she knew who was behind it.

"Darks wasn't it?" Bella managed to say without crying.

"Yea it was," Prompto confirmed it and there was nothing Bella could do about it.

"He truly is an evil king," was all she said. Bella laid down and shut out Gladio and Prompto. Her brother couldn't take the throne even if he wanted to. He's only fifteen which is too young. Bella just became of age for coronation. As soon as she returned she would become Queen. Well technically she was a Queen now.... that scared her more than anything. She missed five years of teaching from her parents.

I have been having trouble working on a chapter for this one because I have an idea but just don't wanna do too much in a chapter. Sorry it's a little bit of a sad one!

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