
Princess and The Guards

knicol · Fantasy
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19 Chs


A well known princess named Bella has been sent back in time by a horrible group out to end the Royal bloodlines. Not just normal ones but the magical bloodlines. Bella is the heir to the highest throne in the magic world. She is also the most powerful person in the whole world. She took advantage of her powers and nearly killed herself multiple times to become the best she could and typically no one dares to mess with her. Until one time when she time traveled to London, England 1993. She had been there for about 5 years, only 1 of those with her guard. Her time traveling power was taken almost as soon as she traveled there so she was stuck. Her guard was sent back by the darks which was merciful. Usually they just kill them.

Recently another group got sent there. They were Prince Notics and his guards Ignis, Prompto and Gladio. They were the Royal Family just below Bella's. They had no idea what to do. His guards, who have been guarding him since they were trained, were on the lookout for another dark to attack but none did. They were clueless as to were to go and what to do. So they started asking which was extremely dangerous of them to do.

Bella had already spotted them and knew of their arrival as soon as they time traveled. Her power may have been taken but she could still tell when others were time traveling. She could also send weapons to a storage place in what is called the void. Only her family could access the void but they had to be in the same time zone to be using the same one. Everyone thought she was dead in her timeline because she could have sent a note in the void. She only knew from her guard. She had a communication crystal which work through time, she has infused it with a small part of her magic but it wasn't enough to allow her to time travel. So she was truly stuck. She also had a place in the void she could go and she could go into her brother's because he was gone. She could move using the void small distances and fast which helped when she fought.

Now that she saw the four boys she made her approach. She acted like a normal person and ran into them and spilled something on Notics. The usual trick to get someone attentions. "Oh I'm so sorry. Here follow me and I'll get it cleaned off, " Bella acted very well.

"It's okay. I can get it taken care of later. I was wondering if you knew any of the magic places here. I seem to be stuck in this time zone, " Notics asked out right. That broke one of the laws for magic in this time zone if he was talking to an ordinary person. He was lucky this time.

"We don't talk about magic in public. I am here to escort you to the pub which people stuck here go. No more talking until we are in ally or I'll have to get the guards to deal with it, " Bella whispered and began to walk. They followed luckily. She knew they would listen, who wouldn't with her.

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