
Chapter 10: Leon The Great

Time passed and me, Valery, Mike and Jason were more friends then ever before. Everything was all normal too, that is, before one morning.

Me and the others were talking by the lockers. Jason being the one mostly talking to me, Valery was searching through instagram and Mike was listening and mostly silent, talking when he felt it necessary.

Mikayla and Mandy walked over to us,Mikayla walked from behind to Jason and hugged him tightly by the waist,he tensed. He turned around after gently prying the arms from around him and pulled back a bit of a distance from her.

"Mikayla? sup?" Jason said, Mikayla grinned widely then hugged him again, "haaaa~ you remembered my name... M-I-K-A-Y-L-A, sounds even better coming from you handsome" she cooed.

All three of us raised suspicious eyebrows, the fourth still on her phone,uncaring of the events around her. "Ohhh~~and Mike the silent knight, I'll be yours forever then me and Mikayla will be just as related as you and Jason!!!!" Mandy squeeled, her voice echoing through the halls as she hugged Mike who was trying to pry her away.

Several students stared, a look of awe in each of their faces, freshman taking pictures and Seniors conversing about the encounter.

"Cut it out, would ya?, im trying to enjoy my morning in this hell place called school i dont need you to make it worse Mandy" Mike hissed and Jason smiled while still trying to unsuccessfully pry Mikayla off of him.

"What exactly is going on here?" i asked, and heard a gasp from a person that would soon give me an answer. I looked at Valery, who was looking at her phone, her mouth wide. She was deep in shock so i took the phone and looked at its screen that had see through finger prints from Valery's tapping.

What i saw shocked me as much as it did her, front and center on an insta page i saw a picture of two boys, two very farmiliar little boys who looked exactly like- "Mike and Jason are princes?!!!" screamed Valery so loud that the students stared in confusion and others, who probably knew the situation, filled their friends in on the affairs.

Mike and Jason were flapper-gested,eyes wide as if they'd seen their lives flash before their eyes" w-what did you say?" Jason stammered, his composure lost as he and his brother stared at Valery, and i stared at the phone.

It was a picture of two boys, around 10 years, both had green eyes, and black hair, one had freckles while one did not, both clad in suits, the freckled boy wearing a grey suit while the other wore a blue one,they were surrounded by green showing they were in a big garden, primmed and prepped for such occasional pictures.

The sky was clear and in the back an elderly woman, wearing a green elegant dress with a boater hat just as green on her head, was passing buy. The two boys looked similar to each other just as much as they looked identical to each Mike and Jason, but what stood out most were their poses and expressions.

The boy in the blue suit was brooding and frowning, he looked angry and displeased, as well as unwilling to partake in taking the picture, his eyes looking away from the camera. His hands were in his pockets, his face slightly turned to the direction he was staring at intently and angrily.

The other boy in grey, was smiling although his smile seeming solemn and ever so untrue. That being said it was just as perfect as the one Jason had, with only one tooth missing from the set up front.

He stood a distance away from the boy next to him, also having his hands in his pockets, he faced the camera with no hint of reluctance. But what stood out more was the description of the picture by the person who had posted it.

"Beloved Brothers: Prince Mike and Jason Dayton", the Instagram page was recent but already had over 10 million followers with only 10 followings. There were several pictures like this one, a lot of childhood photos of Mike and Jason, and a few castles and mansions, cars and pools, yet whoever this was did not post a single picture of themselves.

Jason took the phone from me to take a peek at the source of the uproar. And he paled when he did, he passed the phone to Mike without uttering a single word.

Mike looked and he too paled, "what the hell-? Who the-?" Mike heeved, anger replacing the shock just as quickly. Jason looked at the crowd of students "Everyone there seems to be some mistake!, my brother and i are not princes' we are just-"

"Tsk tsk tsk, now now dont lie to them" said a smug voice behind us, interrupting Jason's clarification speech. We all turned to look at the source of the voice, it was a teenage boy around our age wearing a black suit with matching black sunglasses, even though they weren't needed indoors, he had pale skin and dark hair, styled in a shoulder length messy wavy bob cut, thin lips and a voice so sinister but calm.

Behind him walked a man in a black suite of his own with a wire coming out of its neck and into his ear, he was tall and big, his blond hair styled neatly and wearing the same matching sunglasses. Both of them walked towards us.

"hahahaha i was waiting for the news to come out for over a week now....its a lie, news doesn't travel fast, felt like decades before i could wreck some havoc around and you two gave me the perfect excuse" he snorted. Both Mike and Jason just stared as well me, Valery, Mandy, Mikayla and the other students.

He stopped in front of us along with the man,

he saw the many eyes staring at him in curiosity besides Jason and Mike, Jason was staring distantly and coldly while Mike was simply glaring and slightly grunting.

"Ah yes" he started, he took off his sun glasses and a set of dark green eyes were revealed, "I am Prince Leon Dayton, and im the one who posted those pictures of my beloved brothers because i missed them" he said, ending with his tone being sarcastic.

Everyone was silent, no one said anything and silence consumed the hallway, "prince?" Mandy thought outloud, "hmm-yes sweetie try to keep up" he said condescendingly, his entire demeanor screemed bad news dressed in black.

From the way he smirked smugly, the way his dark green eyes looked down on everyone around him, making him perceived as a superior figure to those around. Whatever his reasons for the sudden appearance, it was easy to tell they were nothing close to good.

His smile began to fade as the silence became thicker, "what's the matter brothers?cat got your tongues?...or maybe your scared!" he mocked. "Scared of a mouse trying to look tough by wearing more classy clothes?no offense but no matter what monkey suit you wear your still gonna reek of idiocy and weakness you mama's boy!" Mike hissed.

Leon went from looking neutral to glaring daggers at Mike and he did not hesitate to do the same. In mere seconds a glare-off had begun."Roach!" Leon yelled, "Heyyy, heyy on the bright side im not 'roaching' like you!" Mike retorted.

"So what? At least i put my natural charm to use, your just a hill billy!" Leon spat back, "And your mommy's suck up good boy who's got a brain the size of a peanut!" Mike yelled, "hey! it was one mistake i re-wrote it!!" and the insults kept going back and forth, round and round.

Until, "enough! both of you, this isn't the time nor is it the place" and there it was, Jason repremending both boys, he went from speaking like a teenager to sounding emperial and noble as well as comanding. Mike and the one called Leon went silent and glared at each other holding back any more insults.

"Leon what exactly do you want from us" asked Jason bitterly, not even a kind smile etched on his face, "what does it look like? Im here to make your miserable lives even more miserable! especially you Jase!, i have a bone to pick with you even more!!" he said.

"Tch just go back from the flames of hell you spawned out of you shrimp!" said Mike angrily, Leon glared "And you go back to being a vegabond, i dont even care if you die or not. Well no, thats wrong...." he said.

"I would actually care if you died.....It would mean one less embarrassing blood tie to get rid of, your an eye sore Mikey go jump down a sewer and die!, that would be most fitting way to go for scum like you" he snorted.

"You little waste of-" started Mike as he was about to walk to Leon and turn the fight physical, he was stopped by a raised hand from Jason. "We appreciate your visit, now then, when will you be leaving?" asked Jason, with a smile more fake and dark then the newby's suit.

Leon smiled "Now now, who said i am? As i said im here to make your lives a living misery and i will enjoy and savour it for as long as possible" he answered then laughed lightly.

And that day was the beginning of dark events. As the three boys glared at each other, the rest of us staring at all of them, not even the school bell waking us all up from our trances of confusion and for them their anger and hatred.

Five minutes later, five long minutes later, the teachers came, calling us all to classes and we went. Leon? well he wore his shades again and left, a dark evil laugh trailing behind him as he did.

I was shocked, we all were. That day may have been a mark for a downward spiral in our lives, or more so, Jason and Mike's. But it also could be a chance for them to gain clarity and face their past..

To be continued....