
Join Us.

"W-what is it? What do you want to know?"

He could practically feel his heart-wrenching in his chest. He hoped he made the right decision. They've faced hostile individuals before. It's one of the reasons their group was so small… After almost a decade of struggling they only had 13 people left. Just getting food to fill stomachs was usually a struggle… A few of them didn't need to eat, but that wasn't true for the majority.

Thankfully, there weren't as many dangerous mutated animals in these parts. The most abundant thing would be the Mole Rats. They were not that strong but one couldn't underestimate them.

When alone, they weren't very dangerous, and a well-equipped ghoul could easily kill one, But the problem is when they attack, they do it in numbers. If you don't kill them quickly they'll overwhelm you. This makes them a much greater threat… Something they've lost people to in the past. But fortunately, because of their presence, they have had a steady food supply throughout the years. Well, until recently that is. Not as many mutated animals have been showing up around the area… But when they did they could defend themselves pretty easily.

This current situation though? They didn't have any choice but to comply… Well, that isn't necessarily true. They could refuse the stranger's request… But if they become agitated, it may spell their doom… So choosing to cooperate with them was the safest option. Even so.

'What information could a mid-sized group like ours have that may be useful?'

Walter nervously looked at the man in Power Armor, every now and then he'd take a glance at the devil and the others following it. A bit further behind was a male and female ghoul…. The woman whose name he didn't know seemed to be sternly staring them down…. Probably trying to gauge their reactions. The man had a similar demeanor, however, he looked a bit more professional.

The Power Armored figure, who seemed to be a man, looked to the small devil and after a couple more seconds, He spoke once again.

"First, Let me thank you. We weren't really sure whether or not you would agree to answer our questions. Now that you have, we will likely be able to avoid any further troubles."

'Further troubles? Were they planning on attacking us if we refused their request? Or were they referring to the information we give them being helpful to them in the future? I'll just assume it was the second one.'

Walter coughed to clear his throat before repeating his earlier question?

"S-so, What did you want to know?"

The power armored figure paused for a moment before nodding his head and asking the first question.

"Alright, First, we would like to know what state we are currently in."

The state?

The surrounding ghouls were justifiably confused…..

'They must have been traveling for quite a long time to not know something like that.'

"We... are on the border between Oregon and California."

The armored man and the Demonic being again turned to each other…

'Are they whispering to each other? We aren't that far away, yet I can't hear a thing they're saying. Not so much as a mumble.'

"Thank you. Now, I assume you don't, but do you have any maps?"

Walter felt his heart drop at the question.

"Unfortunately, we have nothing like that."

"I see, that's a shame. Well, with the surrounding terrain the way it is, I doubt a pre-war map would be very helpful anyway.

'…Good, they didn't become hostile… I was worried that if I said something they didn't want to hear they'd immediately attack.'

He wanted to sigh in relief but he held it in. Thankfully, these people don't seem to be short tempered.

Still, Walter felt himself relax just slightly. At least now he knows they aren't trigger happy. That in itself was a good thing… Maybe they wouldn't mind if his group asked some questions of their own?

He was wondering whether he should try his luck and see if he can find out anything about the wastes, but before long the next question came.

"Do you know the location of any nearby Vaults in Nevada or California?"

It was this question that made the old man pause, The location of any nearby Vaults? What could they possibly want with that information?


'Ron',One of his old buddies he's known for 22 years approached him and whispered something into his ear with a suspicious tone of voice.'

"These guys can't be trusted. What if their ruffians? Wouldn't it be for the best to lie and tell them we don't know anything?"

Walter nodded at the suggestion.

He was right… Telling them nothing would be better than telling them something…. And to be honest He couldn't trust a group that roams around with such a devil-like creature.

Walter raised his arm, scratching the area his beard used to be before trying to casually shrug his shoulders.

"No idea."






This guy is a terrible liar… When I told Marcus to ask about the vault, the way they whispered to each other was way too suspicious… They hesitated to answer, then after speaking with each other they said they knew nothing? Then why didn't you just say that immediately? Why did they have to whisper to like that? Obviously, because they had to debate what should be said.

But come on…. Why the hell did he move in such an 'I'm lying' kind of way. Regardless, I should ask the others to make sure.

'Jacob, Jill.'

The two behind me flinched as I created the link.

'Tell me, Are they lying?'


'Your silence tells me they are.'

'.... Yes, they are.'

The voice of Jill sounded out inside my head.

'You don't need to be an expert to see that what he said was definitely a lie, But…'

Suddenly Jacob responded.

'Do you intend on hurting them? I don't think they meant any harm….'






Suddenly, the two staggered as they felt my strong annoyance flooding the connection. Their movements seemed to go unnoticed by the ones we were speaking to.

'I get it already… You are afraid. But why do you think Violence would be my first answer?'



'Well….. Y-you've killed everything we've encountered since we started traveling together. Even the peaceful animals. S-so we believed that you were bloodthirsty.


I cut the Mind Link after hearing Jacob's reply.

'.....They..... definitely have the right to think that. They still have normal common sense.'

Thinking about it I felt my annoyance start to slip. It was unfair to be angry at them. After all, it was understandable.

Even a seasoned veteran in the wasteland would find my actions very barbaric and savage. The 'kill everything in sight' doesn't make sense, to them, or to the world. It can't even be considered a good survival trait. They can't see the logic behind my actions. Unaware that I level up, That I gain Exp from the enemies I slay.

If a person that's right in their head sees you kill any and all living animals around you even if they're not a threat to you, they'll think you're some kind of sadistic monster.... To them, I was probably just killing for fun. They don't understand my common sense, And now they think I'm going to slaughter these people.'


I reestablished the Mind Link. My mind was clear again, it wasn't their fault… It was my own.


I didn't turn around and pretended to continue listening to Marcuses and the settlers' conversation. The other two again glanced towards me.

'There seems to have been a misunderstanding…. I can't tell you everything, but I can at least tell you this… I didn't kill those animals for no reason. Although, I do find fighting a bit fun…. I am not a 'very' evil person… Do not misunderstand, I am not saying I am good… I am neutral, leaning very slightly towards evil… Yet, not to an excessive degree. You can consider what I did to those animals earlier as a type of selfishness. That's it.'

'I never saw it as going around with the intent of slaughtering everything for fun if that's what you think, That has never been my goal….. I am not some sadistic mindless savage that only thinks about murder. I won't go deep into details, I have my own secrets,'

I was met with silence so I cut the link again… I'm not sure if they understood what I was saying… But either way, I would not stop myself from leveling up further in the future. At some point, I will encounter enemies that I must face. Like the brotherhood or the Enclave… And the way I am right now a few guys in power armor would be enough to kill me.

I didn't pay any attention to Jacob or Jill's reaction. Instead I brought my attention back to the strangers ahead of me.

"Is there anything else?"


I took that moment to speak.

The others looked at me… The ghouls still seemed to be surprised that I could talk, but I ignored it… I decided to speak for myself this time.

"Tell me, What direction is California in? We know we're on the border but we don't have any maps or compasses."

The ghoul with the cane then shakily pointed in another direction….

"If you just follow highway 37, not too far south from here It'd lead you towards California….also, If you don't mind, Can I ask a question myself?"


"I don't see why not."

"Yes then, I'd like to know where you've come from?"

'Not a hard question.'

"Well, we've been traveling for quite a long distance… I'm not sure what the place was called but where we came from, there were giant glowing trees everywhere. As for the others with me, they lived on a farm I didn't know the name of…"

Before the old Ghoul could answer Jill spoke up…

"We came from a farm about a couple hundred miles north from here near a small town called Josten"

"Josten!? Hundreds of miles? How? How could you travel such a long-distance? Haven't you encountered any dangers!? Our small group has been trapped in this area ever since the bombs dropped. The most we could do is scout the surrounding area a mile or two out."

Marcus, Jacob, and Jill all looked at me… After thinking it over for a bit I didn't believe there would be any problems if they so I nodded my head… And Marcus spoke up again.

"Well, You see… Setherrog, The….."

He paused. Then pointed at me.

"Him. He is very strong… Alongside him is his mother. With them, traveling around the wasteland has become relatively easy. He actually assisted me in…. No… He obtained this power armor for me. He can even grow food despite the heavily irradiated area, and although we don't need to eat he still makes traveling much easier. Every enemy we've encountered so far has been killed easily, even large mutated bears."

"What!? There's another one!? Mutated bears!?.... And growing food!? How!?"

When the ghouls belonging to the settlement heard everything Marcus said they were astonished…. And growing food? The little Deathclaw could grow normal food despite the radiation? How? That should be impossible with the current environment… Perhaps in a few years, but not now…


Suddenly out of nowhere one of the ghouls stepped out….

"Can we… Can we have some food!?…. It's been a week since the last time we ate… We usually eat the surrounding Mole Rats but they haven't been s-showing up recently."

The ghoul as well as some of the otters looked hopeful…. They seemed rather skinny… It seems the hunger made them forget their fear… The others that were still on guard must be the ones that don't need to eat...

'This…. Could be…'

"Well, I don't see a pr-"

Marcus started speaking up before I suddenly interrupted him….

"I will give you some food…."

"Huh?… That's… That, thank yo-"

"But. I will only give you a small amount…. If you want more than that…. Then, I want something in exchange."

"Setherrog! What are you saying we should-"

"No Marcus."

The Ex-soldier in power armor and I glared at each other.

"I. AM. NOT. A. CHARITY. And you are traveling with me… Not the other way around…. Do NOT forget that." 

I made sure to emphasize my words. Just because I allowed Marcus to have his way at the Auto-Joes facility didn't mean I would allow him to start making decisions and choosing for me.

This time it was Jacob's turn to speak up

"Then… Why did you help us?"

"Because, It was both my selfishness and my gratitude. You people played a part in saving my life… It is debt that I will remember forever. But…. I am not an angel… and I will never become one…"

Marcus looked away but I could see he didn't like what I was doing… Looking back both Jill and Jacob were the same.

The old ghoul spoke up….

"I can understand, Tell us what you want for the food…"

I pointed towards them.


Then back to myself.

"You must join me."

As I said those two words everyone including my own company was surprised.

I looked at my party.

"Did you already forget what I told you before? I want to create my own settlement. It is only natural that I start recruiting."

Judging by his posture, while the ex-soldier didn't think it was the noblest action, he actually seemed to like the idea… Well, isn't it better than demanding they hand their supplies over to us?…. He sighed and stepped forward…

"Very well, If that's what you want. Then, will there be anyone who wishes to join us?"

"Uhg, I-I'll go."

One of the settlers nervously raised his hand, before looking down in shame. He looked very slim… Some of his bones could be seen outlined in his skin.

'That was faster than expected.'

"What are you doing, Chase!? You're just going to leave? After all these years!? We built this place together!"

"Walter…. You heard them… They've been traveling the wastes for weeks now…. And look at them. They can obviously take care of themselves."

"That's no excus-"

"I don't want to be trapped here forever!… They even have a stable food source… Maybe it'd be easier for you to deny the offer, But for us? What about the ones that have to starve when there's no food left… The Mole Rats haven't been coming this way as much recently. How long? How long will we hold out for?…. It's already been a while since we last ate and I can't live like this anymore…

The old ghoul was so shocked that he even lost hold of his cane…

"But there's a demon among them!?"

'Ouch, I'll just pretend I didn't hear that.'

"I-I'll also go…"

One by one, all of the ghouls that needed food to survive started stepping away from their old group… It was like the domino effect… When one fell the rest soon followed.… Even though they still had an apprehensive look on their faces they slowly approached. Albeit, they glanced guiltily towards the remaining 4.

"God…. damn it."

The old ghoul fell to the ground….

Seeing so many of his old comrades walking away like that hurt.

'9 people? I didn't expect that so many ghouls would need to eat.'

Well, it's no problem… Though we'll need another Cart or two.

"Is that everybody?"

All the surrounding ghouls looked to the ground in shame… They knew what they were doing wasn't admirable. They were leaving their home…. Over a dozen people died just trying to create this place. But was wanting to live a better life really all that wrong? To most, It sure felt like it.

"A moment."

"Hmm? Jacob? What is it?"

"I'll go and speak with the ones that are left."






'How could they?….. How could they all just leave? We were all standing on the same side 5 minutes ago.'

The old ghoul was on his knees with his hands in the dirt.


Walter stilled. It wasn't a voice he recognized. Looking up, his gaze met one of the other two ghouls that were in the background. He didn't pay them much attention before.

"What do you want?"

The man gained not only his attention but the attention of the other three ghouls as well. They didn't even bother to put their guard up. They must have truly felt defeated. After All, they lost without even a fight.

"Why don't you join them as well? It would be better than trying to stay here with this small group…."

"And what about all of the people that created this place? Do you think we were the only ones!? There were more of us…. But so many died trying to grasp this hope. And finally! After so long we managed to turn the surrounding scrap into something that could shield us from the beasts outside… Do you just expect me to leave everything behind!? So suddenly!? Out of nowhere!?"

"Even if it would mean starving?"

"Even then!"

"Even if it would mean starving your comrades?"


The old man cut himself off before he could continue… He looked to Jacob with a bitter expression…. But that soon turned to anger.

"Then what about the efforts of everyone that died? My son… My son gave his life trying to build this place!" 

The words contained a bite to them.

Raising his hand he gently grabbed the old man's shoulder.

But Walter was having none of that. Snarling, he aggressively slapped Jacobs hand away.

"Don't try that shit with me!"

A small silence descended….

Reaching into his pocket… A small ornate box appeared in Jacobs hand. Opening it, he grabbed a cigarette and offered it to the ghoul on the ground.

"Will you just buzz the fuck off!"

The old man once again tried swatting at Jacob… But this time the ex-police officer retracted his hand before the impact.

"I can't say I know what you're going through. I've never had a kid before…. But… I was a kid at some point… I was a bit of a goofball… When I was younger I wanted to be a superhero.. They really interested me… Fighting and beating back their enemies time and time again… Always with a smile on their face. That's what I wanted to be… But one day….. Reality hit me in the face…" 

Looking up a bit he chuckled….

"Super powers don't exist. I was devastated… I would never be the guy that defeated the villains… The ones that looked cool doing it… It was impossible." 

"Walter remained silent… The other ghouls listening in…"

"So after a couple of years I settled for being the cool cop instead… I thought, as long as I could defeat all of the bad guys then that would be fine… That would be enough… That's what I told myself… but…" 


"From the very core, the entire country was riddled with corruption… I couldn't do anything… I was powerless… After all of the studying… After all of the training.. After passing every test… I realized it meant nothing… So I had to give up….. I couldn't be the cool cop either…."

"I was so upset… I felt like I wasted my life… If only I was a bit wiser and chose something else." 

Reaching down, Jacob stuffed the Nat Sherman cigarette in Walters chest pocket.

"But I didn't let that stop me… Even if I couldn't be cool in life… Then maybe I could be in death… So after watching a movie, I bought these cigarettes. That way, if I found myself dying one day, I could pop one of these babies into my mouth… Then I can at least go out like a cool guy… Like a movie character."

"I didn't allow my loss to affect who I was too much… Even though it felt terrible…."

"I'm not a very good story teller… But the moral is that, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot look forward. You will only ever continue looking back."

The old ghoul felt himself freeze at those words….


Grabbing the cane on the ground Jacob offered it to the old ghoul.

"Do you want to come with us or not?"

Walter stared at the cane….

He looked back at the structure that was his home for the last 20 or so years. Then he remembered everyone that died trying to build it. Finally, he looked back to the cane being offered to him.

Gritting his teeth he reached for the old stick…

'…..Goodnight Carl.'

End of chapter.