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Lokus held the door open for Sakari before slipping in behind her.

Allvain looked up from her desk when they arrived, a flicker of approval passing through her red eyes. If they had come, that meant that Sakari had become an Aspiring King, and that her Phylactery was slightly more useful than he was before. She felt much more confident sending them off on this mission now.

Sakari bowed her head to the branch leader, a movement that Lokus mirrored before turning to the elephant in the room.

"Why is she here?" he asked.

Endalia returned his look with a smug smile. "Because you can't be trusted just yet."

"We'll get to that," Allvain said dismissively. "First, you need to be briefed on your task. The humans who survived the transformation of Grimn's Finger are holed up together in a fortress they call Helannd. We need it, and them, gone."

"Why?" Lokus asked her. "What harm are they?"


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