
Prince Of Love

This story begins with a vampire prince who has lived for One thousand five hundred years. He encounters a girl who turns out to be the very girl he has been searching for all these years. How will their story unfold? Why has the prince been searching for this girl? What will happen next? Read on if you are curious about their tale...

Rindw · Fantasy
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11 Chs

7. Yujie’s Anger

As they stepped into the cafe, numerous pairs of eyes turned towards Xinjian in awe. Every woman present gazed at him with mouths agape, captivated by his unparalleled handsomeness, leaving them completely spellbound.

Witnessing the attention her brother was receiving, Yujie felt her anger simmering. The sight of every woman ogling him ignited a furious flame within her, each gaze feeling like a piercing jab, fueling her desire to retaliate.

"Brother, this place is terrible, I don't like it!" she exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice.

"Didn't you say earlier that this place was nice?" Xinjian asked, puzzled by her sudden change of opinion.

Yujie vigorously shook her head.

Although Xinjian was aware of the attention directed at him, it was nothing out of the ordinary to him.

"Brother, I wanted to..."

Before Yujie could finish her sentence, a cafe attendant approached to take their order.

"Excuse me, sir and madam, what would you like to order?" the attendant inquired.

"What do you want?" Xinjian asked Yujie.

"Anything, just match mine," she replied, clutching Xinjian's arm tightly.

Observing this, Xinjian smiled softly as he gently stroked Yujie's hair.

"Very well," Xinjian responded to the attendant.

The sight of Xinjian's smile seemed to captivate the women even more, as if they were under a spell.

"Ugh, who told you to smile!" she whispered, hastily covering Xinjian's mouth with her hand.

"Why? I'm only smiling because of your antics, you know," he replied, his voice muffled by her hand.

"No, you're intentionally smiling like that to charm those people, aren't you?" she accused, frustration evident in her tone.

"Oh, so your earlier attitude was because you were jealous of those women?" Xinjian retorted, his eyebrows raising in amusement.

"Who said that? I'm not jealous at all," she replied, attempting to appear nonchalant.

"Alright, alright, let's eat now," Xinjian suggested as a waiter approached to serve their food.

"Hmm," she responded curtly, her expression contorted to conceal her annoyance.

Despite the array of delicious dishes laid out in front of her, her appetite vanished instantly. Yujie found herself puzzled by her own emotions. Why was she so irked by the attention Xinjian received from other women? After all, Xinjian wasn't anyone special.

As she grappled with her thoughts, a woman suddenly approached them.

"Hey handsome, mind if I join you? Are you out for a stroll with your sister?" the bold woman greeted, closing in on Xinjian.

Yujie, witnessing the scene, became increasingly irritated and frustrated.

Noticing her expression, Xinjian's smile widened. It wasn't because of the approaching woman, but rather because of Yujie's adorable face.

Seeing Xinjian's smiling response, the woman grew even bolder and dared to sit beside him.

"Excuse me, ma'am, no one invited you to sit here. Oh, are you unable to find a seat? How unfortunate. But we'd prefer not to be disturbed," she said sharply.

Xinjian remained silent, showing complete indifference to the woman beside him. His attention was solely on Yujie, who looked cute when she was angry like that.

"Hey there, little sister... Why so upset? Your brother doesn't seem to mind if I sit here," the woman replied casually.

The woman was truly testing Yujie's patience.

"Ma'am, please refrain from being rude! Leave now before you regret it!" Yujie exclaimed, her face turning red as she struggled to contain her almost exploding anger.

"Handsome, why is your little sister so fierce?" the woman remarked to Xinjian.

However, Xinjian didn't respond at all. He just gave the woman a cold glance before returning his gaze to Yujie with an affectionate look.

Just as Xinjian was about to speak, Yujie took action first.


With her emotions already at a boiling point, Yujie sprayed her drink towards the woman.

Not satisfied with that, she poured all of her remaining drink onto the woman who had been warned earlier.

"Aarggg... You little brat, what do you mean by this?" she shouted, her voice rising in anger.

"I warned you to leave, but you didn't heed my words," Yujie retorted, not willing to back down.

She thought Yujie would be scared by the woman's shouting, but not at all. She was called a little brat when the woman was the one behaving like a brat herself.

Feeling annoyed, Yujie stormed out of the cafe without waiting for Xinjian.

"You dared to disrupt my peace; just wait, I will return and ensure you learn a lesson that will undoubtedly cause you suffering," Xinjian threatened, his gaze piercing as he addressed the woman who had upset his companion.

The intensity of his stare made it challenging for the woman to swallow.

Without hesitation, Xinjian swiftly chased after his companion, who had already departed from the cafe.

Fueled by her lingering frustration, Yujie grumbled continuously as they walked.

Xinjian merely responded with a smile, attentively listening to Yujie's complaints.

"My brother, always putting on a show, acting handsome, flirtatious, captivating everyone else," Yujie muttered, her feet pounding the ground in frustration.

"And then, I'm just his little sister! Am I really that insignificant? No way," she muttered again.

"And then, I leave and get abandoned. Shouldn't he be coming after me? Honestly... Xinjian is so oblivious, prioritizing that woman over me, so unfair," she lamented.

"Just our first outing and already facing so much competition," she grumbled incessantly.

"Competition for what?" Xinjian whispered from behind.

Yujie, recognizing the familiar voice, suddenly held her breath.

"Since when were you behind me?" she asked, scratching her head, even though it wasn't itchy.

"Since my darling girl here started complaining," Xinjian replied, tousling Yujie's hair until it was messy, making her look not worse, but even more adorable.

"Brother, I'm not a child anymore," he protested, not accepting being called small.

"In my eyes you are still my favorite little girl, Yujie," he said casually.

"I'm not a child anymore, I'm a big man you know," he shouted, still not accepting it.

"Yeah... Just big chest, small body," whispered Xinjian with a teasing face.

"Iihhh... perverted brother!" said Yujie.

"No, it's true, I saw your chest looked very big when you wore an open dress yesterday," he answered, still teasing.

"Ahhh sis... Never mind, don't talk about it anymore," he said, annoyed again.

"If my girl is a big girl, why does she still feel stiff when she kisses?" he asked again, still with a teasing look.


With one pull, Yujie's body was pressed against his body.

Without realizing it, Yujie, who had been grumbling all this time, had walked very far from the car, until he was on a quiet street.

"Want me to grow up now?" Xinjian asked in a whisper because the two of them were really close.

As if hypnotized by his smile and good looks, Yujie subconsciously nodded her head.

"You have to be my complete woman, when you grow up," he said in a serious tone.

"Bro-therr..." he called in a low tone.

"Is my girl all grown up?" Xinjian asked again.

"N-that's it sis" he answered nervously when he felt Xinjian's breath in front of his face.

"Brother, um..." Before he finished speaking, the chewy object was stuck right on his lips.

He crushed it slowly, so that the girl wouldn't run out of breath.

Yujie, who felt the kiss, really enjoyed it. Until the kiss lasted quite a long time.