
Prince Of Love

This story begins with a vampire prince who has lived for One thousand five hundred years. He encounters a girl who turns out to be the very girl he has been searching for all these years. How will their story unfold? Why has the prince been searching for this girl? What will happen next? Read on if you are curious about their tale...

Rindw · Fantasy
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11 Chs

3. Bad memories

Xinjian took a few minutes to reach his palace.

Yes ... He returned to the vampire world because he wanted to make a potion for his beloved.

When he arrived at the palace, his father approached him.

"My son, how are you? Is there any part of your body that is injured?" asked his father worriedly.

"Father, I am grown up now, don't treat me like a child anymore. Thank you for worrying about me, but I am fine. Those humans cannot hurt me," he explained to reassure his father.

"Alright ... I believe in you. Are you so busy in the human world that you have no time to come back to the palace?" asked his father with a curious expression.

"Yes, Father, I will tell you and everyone else later. Now is not the time. I am here to make a potion and then I will return to the human world," he explained clearly.

"Alright, my son, I will wait for the good news," said the king.

"Yes, Father. Where is Wang Jie? Have you seen him? And Mother?" asked Xinjian.

"He is probably in his usual place, and your mother is in the garden behind the palace," his father replied briefly.

"Okay then, I will go to the potion room first," he said as he walked out of his father's room.

After Xinjian left, Wang Jie arrived.

"Father..." he called.

"Wang Jie, where have you been?" asked the king, who was addressed as Father.

"In the usual place, is there something?"

"No, your brother was looking for you," replied the king.

"Where is he, Father?"

"In the potion room."

"Alright, Father, I will go to him," said Wang Jie, leaving to find Xinjian.

Wang Jie was Xinjian's cousin and best friend since childhood. It was no surprise that he called Xinjian's parents "Father" and "Mother" as well.

His own father had been gravely injured in a battle against demon forces, and since then, he had considered Xinjian's father as his own.

Upon entering the room, Wang Jie saw Xinjian busy concocting something.

He planned to surprise him from behind, but before he could, Xinjian had already sensed his presence and his plan.

"I know what you're thinking, you think I'm a stupid vampire," he said curtly.

He often spoke like that to Wang Jie.

It was their habit to argue whenever they met, though sometimes they were serious.

"Hehehe... Earlier, when I was outside, there was a crazy vampire looking for you," said Wang Jie, his tone shifting to serious.

"A crazy vampire? Who is it?" Xinjian asked, frowning.

"Si Ying, the one who's obsessed with you," Wang Jie replied briefly.

"Just ignore her... I don't care about her. As long as she doesn't commit any crimes in our territory, I don't care," he explained, turning around to leave.

"I need to go back, there's something I have to take care of in the human world. I'll tell you about it later, but I need to hurry now," he said, disappearing in an instant.


Entering the human world...

With a blink of an eye, Xinjian was already in front of his mansion and quickly went inside.

He swiftly walked towards the bedroom.

Upon entering, he saw his beloved awake and sitting on the bed.

Seeing this, Xinjian smiled and approached her.

"Take your medicine first... This is for your eyes to heal quickly," he advised, coaxing her like a child.

Wanting to recover soon, Yujie complied and quickly drank the medicine.

She tasted an intense bitterness that made her feel like vomiting.

"Bitter, isn't it? Don't worry, the bitterness will fade soon. Now, lie down so I can apply this to your eyelids," he said, proceeding to apply the eye medicine.

"Do you feel anything?" he asked. Yujie nodded.

"It's very cold," she replied honestly.

"Yes... That sensation will help your eyes recover, but remember, don't force them open; let them open on their own," he explained.

"Yes, sir," she replied with a faint smile.

"Yujie, listen to me, I will protect you from anyone, and I promise myself that. So don't doubt me... okay?" he reassured her.

"Yes, sir," Yujie answered.

"Don't call me 'sir'... Just call me Xinjian."

"B-but..." she replied hesitantly.

"Just call me by my name... No objections!" he said firmly.

Hearing this, Yujie immediately looked down and nodded slightly.

"Forgive me... I didn't mean it like that. I didn't want to yell at you, I just want you to follow what I say," he said, feeling a bit guilty.

"O-okay," she answered submissively.

"May I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"'Big brother?'" It was the first time he had heard that term.

"Um, can I call you 'big brother'?" she asked, still looking down, afraid that Xinjian might get angry again.

"Alright, whatever you prefer... just not what you called me earlier," he replied gently.

"Thank you, big brother."

"I want to know, who was the person who locked you up in that old house?" Xinjian asked, curious.

Hearing this question made her expression turn sad again.

"Alright, if you're not ready, you don't have to explain it now," Xinjian said compassionately.

"No, big brother, I will tell you. Many people said I was a cursed child, just so you know," she replied honestly.

"Alright, you can tell me, but don't cry," he said. He couldn't bear to see her sad again.

"Okay, big brother... I don't know exactly how long I was locked up there. My mother died when I was ten years old. After she was gone, I lived alone, wandering without direction or purpose. My life was like that of a beggar, with no place to call home, and I survived on the charity of others," Yujie said, her emotions making it difficult to hold back her sadness.

"If you're sad, I'll have to punish you," he threatened.

"What punishment?" Yujie asked.

"Do you want me to punish you?" he asked back.

"No," no one wants to be punished, and neither did Yujie.

"Alright then, you'll find out if I punish you, so don't ask if you don't want to be punished," he explained.

"Okay," she replied, resigned.

"Can you continue your story?"

"Before my mother passed away, I lived in a rented house with her. One day, I helped an injured middle-aged man (uncle) and brought him home because he was in a very bad condition. I struggled to guide him. When we arrived home, I laid him on the bed and left him for a moment. But when I came back to see him, the man was already gone, disappeared without a trace. I didn't mind that, but the problem was, he made a mess of everything in the house, and I got scolded by my mother for it. It was so rude," she recounted with a frustrated expression.

"What's this? My face isn't that old to be called 'uncle' so casually," he thought, also annoyed at being considered old when he was still so handsome.