
Prince of Kidon

Aggressive, cold-hearted, and ruthless, he is a feared monster, a beast. Rumors circulate that he transforms into a wolf at night, hunting for souls. His hands are stained with blood, his soul echoes with the cries of his people. Despite the atrocities he's committed, no one dares oppose their prince, fearing a brutal demise. His life is a canvas of agony, hatred, and remorselessness; mercy and forgiveness are foreign concepts. Love, care, and sorrow elude him, while causing pain to others becomes his favorite pastime. Among all he could grasp, a little dove remains beyond his reach. This elusive huntress of his dreams, the only fear he harbors, must be found. Despite his journey through the darkness, the end of the tunnel remains elusive. Will he reach his destination? Will the dove fly into his life on its own, or must he craft its arrival?

Pabay · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Shadows of Betrayal

General Crion sat on the porch of the secluded house, his eyes scanning the surrounding area with a wary intensity. He could feel the weight of his actions pressing down on him, but instead of guilt, a sense of anticipation stirred within him, fueling his hunger for power.

As he waited, the air around him seemed to thicken, heavy with the foreboding presence of the three figures who materialized before him in a sudden swirl of shadows. Their nude-colored robes billowed around them, their faces obscured by the deep hoods pulled low over their features.

Crion bowed his head respectfully as the man in the middle spoke, his voice commanding and insistent. "Have you brought us any information regarding the Royals ?" he asked, his tone brooking no argument.

Crion hesitated for a moment before responding, weighing his words carefully. "Yes," he admitted, his voice steady despite the nerves that churned in his stomach. "The Prince has been preparing for war, devising strategies to defend the kingdom against potential threats."

The figure to the left of the speaker scoffed incredulously. "And you intend to follow through with his plans?" he asked, his voice dripping with disdain. "Have you no ambition, no desire for power?"

Crion bristled at the accusation, but he knew that he could ill afford to show weakness in front of these formidable beings. "It's not that simple," he replied, his voice tight with frustration. "The Prince's plans are well thought out, and to defy them would be to invite disaster."

The figure on the right regarded him with a cool detachment, his gaze piercing even through the shadows of his hood. "Disaster is relative," he remarked cryptically. "But if you wish to secure a higher position within the kingdom once we take control, you would do well to heed our advice."

Crion felt a cold shiver run down his spine at the implied threat, his mind racing with the implications of their words. He had aligned himself with these shadowy figures in pursuit of power, but now it seemed that his fate was no longer his own to control.

With a heavy heart, Crion nodded in agreement, his resolve hardening despite the doubts that lingered in the back of his mind. "I understand," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I will do as you say."

And with that, the three figures vanished into thin air, leaving Crion alone with his thoughts and the weight of his decisions bearing down upon him like a crushing weight. As he sat in the darkness of the porch, he knew that the path ahead would be fraught with peril, but he was determined to see it through to the end, no matter the cost.

After a while had passed, he stood up and left. Crion emerged from the shadowy depths of the forest, his mind consumed by thoughts of power and betrayal. The encounter with the three enigmatic figures lingered in his thoughts like a dark cloud, casting a pall over his every step. Mounting his horse with practiced ease, he urged the steed forward, setting a course towards the palace where his destiny awaited.

As he rode, the cool morning air whispered through the trees, carrying with it the scent of earth and foliage. The rhythmic sound of hooves against the dirt path echoed in the stillness, a steady cadence that matched the pounding of Crion's heart. He knew that every decision he made from this point forward would shape the fate of the kingdom, and he was determined to see his ambitions realized at any cost.

Arriving at the palace grounds, Crion dismounted and strode purposefully towards the training grounds where his soldiers honed their skills. The sun had barely begun to rise, casting a golden hue over the sprawling field where men and women alike sparred with swords and practiced their formations with precision and discipline.

As Crion approached, he was met with a chorus of salutes and respectful nods from his subjects. Their loyalty was unwavering, their dedication to their training evident in the sweat that glistened upon their brow. But little did they know that their efforts were being exploited for a darker purpose, one that would ultimately lead to their own downfall.

With a grim determination, Crion surveyed the scene before him, his gaze lingering on the faces of the soldiers who looked to him for guidance and leadership. They were brave and loyal, unaware of the treachery that lurked in the shadows, manipulating their every move for the benefit of those who sought to betray them.

As he walked among them, Crion couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt gnawing at his conscience. These men and women had entrusted him with their lives, believing that he would lead them to victory and protect their kingdom from harm. Yet here he was, plotting their downfall in service of his own ambitions.

But as he watched the soldiers train with unwavering determination, their swords clashing in a symphony of steel, Crion felt a sense of resolve settle over him like a heavy cloak. They may have been unwitting pawns in his game of deception, but they were also his greatest asset, the key to unlocking the power he so desperately sought.

With a nod of approval, Crion signaled for the training to continue, his voice carrying across the field with authority. The soldiers redoubled their efforts, spurred on by the knowledge that their General was watching over them with pride and admiration.

But deep down, Crion knew that his intentions were anything but honorable. He had betrayed his kingdom, his comrades, and himself in pursuit of power.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, casting long shadows across the training grounds, Crion made a silent vow to himself. He would train his soldiers to be as strong and formidable as he was, molding them into an unstoppable force that would crush all who dared to stand in their way.

And when the time came to unleash his army upon the kingdom he had once sworn to protect, General Crion would be ready. Ready to seize power, ready to conquer, and ready to betray all those who had ever dared to oppose him.