
Prince of Kidon

Aggressive, cold-hearted, and ruthless, he is a feared monster, a beast. Rumors circulate that he transforms into a wolf at night, hunting for souls. His hands are stained with blood, his soul echoes with the cries of his people. Despite the atrocities he's committed, no one dares oppose their prince, fearing a brutal demise. His life is a canvas of agony, hatred, and remorselessness; mercy and forgiveness are foreign concepts. Love, care, and sorrow elude him, while causing pain to others becomes his favorite pastime. Among all he could grasp, a little dove remains beyond his reach. This elusive huntress of his dreams, the only fear he harbors, must be found. Despite his journey through the darkness, the end of the tunnel remains elusive. Will he reach his destination? Will the dove fly into his life on its own, or must he craft its arrival?

Pabay · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Athena stood in a trance, captivated by the grandeur of the royal palace. She might have forgotten the purpose of her visit if Mr. Collins had not gently tapped her arm and called her name. Awakening from her reverie, the admiration in her eyes dimmed slightly. She reflected on the palace's beauty, but her thoughts turned gloomy as she considered the treatment of its citizens, particularly in light of her father's predicament.

She slowly turned towards Mr. Collins and gave him a reassuring smile. Once he was satisfied she was all right, he walked ahead, with Athena following closely behind as they navigated through the crowd. This was the first time in ten years that Athena had visited the royal palace. Her last visit had been for the grand celebration the King held to mark his victory in the great war against the kingdom of Dratch.

They walked towards a different section of the royal palace, a vast complex of numerous grand buildings. Kidon was renowned for having the most magnificent royal palace in the world. It boasted the finest facilities and was adorned with ornaments crafted from gold and silver, reflecting immense wealth and opulence.

They slowly entered a vast building, marked by a grand statue of the King prominently placed before the entrance. Athena quietly followed behind Mr. Collins as they navigated through numerous halls. People moved about continuously, a clear indication that they were not alone in attending to pressing matters. The constant flow of individuals underscored the palace's role as a hub of significant activity and decision-making.

As they passed through the corridors and lavish halls, Athena marvelled at the palace's glory each corner telling a story of unbeatable grandness and luxury. The sheer richness of the place was beyond imagination, making it evident why Kidon's palace was held in such high regard globally.

Mr. Collins gradually stopped before a vast, imposing door guarded by two royal guards. After explaining his purpose to them, one of the guards instructed him to wait, which he did with patient composure. The guard disappeared behind the door and returned a few moments later, nodding to Mr. Collins, indicating that he could proceed. Mr. Collins thanked him quietly, receiving only a brief nod in return as the guard resumed his stoic watchfulness.

Athena followed closely behind Mr. Collins as they entered the room. Inside, the atmosphere was charged with an air of authority and importance, befitting the office of a major dignitary. The furnishings were luxurious, with rich textiles and detailed carvings adorning the walls.

Behind a long, polished table sat a distinguished middle-aged man dressed in a rich, red robe. He was engrossed in a stack of documents, but the sound of visitors entering his office made him pause. As he looked up and recognized Mr. Collins, a warm smile spread across his face.

"Collins, it's so good to see you. How long has it been since we last met? How is your superior, Ren doing?" Major Abner asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Collins responded, "It has indeed been a while. Unfortunately, Mr. Ren has been on a lengthy journey and has yet to return. He's been quite busy lately."

"I suppose all the work falls on you now. Come, have a seat. And who is this fair lady with you?" Major Abner inquired, his eyes shifting to Athena.

"Major Abner, this is Athena. We have a pressing issue, which is why we are here to seek your assistance, sir. I hope you can spare us some time," Collins explained.

As they sat down, the room's grandeur seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a palpable tension. Athena felt the weight of the moment, aware that the conversation to follow would be crucial for her and her father.

"Major Abner, this fair lady has lodged a complaint regarding her father, who has been missing for nearly a week. According to her, the last time she saw him was last Friday when he left for his vegetable farm, never to return. Upon seeking assistance from the Security Council, we discovered that her father had been taken by the palace royal guards. Despite sending a letter requesting permission to visit him, our request was denied.

Understanding the anguish this young woman and her little brother are enduring, we felt compelled to come here personally to seek your audience. We humbly ask you to allow us to see her father or at least inform us of the crime for which he has been detained," Mr. Collins explained earnestly.

Major Abner remained silent for a moment, his expression contemplative. After a deep breath, he addressed Mr. Collins with a grave tone.

"Collins, as a member of the Security Council, you are undoubtedly aware of the challenges involved in seeing someone detained by the royal guards. Such individuals are typically accused of directly disobeying the King's orders, making it nearly impossible to secure an audience with them without the King's clearance permission. However, given the gravity of the situation and my respect for your superior, I will ask to seek an audience with the Crown Prince to request permission for you to see her father". Major Abner assured.

He went on "Understand, though, that even with my intervention, there is a significant chance we might be denied. The protocols surrounding such matters are strict, and the Crown Prince's decision is ultimately final. Nonetheless, I will do my utmost to assist you," Major Abner assured, his voice filled with determination yet tempered by the reality of the situation.

Athena's eyes reflected a mix of hope and apprehension as she listened. The room fell into a thoughtful silence.

Clearing her throat gradually, Athena spoke up, her voice trembling slightly but firm. "Major Abner, please forgive my intrusion, but is there truly no way I could be allowed to see my father today, even before you seek permission from the Crown Prince?"

Major Abner regarded her with a mixture of sympathy and firmness. "Fair lady, matters concerning the Royal Dungeon fall strictly under the judgment of the royals. My duty as a Major is to protect the dungeon and its prisoners, not to grant access. Immediate visitation is beyond my authority unless I secure permission from the Crown Prince".

He however continued "While I understand your distress, the protocol is clear. The only exceptions are cases deemed exceptionally dire, which, unfortunately, yours does not meet by current standards. I will, however, speed up my request to the Crown Prince and do everything in my power to facilitate a meeting as soon as possible," Major Abner explained, his tone both compassionate and unyielding.

Athena's shoulders sagged slightly, her hope dimming but not extinguished.

"We deeply appreciate your efforts, Major Abner. We will take our leave for now and return later. We eagerly await your response and hope it will come swiftly," Collins said, his tone respectful yet urgent.

Major Abner nodded solemnly, and Athena, alongside Collins, exited the room. Athena's footsteps were heavy with sorrow, her heart weighed down by sadness.