
Prince of Kidon

Aggressive, cold-hearted, and ruthless, he is a feared monster, a beast. Rumors circulate that he transforms into a wolf at night, hunting for souls. His hands are stained with blood, his soul echoes with the cries of his people. Despite the atrocities he's committed, no one dares oppose their prince, fearing a brutal demise. His life is a canvas of agony, hatred, and remorselessness; mercy and forgiveness are foreign concepts. Love, care, and sorrow elude him, while causing pain to others becomes his favorite pastime. Among all he could grasp, a little dove remains beyond his reach. This elusive huntress of his dreams, the only fear he harbors, must be found. Despite his journey through the darkness, the end of the tunnel remains elusive. Will he reach his destination? Will the dove fly into his life on its own, or must he craft its arrival?

Pabay · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


After Mr. Clovis left, the tension between Meshak and Oraion hung palpably in the air as they gathered in Oraion's chamber. Anxious anticipation coursed through Oraion's veins as he awaited his brother's words, his nerves tense with fear, fearing he would be rebuked for his earlier admission of unreadiness.

Standing before his brother, Oraion braced himself for the scolding he anticipated, his heart hammering in his chest with every passing moment. He had expected Meshak to reprimand him, to admonish him for his perceived lack of readiness to assume the kingdom's duties.

Yet, to Oraion's surprise, Meshak's response was not one of anger or disappointment, but of unexpected tenderness. With a gentle pat on his younger brother's head, Meshak offered words of reassurance, his voice infused with warmth and understanding.

"Oraion," Meshak began, his tone gentle yet firm, "I understand that this is a troubling prospect for you. But I want you to think about our parents and how they would feel knowing that their youngest son is preparing to take on the kingdom's duties."

As Meshak's words hung in the air, Oraion felt a wave of relief wash over him, replacing the tension that had gripped his chest moments before. He looked up at his brother, his eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty.

"Thank you, Meshak," Oraion murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I... I truly appreciate your understanding."

Meshak smiled warmly, a reassuring glint in his eyes. "We are in this together, and I will always be here to support you."

The brothers stood in silence for a moment, the weight of their shared responsibilities hanging heavy in the air. Finally, Oraion broke the silence, his voice uncertain but determined.

"But Meshak, what if I'm not ready?" he asked, his brow furrowed in concern. "What if I make mistakes, or disappoint everyone?"

"Oraion, none of us are ever truly ready for the challenges that life throws our way. But it's how we face those challenges that defines us. And I have every confidence that you will rise to the occasion." Meshak spoke.

Oraion nodded, his heart lighter knowing that his brother believed in him. "Thank you, Meshak. I will do my best."

With a reassuring squeeze of his brother's shoulder, Meshak offered one final smile before taking his leave, leaving Oraion alone with his thoughts.

With Meshak's words echoing in his mind, Oraion took a moment to reflect. He sifted through his thoughts, weighing the implications of his brother's reassurance. Slowly, a sense of clarity began to settle over him, dispelling the doubts that had clouded his judgement.

As he considered Meshak's perspective, Oraion realised the truth in his brother's words. Their parents, if they were still alive, would have undoubtedly taken pride in seeing their youngest son stepping up to shoulder the responsibilities of the kingdom. They would have found solace in knowing that Oraion was committed to doing everything in his power to improve the kingdom and uphold its values.

With a newfound sense of resolve, Oraion nodded to himself, his heart filled with determination. If he wanted to honour the legacy of their parents and contribute to the betterment of the kingdom, he would need to embrace the challenges that lay ahead, no matter how daunting they seemed.

"Yes," Oraion whispered to himself, the weight of his decision settling over him like a mantle. "I will do whatever it takes to make them proud."


As Meshack returned to his room, he waited until dawn broke. With the first rays of light, he embraced his inner beast, allowing the transformation to consume him entirely, his body shifting into the form of a lethal werewolf. Breaking free from the confinements of the palace, he ventured into the dense, shadowy depths of the forest, guided solely by primal instinct.

Moonlight filtered through the canopy, casting an eerie glow upon his fur as he moved with a predatory grace, his senses attuned to every rustle and whisper of the wilderness around him.

Meshak sprinted until he neared a quaint cottage, where he concealed himself behind a towering tree and resumed his human guise. Peering intently through the window, his gaze fixed on the enchanting sight within: a lovely figure singing softly a lullaby to her sleeping sibling, oblivious to the watcher in the woods.

Meshak's gaze lingered on Athena, his eyes absorbing every delicate detail of her beauty. Not only his human self but also the wolf within him was captivated, drawn by her enticing scent even from afar. Athena, lost in her own thoughts, remained unaware of the hidden observer amidst the dense foliage, his hungry eyes fixed on her with a mix of intensity and desire.

As the moments stretched, Meshak's heart pounded in his chest, torn between the urge to reveal himself and the fear of frightening the object of his fascination. He watched as Athena, with a graceful flick of her hand, commanded Nikolai to rest, her voice soft yet commanding.

The realisation that Athena was vulnerable, even in her own home, stirred something primal within Meshak. His instincts urged him to protect her, to shield her from any potential harm.

As Athena rose from her perch and glided out of the room, Meshak remained hidden in the shadows, his eyes tracing her every movement with an almost desperate longing. He knew he should leave, to retreat back into the safety of the forest and erase any trace of his presence. Yet, he couldn't tear himself away, captivated by the ethereal beauty of the woman who had unconsciously captured his heart.

As she carefully ensured that every item in the room was neatly arranged before retiring for the night, she felt a yearning to immerse herself in the calmness outside. With a deliberate decision, she walked onto the porch, seeking comfort and reflection amidst the captivating beauty of the nighttime scenery. Bundled up in layers of warm clothing to fend off the biting chill, she settled into a comfortable spot, allowing herself to be enveloped by the crisp night air.

Gazing into the distance, her eyes wandered across the sprawling expanse of the forest, its mysterious allure captivating her senses. Lost in the mesmerising view, she was suddenly jolted from her daydream by a faint movement that caught her attention. With unwavering focus, she fixed her gaze upon the spot, anticipating the emergence of whatever had moved in the darkness.

Moments later, Meshak, aware of being caught, emerged from the shadows with a calm demeanour, surprising Athena with his unexpected presence. Taken aback by the appearance of the stranger, she was flooded with a mix of emotions, recalling their previous encounter. Her heart unknowingly started to beat faster than its usual pace.