
The power


A teen with a messy black, Angular Fringe haircut, black eyes and defined jawline blink at the glowing orb hoving in front of him.

The whole space around him was just darkness and the only sources of light were the glow from the orb.

"I said, you're dead, boy" the light from the orb radiates more as it talks.

"You can speak this whole time?" Poe question.


For the past while, he has been wondering how he got here and the thing didn't even so much as utter a sound, it would save him a lot of time and confusion.

Poe sigh, he kind of guess he was already dead since he's still in the hospital clothes and the last thing he remembers was blacking out while the nurses were rushing into the room.

"What are you and why am I here?"

"What I am, doesn't matter" the orb unemotionally replied, "But what does matter is you get to live again with some wishes."

"For real?" Poe asked in delight.

"Yes." The orb of light expands slightly and a screen filled with titles projected out of the orb, "Those of names of the worlds you can live on again."

Looking closely at the names, Poe recognizes some of them are from fiction. From movies, all the way to novel.

Knowing where this course is heading, Poe reaches out his hand, "Wait. Can I not choose what world I'm going to live in?"

"No." Just like that, Poe couldn't argue back as the names on the projector begin to move in blurs.

Going into another world with cool power, now that a fun time but the world he wants to go into is pretty safe.

"The world I want to reborn in is from the anime (Food Wars)" he has alway like food and wants to go Japanese to try the food there but well, that didn't work out. He could go to Toriko's world but it a bit dangerous and he don't like the odd.

Lovin smile as he thought of his wishes,

"For my wishes..."


"Then, are you ready to go?" the orb ask after hearing the teen desires.

"Wait, before I go. Can you allow polygamy just in case." Lovin stand up,

"Also, can you drop me off at Totsuki when Erina is giving the entrance exam and just make my background, an orphan."

"Very well, is that all?"

With a nod, Lovin's body just vanishes without any notices of anything happened.


Feeling like he awake from asleep, Lovin found himself in a group of people and in front them was two girls talking, they are Erina Nakiri and Hisako Arato.

Self-inspecting, he finds he already in a black uniform. Feeling his face and hair, it sees it still the same.

While he was lost in his own world, the group of teens scream and ran out of the room but a boy in red hair was able to grasp someone and ask what going on.

Taking a deep breath to collect yourself, Lovin walks up to the two girls and stop at the blonde one.

"You are Nakiri Erina, also know as the God Tongue?" Lovin gives out the best charming smile he got.

She crosses her arms and pushes out her chest, "That right and why are you still here?"

"My names is Lovin. Even since I saw you, the feeling of love has been in my heart"

Holding out his hand, Lovin ask, "Would you go out with me?"

Her face turns into a shade of run and her arms drop, "What-no! How could you ask something like that so suddenly, you idiot!"

"What...it is my face?" Lovin back away with a look of shock.

He was confident in his look, was he wrong? "This change everything."

"No! you idiot, how could you ask someone out when you just meet...a lest wait a bit to get to know each other" at the end, her voice drops so low that no one could hear her.

"Oh, thank god" Lovin touch his chest and give a sigh of relief but on the inside, 'so this what it's like to be rejected, it kinda hurt.'

He then quickly changes his demeanor to a cheerful one,

"Anyway, I'm just playing with you, I'm here to take the test but if anytime you change your mind and want to go out, I'm here."

Erina was still a bit flustered but she was able to get her self under control when she hears the word test and remembers why she was here in the first place.

"Why didn't you just said so, instead of all those nonsense," she said with some anger in her voice, "Anyway follow me."

As she turns to leave, a voice speaks up, "Hey, I'm also here"


In the cooking room, Erina explains what the task is to the two boys who stay behind even though they knew she's the one giving the exam.

"You can cook whatever you want as long as you use egg but are sure you want to do this, you-"

She was cut off when Soma put his hand on her shoulder and sigh in relief, "Oh man I was really worried! I thought you would fail us before we even start cooking."

"Back away!" he was suddenly pushed back by Hisako, "Do you know who she is?!"


"She is the top of her class in the junior high division and the youngest member in the Totsuki Elite Ten Council, the highest decision-making body in the academy, in the academy's history: Nakiri Erina-sama!"

"Wow, that impression" Lovin claps his hands, "and just as you are beautiful."

"Of course, I am" Erina flips her hair back and smirk.