
Chapter 4: Living With an Elf


Before I could say huh a third time, I'm transported, along with Smokey, to the front door of Aren's room.

But I'm not the only one there. 2 elven guards stand at the sides of the door. More like a gate if you ask me.

Worse still, I think I'll go blind from the gold they're wearing. It clashes horribly with the pleasant blues of the hallway.

"H-Hi." I say timidly.

And nothing. What did I expect from guards? I pick up Smokey and start toward the door. Hoping they don't stop me.

Okay Maria, you're in a fantasy world and the soul mate of the son of the Archmage. Things can be worse. He can be reasonable, nothing like...

I put intrusive thoughts out of my head and simply knock.


"E-Excuse me, guards, is Aren inside?"


Right...guards. F*ck it.

I push the door and it surprisingly opens up for me.

"Sorry for the intrusion." I said.

The inside of the room looks nice. Clean and less extravagant than the rest of the place. Still have splashes of blue and gold here and there.

A bed in the corner, a private bathroom, and a closet. But the main piece is the center dining area. This room is actually large enough to contain a table for 3 and a couch.


"I don't think gave I you permission to come in."

"Oh I'm sor-"

Holy abs!

"Why are you in a towel!?"

I turn away while covering the innocent eyes of Smoky.

"Do humans not take showers?"

"Of course we do! But don't you feel shame walking around like that?"

"Last time I checked, this is my room."

"Ah...you're right. Sorry..."

"It's fine, your room is being prepared. Stand outside for a few minutes and it will be prepared."

"If that's the case, why did your dad teleport me here? He even said I'll be living with you."

"Technically you will be. There will be nothing but a door separating us. It should be appearing in about-"

Suddenly, a door magically appears on the wall to my left.

"There it is. But it's only for show, father is probably still making the room itself. So don't try to open it unless you want to be swallowed up by some black void."

"O-O-Okay, good to know. I guess I'm not used to all this magic."

"You...don't have magic where you come from?"

"No, that stuff only exists in stories and fairy tales."

"That's...horrifying. I pity you. Anyway, you can look now, I have a robe on now."

I do as he says and he's right. He's wearing a simple robe, heavy blue with golden outlines. Also a strange symbol on the chest of it. With him sitting on a dining chair while sipping what I assume to be tea, he really does look like royalty.

"So was that all or are you just going to continue staring at me?"

"O-Oh, no sorry. I'll just go outside and wait for my room to be finished. All alone with those guards with nothing to do to pass the time but wait."

I begin to walk away slowly, hoping he takes the bait.

"Fine, you can stay. I should probably tell you more about this world you're stuck in."



I sit across from Aren and once again I'm blown away by his good looks.

No, I got to stop thinking about that. It's like they-

"I need to know something." I said.

"Go on, ask away."

"Did you or anyone else put a spell on me?"

"...No, why?"

"No reason, just curious."

"...You're attracted to me huh?"

"Ye-I mean no! Why would you ask this?"

"Because that's what's suppose to happen. We're supposed to be soul bonded after all."

Did he really have to add quotation marks for soul bonded? But that does confirm what I was thinking. Sounds like forced attraction to me. But that does remind me of another issue.

"Aren, what did your father mean by cultivate? He's not expecting me to have sex with you right?"

He almost spits out his drink from my comment. He recovered well but I saw that. Another strike against him being perfect.

"I mean...that is one way to do it. But I'm not doing that with you."

"G-Good, I totally didn't want you to do me anyway."

"...Right. To explain, to cultivate is to blend two individuals' magical energies together. This can help increase both parties' power and help form the heart magic gate. This is best done through sex but can be done with just meditation."

"Magic gates?"

"...Oh yeah, I have to start from the beginning huh? Look, we'll have a refresher tomorrow at the Arcane University. They'll explain everything to you then."

"I see. If that's the case, does that mean...you're attracted to me?"

"Of course not. I have a thing called self-control. I'm only interested in magic anyway, something you can't do."

"Well excuse me for being a human."

"You're excused."

This little-

"That does bring up an interesting question. Why would father suggest cultivation? Maybe he doesn't know you can't use it."

"Who says I can't? You even implied I'm going with you to magic school."

"University and of course you're going with me. You're my responsibility at this point, being my soul bond and all that. Can't have a human running around unsupervised."

"So, what? I'll just sit on the sidelines while everyone learns magic?"

"I guess so."

"Not on your life buddy."

I stand up and declare my new goal. If I'm going to stay here for a while, I might as well make the most of it. I might even learn something that can help me back home.

"I declare to you that I will learn magic and become so good that you'll be coming to me for lessons."

"...Hard to take you seriously while you're holding a baby demon beast."

"Smokey is not a demon beast. He's a dog and he's adorable."

"Hehe, I guess so."

I can't help but smile a bit. I actually got some emotion out of him.

"We're happy to see you're getting along."

We both turn to the door, the one to my magically created room. In the doorway are Valaron and Valareia.

"Sorry if it's not to your tastes. I don't have a way to look into your world yet." said the Archmage.

"But we did test out the bed. No creaks at all. Go wild you two." said Valareia with a cheeky grin.

"Wha-" Me and Aren had to comment on Valareia's statement. I'm surprised she's able to say such things in front of her nephew.

"Ignore her, we did nothing. The only thing we left for you was a schedule. You'll be spending most days answering questions for me and going to school." said the Archmage.

"O-Okay." I said.

"With that done, we'll leave you to settle in." said the Archmage.

With a simple flick of his finger, they were gone. I look to Aren who's cupping his head. Okay, I have to ask now.

"So, are Valareia and Valaron a-"

"No, my aunt just likes teasing my father sometimes. It's nothing serious. Besides, they're not really related by blood. Step siblings and all that."

"Oh I see, at first I thought she was your mother. Speaking of, where-"


Suddenly, the air becomes cold and Aren's voice turns razor-sharp.

"You're my soul bond but that doesn't mean we're friends or lovers. I would appreciate it if you stay out of my family's affairs."

"I-I understand. I'm sorry."

"...Just go to your room and leave me be."

I couldn't say anything. I knew I missed up. I fast walked to my newly created room and closed the door. I let Smokey go run around while I slid to the floor.

"I'm such a dumb a*s. I of all people should've known better."

I comb my fingers through my hair while sighing.

"What a start to my new life here..."