

The next day was monday and it was the day they close the university for a month break, Zoey, Gaby and Alexander were at the university. Zoey went directly to the teacher's office to get her report

"Congratulation Zoey you have scored high marks and you have proven that you are good. And thank you for helping one of my rebel student Alexander to work hard," said the teacher.

"Thank you, but you know Alexander is not a bad person. And I didn't make him do anything it was all his doing, I will be going now thank you" explained Zoey and she headed out to look for Gaby, but Alexander had heard all of her conversation he couldn't help but smile. Then he gets in to take his report which was weird,

"Oh Alexander what do you want?" asked the teacher.

"Am here for my report" said Alexander and the teacher was shocked, he was waiting for him to say he is joking but no Alexander was seriously waiting for his report.

"Are you serious? Alexander my student who didn't care about his education is here asking for his report?" the teacher spoke with disbelief

"Yes am here for my report" Alexander answered boldly

"Okay umh here, and well done you have done well, am surprised what happened? Did you finally see the importance of education?" asked the teacher

"No I just found an inspiration for studying, okay I have to leave now" explained Alexander and left the office. The teacher's jaw dropped but it's what its, Alexander was changing slowly.

Alexander reached the cafeteria and saw Zoey and Gaby laughing happily, he just stayed there watching the apple of his eye. Suddenly their eyes met and just stayed there watching each others, then suddenly a girl called Giselle came infront of Alexander.

"Hey Alexander didn't you miss me?" she asked while touching his chest, Zoey watched and she was getting jealous and mad. Then Gaby also saw what was happening and she pulled her out of there, Alexander saw the anger in her eyes.

"No I didn't, stay away from me" Alexander said while pushing her away from his way. Outside Zoey was fuming mad, she wanted to scratch Giselle and beat Alexander into a pulp.

"Why was she touching him? who is she?" Zoey asked with anger in her tone

"Giselle, she was one of his girls. Yes Alexander had many girls, I mean he always changed girls but since he met you seriously, I have never seen him dating anyone ." Gaby explained with a soft voice and Zoey stared at her careful with a look that says ' oh really '.

"But why did he let her touch him? Yes he has changed but this has made me angry and I will punish him, come on let's go home" Zoey said while standing up.

"I will go call him, stay here" Gaby asked her friend who was very sad.

"Whatever, I just want to go home" commanded Zoey, well she hated getting mad and she knew that Alexander's not even her boyfriend but no she liked him and he was his. No one should touch him, but suddenly she felt the vision of the figures waiting for them somewhere so they can attack them.

"Alexander let's go" Gaby told Alexander and he started following her to where their car was parked. They arrived and find Zoey waiting but what she told them shocked them,

"I have sensed the monsters and they're waiting somewhere to attack us" Zoey explained but she was giving Alexander a deadly stare

"What? why can't they attack here?" Gaby asked with fear in her eyes.

"They can't attack here it's crowded, we have to be prepared for an attack. You don't have to fight, I will handle them" said Alexander

"No I will fight that's why I was training for the whole last month, Gaby you will stay in the car." said Zoey with anger and she sounded serious.

"Okay let's go" Gaby broke the tension and they started leaving the school, when they reached a quiet place full of trees Zoey felt the suspense increasing.

"They are going to attack soon," Zoey said while looking at Alexander

"Okay," he said then he got out of the car and Zoey followed him outside.

"Stay here okay," Zoey talked to her friend.

"okay be careful" Gaby asked her friend with fear in her eyes.

"I will don't worry" said Zoey with assurance and got out, she looked at Alexander with the same rage and mumbled to herself "I will deal with you later".

Then finally the monsters arrived and the fight started, Zoey fought very hard. She showed that all the trainings didn't go in vain, even Alexander was shocked. The two looked awesome while fighting, they fought and fought and after some time they had killed all the monsters. Zoey was breathing heavily and Alexander was looking good, they were bruised but they were satisfied with killing the monsters.

"Let's go home now" said Alexander trying to offer a hand to help her but she stood up still angry at him and went to the car.

"Girl you were amazing out there, you both were like Gods fighting the demon. Zoey that was crazy no not crazy it was marvelous " Gaby spoke loud and cheerful while looking at both Zoey and Alexander.

They reached home and everyone was shocked to see them bruised,

"My queen what happened? Why are you bruised?" asked Hazel with shock

"They butt kicked the monsters, they were awesome. They killed all of them, they were in fire" explained Gaby loudly then Zoey cut her.

"I need to freshen up" Zoey said and left then the two girls followed her from behind, they reached the room.

"Come I will remove all of your wounds" Hazel spoke while holding her hands, then a golden magic came out if her hands and suddenly she was healing from all wounds.

"How did you do that? wait what are you?" Zoey asked

"I am a witch, I can do a lot" explained Hazel.

"wait everyone has powers except me, universe why? " Gaby said with sadness.

"Well you have powers, you can drink whole set of beers. You can also make me happy anytime" said Zoey with a smile on her face. Then they all hugged and later Zoey was speaking to Gustavo who arrived late, they had gotta used to each others and Zoey loved talking to him.

"I heard you kicked some monster butt today" he asked with his Spanish accent

"Yes, it felt good. Actually I wanted to say thank you for the trainings, I kicked them because of you" she said and chuckled.

"I think you are ready for the trip tomorrow, you must know it will be hard tomorrow. I think the demon will attack so that we don't reach the mountain but don't worry me and the others will protect you" said Gustavo and Zoey smiled and looked at him with courage. "Am not scared and I really want to fight them you know. I guess am just nervous with all the power stuffs and meeting my grandfather but am strong don't worry. " she added and Gustavo smiled at her.

"Okay, it's late you should get some sleep so you can regain all your strength" he added and Zoey stood up then told him goodnight and she left to her room.

The next day everyone woke up early and had breakfast before leaving, they board in two cars. One having Alexander, Gustavo, Zoey, Hazel and Gaby. The other having Gerald, Daniel and Franklin, silence was filled in the car. Zoey was pretty mad at Alexander and he knew it because he saw her gazing at him with anger.

They reached an area in a forest and suddenly a portal opened in the middle of trees, Gaby and Zoey were shocked but didn't ask any question. They entered another world, it was quite and had a beautiful blue sky and looked so much greener than the world they left. The trip was filled with silence when suddenly Zoey started feeling bad and weak, she was feeling like a force is pulling her and draining all her energy. She tried not to show it but Hazel felt something.

"My queen are you okay? " Hazel asked and Zoey nodded but suddenly she felt dizzy and everyone was worried.

"What's wrong? you don't look well" Gaby asked

"I feel weak like a force is pulling me, it's not like the feeling I get when the monsters are near. This is new" explained Zoey weakly

"I guess your powers have felt you and they're pulling you to it's direction. Don't worry we are just one mile away from where you will rest before we set to the mountain. Hold on" said Gustavo and Zoey was relieved but she still felt weak.

At last they arrived infront of a medium size cottage, they all got out but Zoey was so weak that she couldn't walk. Alexander went and carried her princess style.

"Take her to her room, she needs to rest now" said Gustavo and Alexander started ascending the stairs as soon as Zoey saw that they've reached far she started attacking Alexander with words.

"Put me down I can walk, you don't have to tire yourself" said Zoey angrily and Alexander just looked at her but didn't do what she said. "Didn't you hear me Alexander? Put me down now" she commanded this time seriously while keeping a tight gaze at Alexander. Alexander stopped and looked at her, her eyes were so beautiful but she was clearly angry and he knew why.

"You can't walk okay, just let me do this" said Alexander softly and Zoey was about to give in but no when she is angry she is no more sweet.

"As far as I know its my responsibility to worry about you and not the other way around." she spoke again with the same angry tone, but they had already reach her room. Alexander pushed the door and placed her on the bed and he was about to leave but he turned back and placed slammed his hands on the bed making Zoey stay between them and leaned very close to Zoey that almost their nose touched. Zoey's anger vanished and now she was nervous what is this man doing? Did I anger him instead?.

"As long as am here, you are also my responsibility. I won't let anyone carry you except me, now get some rest" he whispered in her ear and Zoey felt his breath on her skin, his breath felt good. Then Alexander left her there dumbstruck, she was totally under a love spell she thought.

Even Alexander felt weird how did I do that, this girl is making me crazy. 'But she looks beautiful when she is angry ' he thought and smiled. Back in the room Zoey was digesting his words ' I won't let anyone carry you' did he mean it, but he is crazy he is letting other girls touch him and not wanting anyone else to carry me. She thought for a while and decided to sleep.

Back in the sitting room there was only Franklin, Gerald, Gustavo and Hazel. Gaby was in her room resting and thinking of ways to bring Alexander and Zoey together. Daniel was taunting his little brother.

"What's wrong tell me? I think the girl's angry with you?" said Daniel

"I don't know, I guess after seeing Giselle touch my chest her mood changed" said Alexander and Daniel's eyes widen with disbelief.

"And you let that girl touch you infront of her? ahh little brother you have made her jealous and you'll suffer for that am sure" said Daniel looking disappointed with his little brother.

"She just touched me by surprise, but why is she jealous?" asked Alexander

"Dummy idiot, because she likes you and she doesn't want anyone else to touch you except her. You get it?" talked Daniel in a ' stupid idiot grow up ' tone.

"Then why is she not saying anything?" asked again Alexander.

"Because it's you who's supposed to make the first move, tell her you like her. I know you have dated many girls and you have never liked any of them and that's why this is hard for you, but just tell her how you feel." explained again Daniel.

"I told her that I don't want anyone else to carry her except me" said Alexander to his brother and Daniel's jaw dropped.

"Wow umh that was good, but you have confused her. Now just plan how to tell her that you love her or should I intervene and help you?" said Daniel

"Okay but let's wait after she gets her powers back, and don't make any stupid activities in your plan. I don't want to make her uncomfortable" said Alexander with a stare at his brother.

Daniel had questions in his face ' what? what stupid activities? you idiot am an expert in this ' he sighed and finally answered " okay don't worry".

Time passed and Zoey was getting vision in her dream of the monsters coming at the cottage, they were near and she woke up to go and warn the others. She was weak but she managed to get up and go down, everyone was surprised to see her in that state. She was in a terrible state

"The monsters are near, I believe we have 10 minutes before they arrive" she explained and everyone got alarmed.

"Gabriella stay with her here, let's go and fight them" Alexander ordered but Zoey cut him in "I'm coming too" she said still with a weak voice.

"No queen, you're still weak. We will handle them, all you have to do is regain your energy" Gerald spoke with worry, well it was the first time Gerald spoke to his queen and he had so much care in his eyes.

"This is not fair, I can't let you guys get hurt because of me" said Zoey with sadness in her voice and eyes.

"We will be okay only when you're safe, don't worry okay my queen" Hazel reached for her hands as she spoke calmly and Zoey just nodded.

"Gaby stay with her " Franklin talked and they all went outside except Zoey and Gaby who were left inside.

"I will put a safety spell so that no one can get inside and hurt her highness. She also won't hear anything from outside" Hazel explained and chanted a spell and the house was covered with am invisible protection, after some few minutes the monsters arrived and the fight began.

Inside Zoey was crying feeling guilty and asking herself if she will take it if anyone outside got hurt. Gaby just patted her back gently to calm her down "Don't worry, they will all be fine. Once you get all your powers and regain your strength you will be able to fight those monsters okay" said Gaby looking very worried for her friend.

Outside the fight continued and the monsters were getting killed, Hazel used her powers to kill them. Gerald was so fierce with his sword, Daniel and Alexander killed with no mercy, Franklin fought with his daggers and Gustavo was also a vampire and with his fighting skills he was unstoppable. They killed the monsters mercilessly after sometime they had finished all of them, they had few bruises and looked satisfied with their good work.

Inside Zoey was on the verge of fainting because the feeling of her energy getting drained was strong and her guilt was even stronger. She held herself not to faint until she sees all of them safe, outside Hazel had made all the bodies of the monsters disappear and they were now going in. They got in and when Zoey saw them, Hazel, Gerald, Franklin, Daniel and Gustavo had few bruises but Alexander had some cuts and his shirt was torn off abit. She couldn't hold herself anymore she just fainted, Alexander rushed to catch her and without talking he brought her to the room.

"Alex " she murmured in her sleep and her voice sounded like she was worried and Alexander hated when she is in pain. She slept peacefully and Alexander didn't want to leave her but he had to change so that when she wakes up, she should find him all clean and safe.

After leaving, Hazel and Gaby went to look at their friend who was sleeping soundly and she looked pale but beautiful.