

After training Zoey was talking to Gaby and Hazel about Alexander, the girls really wanted Zoey and Alexander to date.

"I think he is cute, don't you think so Zoey? " asked Gaby mockingly.

"What? ah Alexander... mhh he is handsome and his eyes are very gorgeous, his nose is well sculptured and his lips are beautiful" Zoey explained while she looked lost and deeply in love, Gaby and Hazel curved a big smile while listening to her speak her heart out.

"when he transformed he was like a God, he was bruised but he still looked handsome." Zoey explained

"So you like him?" asked Hazel

"Yes..... I mean no I don't, what are you saying?" Zoey explained with shock

"Don't lie to us, we both saw how you were sweetly talking about him. Girl you love him" said Gaby in a soft voice that made Zoey quiet for some time, she loved him but she was scared that he was now the type to like one girl.

"What if I like him? its just not possible for us to be together, I don't think he would like a girl like me. " said the frustrated looking Zoey.

"Don't say that, you know you're one beautiful and kind girl. Anyone would love to be with you, you're a beautiful soul in and out. I believe he likes you, look at how many things he has done for you, assignment and many others that he has never done for anyone" Gaby spoke wisely and Zoey was shocked at how sweetly her friend talked to her.

"Yes my queen I mean Zoey, you are so good and you just have to trust yourself and your heart" said Hazel while holding Zoey's hands.

"We are going to make a mission to bring you two together and I mean it Zoey. Just let us do the planning" Gaby spoke with excitement in her eyes and Zoey was shushed by her excitement she knew that her friend always does what she wants.

"I agree, listen we will ask help from the boys right?" Hazel cuts in

"Plan one talk to him, don't you want to go somewhere ask him to accompany you?" Gaby said

"I would love to go visit my parents's grave, I miss them?" Zoey spoke sadly

"Now get up and go ask him to accompany you, get up girl. go go go" said Gaby while getting her up and fixing her hair then pushed her to the door and closes it.

Zoey breathes and goes downstairs, she meets the butler and asked him "Where is Alexander?".

"In his study room?" the butler replied and Zoey goes to the door and knocked on the door.

"Come in" Alexander said and was surprised when he saw Zoey come in, what was she doing here? why am I feeling happy to see here and I want to hug her, he asked himself.

"Am I disturbing you?" asked Zoey

"No come in and sit down, you want water or anything" he asked but stopped himself because he thought he was now overacting and being stupid, Zoey sat down with a smile curved on her face. She was nervous inside but she told herself to calm down and do this smoothly.

"No thank you, umh I would love to go and visit the graves of my parents. and I would like if you could come with me?" asked Zoey smoothly and Alexander was dumbstruck and quiet for a while.

Zoey stood up and said "it's okay if you are busy, I will go now" and was leaving but Alexander stopped her by calling her name very demandingly, Zoey loved how he said it. She turned back and there he was watching her so lovely, she almost wanted to hug him but no "hold yourself" she mumbled silently.

"No am not busy, it's okay we can go... together" Alexander spoke trying not to hug her, Zoey curved a big smile and said "thank you Alex, so should I go get ready now? " and Alexander nodded and Zoey got out of the study room to her room. Alexander smiled and he didn't hold back his smile, he also rushed to get ready.

"He said yes " Zoey shouted to the girls on her bed and they run to her and shouted happily. "Now I need to get ready" she added to stop the noise.

"I got you girl, come step number one get a cool bath. Come on get in the shower" said Gaby, after Zoey came out from the bathroom she was glowing.

"Zoey are you ready?" Gaby asked

"Am ready but just make it simple okay?" Zoey said.

"Come on Hazel let's do magic" Gaby said while pulling Hazel and Zoey, the girls were so busy getting Zoey ready. After 20 minutes she was ready

"Now take a look at your self in the mirror" Gaby spoke with excitement, Zoey slowly turned and there she was wearing her light green dress with some white small flowers and her hair was tied up well and she had light makeup on, damn she looked gorgeous like a queen.

"My queen you look dazzling" Hazel spoke while holding her hands

"I look different, thank you girls this is awesome" she said while hugging her friends. They stopped when someone came knocking, Gaby went to the door and found Franklin.

"He is ready waiting downstair" Franklin explained and Gaby signaled him to go down and wait for Zoey, then she closed the door.

"Now let's go wow Alexander " Gaby spoke while raising her hands up, Zoey was nervous but she breathed in and exhaled.

"Let's go " Zoey spoke and Gaby opened the door majestically and let Zoey go out alone. "am I going alone?" she asked.

"offcourse you are, now go" Gaby talked and sent her off, she started walking and Alexander was at the living room waiting for her. There she came, she was looking awesome and beautiful.

"Can we go now?" she asked and he nodded because he had no power to answer as her beauty ha taken all of his energy. They got in the car and Alexander drove to the cemetery but they passed to a flower shop,

"This is nice I will take two of them" said Zoey while showing him a beautiful bouquet of rose flowers and Alexander pays for them and went straight to the cemetery, Zoey put the flowers of the tombstones having two pictures having names ' Grace David Arthur and Fernando David Arthur '.

"Hello mom, papa am here. I know it's been long since I came here am sorry but I really missed you guys a lot. I know you must be happy that now I have found out about myself and am sure you guided me everyday thank you" she said while smiling and she turns back . "oh this is Alexander the prince that am supposed to protect." she added while pointing her finger to Alexander and he curved a smile.

"Soon I will get all my powers and I will meet grandpa, am excited and nervous guys." Zoey chatted with her parents happily and Alexander just watched her, he felt sad for her, it was already late and Zoey was sad to say goodbye.

"Okay I have to go now mom and dad, I love you guys a lot and I promise soon after solving the power stuffs I will come back. Goodbye" said Zoey while hugging the tombstones and tears were flowing on her pretty face. "Let's go Alex" she added while standing up and Alexander offered her handkerchief.

"Here use this" said Alexander, Zoey whipped her tears and gave back the handkerchief to him.

"Thank you Alex, thank you for taking me here to see them. And thank you for saving me that day, thank you for everything" said Zoey and hugged him, Alexander was shocked wow her hug was very sweet and soft. His heart was racing like a rally car, he put his hand around her waist to hug her back. Zoey was just lost by the response but she loved it, they hugged for a couple of time and Alexander parted from the hug.

"Come it's late we need to go home" said Alexander this made Zoey sad because she thought maybe he hated her hug.

"Okay," replied Zoey with a sad tone.

They drove back home and Zoey just went upstairs to her room and as always Gaby and Hazel were on her bed waiting for the gossip. Alexander called his butler to the study room to talk

"Take me to the uncle's house now" said Alexander who was now angry,

"Yes master" the butler replied and they left.

Zoey opened her door and saw her friends "Zoey girl, wait why the long face? something went wrong?" asked Gaby.

"Everything was perfect but he's just weird like one second he's nice and the other he's cold," Zoey said while storming to the bathroom leaving her friends shocked.

Alexander had arrived at the house and was inside looking at the man who was tied on a chair infront of him.

"What do you want from me?" asked the man ' Thomas'

"You did something wrong to the person I care about and I'm going to punish you with a painful death" said Alexander with his eyes flaming red like fire.

"Who I didn't do anything, I don't even know you?" cried Thomas

"You know Zoey, your niece the one you raped merciless in your basement" said Alexander.

"Zoey, where is she? I thought she was dead,"

"No she is alive but you are the one who's going to die" smirked Alexander while going near Thomas.

"I know I did something wrong but am sorry for that, please let me go" cried Thomas

"Did you ever look for her to apologize? no you didn't, everytime she screamed asking you to leave her did you leave her? no you didn't, you have made her feel pain and when she's in pain I also feel her pain. Let me show you the consequences of making me feel pain" Alexander said and his nails grew very tall and he pierced them in Thomas's chest, he screamed and screamed but Alexander continued slowly till he reached his heart and pulled it out slowly. Thomas died and Alexander was now satisfied.

Zoey slept and the nightmare came back and again he only saw Alexander getting stabbed but not the stabber.