

After eating they went to sleep but Zoey couldn't sleep, she was still thinking of the nightmare. She wanted to know who was the guy in the dream but there was nothing but blurred vision, she went back to sleep and the nightmare came back again. But no she still couldn't see the guy , she then told herself that she is getting paranoia. The morning went well and they were at a hair salon, Gaby and the hairdresser were playing with Zoey's hair. After some long hours they finally showed Zoey the makeover, damn she looked good. They changed her hair colour to brown and they were wavy, Zoey loved the makeover a lot.

"Ta da girl tell me how do you feel?" Gaby spoke loudly

"I love it, I look different. Thank you" Zoey replied with a big chuckle that ended with a smile.

After some days of dreaming, feeling suspense and going out. It was finally the last day of having fun because from the next day, Zoey vowed to study an look for work. The last day Gaby took Zoey to the bar, it's very crowded and noisy.

"I don't like this place Gaby" Zoey spoke to her friend who was busy dancing. Zoey knows how in love Gaby is with parties and she couldn't do anything about it. But now she regrets coming here,

"Lets go dancing Zoey" Gaby talked while pulling her friend to the center of the club.

"No thanks, just dance so we can leave" she told her while taking her hands off her. She went and sat at the counter watching her friend dance, then she suddenly felt the suspense again. She wanted to go and pull Gaby out of here but she saw how her friend was enjoying so she just decided to dash out of there and went outside to get some fresh air.

"What is this feeling? why now? what's happening to me" She spoke with lots of worry and shock covered her face. But suddenly she felt a wind in her body and suddenly she had a vision of someone getting knocked by a car. When she finally snapped out of the vision, she found herself on the road and someone was getting knocked out by a car. She wondered that's what she saw, how could this happen.

"No what's happening? no no no" she screamed and started going towards the knocked out person who by now was surrounded by people. After she saw the man lying lifeless, Zoey turned back and went back to the bar. She was walking like crazy and shocked, but outside she sees Gaby who's looking at her friend weirdly.

"Whats wrong Zoey?" she asked her

"someone was knocked out by a car there, I saw it" she spoke with so many fear. The next thing that happened was that they left and Zoey went straight to bed.

The next day Zoey and Gaby were at university, in class when a teacher came in and his first gaze went to Zoey.

"I see we have a new one here, what's your name?" he asked with a smile

Zoey stood up and opened her mouth "my name is Zoey" she suddenly felt a strong presence behind her and suddenly everyone in class was looking behind her, she turned and saw a hot, tall, gorgeous guy walking in. He was just too hot for a human,

"Alexander always late" the teacher spoke with disappointment in his voice. But Alexander and Zoey started staring at each other for a long time, it was like there was an energy forcing them to look at each other. But the staring was stopped by the voice of the teacher "Zoey sit down, class let's continue with our lesson".

Everyone payed attention to the teacher, then he started teaching. After the lesson everyone went out of the class except Alexander. Zoey and Gaby were at the cafeteria eating,

"Girl why were you watching Alexander like that. You two were creepy" Gaby asked with curiosity

"I don't know why? tell me who is he?" Zoey asked

"He is Alexander, richest guy and best looking guy in the world. He is weird,he never talks to anyone even with teachers, some people say he's a vampire." Gaby spoke seriously

"Vampire? why " she asked with disbelief

"Dont know why? maybe because he has a pale skin and just too hot" Gaby explained while eating

"okay, he just has a weird feeling" Zoey added. After break everyone went back to class but Zoey didn't have a class so she left to look for work. She was called at an office and after an interview the man just gave her the job, she thought it's weird but she needed it so she accepted it.

Back at home Zoey was waiting for Gaby to tell her the good news and after she arrived. Zoey broke the good news, they celebrated by eating pizza and watching movie. Next day they were at school,

"Okay everyone knows their assignment partner except Zoey, now Zoey you will partner with Alexander. I want the work done by Friday, have goodod day" he spoke and left. Zoey and Gaby went to the library and Gaby looked worried.

"What's wrong?" Zoey asked

"Your partner is the problem, you see Alexander has never done any assignment. All his partners ended up failing, I think you should just work alone " she told her friend with a worried face

"No don't worry, I'm in no position to change or whine about my partner. I just have to worry about my scholarship" she told her worrying friend while holding her hands. Gaby was not pleased but she just had to trust her friend, later Zoey was about to leave to work then she spots Alexander alone in the cafeteria . She decides to go and talk to him

"Hello there," she spoke while sitting on a chair but no he didn't reply or look at her. Zoey was not surprised but she continues talking to him "I am Zoey your assignment partner, I was suggesting that we start the assignment soon because we only have four days. I have to work now but I will come back later so we can discuss, goodbye" he still didn't talk to her. Zoey stood up and leaves him behind.

Alexander slowly turns up and watches her leaving, his face still emotionless. Zoey gets on a taxi and is still thinking of the weird hot Alexander, "Maybe he has problems, or he is mute. No he is not mute, or just rude and arrogant" she thought inside her mind. After she arrived at work, she met his boss. He had this creepy way of looking at her that she didn't like at all,

"Goodmorning sir" Zoey greeted

"Goodmorning, okay here is your place. You will be responsible with all my personal stuffs." he said with a creepy smile and licked his tongue then he leaves. Zoey was glad he left because there was a dangerous aura about him like he will hurt her, after working it was time for Zoey to go and talk to Alexander. Zoey was told by Gaby that Alexander always went home late so she hurried up to university.

She arrived there and was waiting for Alex, Gaby even showed her Alex's car. She waited for some time and she saw Alex coming out, even Alex saw her but he still didn't go to her direction. Zoey was shocked when he got in his car and left without talking, this was enough Zoey won't tolerate his personality anymore.

"Zoey how dare he? that crazy, arrogant and rude guy. Tomorrow he will get a piece of me" she spoke while clenching her fists and left the University.