
Prince's Ascent

The once youngest prince of his beloved kingdom, Adam, now Zeph, has to fight his way through a magical world to not only survive but to remember who he is and find the truth of what happened the fateful night before his coronation.

JSwizz · Fantasy
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3 Chs


As I made my way through the busy brick roads toward the market district of my capital city, Primea, I couldn't help but to look upon everything around me in a different light.

From the hundreds of traveling merchants with merchandise piled so high on the carts it was a wonder they didn't break, to the local blacksmiths who sold crude, but efficient, wares. 

'Come tomorrow, the safety and livelihood of all those here will be my responsibility..'

As I was lost in my reverie, I was lurched forward by what could have only been a moving wall. 

"Woah-ho-ho watch it there little one, almost crushed ya," said a lofty deep voice.

"My apologies, sir," I said, turning to catch a glimpse of the giant that nudged me, "I shouldn't have been standing in middle of the road,"

Now face-to-face, or rather face-to-knee, with the man I began to wonder if he was even human and not a bear on two legs. He adorned a set of studded leather armor with a pair of war hammers bigger than me at his sides. As I looked up to study the man, I realized I couldn't make out his face due to the massive red beard blocking my line of sight.

"Alfred, you oaf, watch where you're going!" A stern high-pitched voice came from behind Alfred, revealing a cloaked woman not much taller than myself. She had shoulder-length scarlet colored hair that barely left the hood of her cloak.

"Sorry about this oaf, my name's Amy," she said, holding out her hand, "And who is it I have the pleasure of speaking with?"

"A- Anthony," I replied not wanting to give away my name, "Are you two local to Primea?" 

"We are not actually; we've just arrived for Prince Adam's coronation tomorrow afternoon." Amy said, taking on a noticeably tired tone, "Sorry to be short but we have had a long journey, we'll be on our way now, take care, Anthony."

As I watched the strange duo walk hurriedly out of the market district and towards the local inns, I started to make my way toward my favorite bakery when I overheard a faint shout.

"..ince Adam!! Prince Adam!!"

"Looks like the little brat snuck out again.. how will we survive under the rule of a child who can't even stay in the palace," whispered a local merchant with a sigh.

Pulling my hood further over my head to hide my face I made my way through the crowd and back toward the castle before the guards had to drag me back, again. 

Making my way back to the castle I couldn't help but to cast a gaze of admiration. The imposing structure stood well over 200 feet at the center with 4 story wings flanked on both sides. The castle being dark grey with accents of gold in the brick and blood red banners with our family crest, a golden phoenix, displayed proudly on the walls. 

'It is much easier to appreciate its beauty from outside the walls,' I sighed.

Approaching the castle gate, I lowered the hood of my cloak, as I did so the guards immediately dropped to their knees with their right hand in a fist over their heart and the spears in the left hand pointed to the sky.

"Please, rise," I said, feigning the best authoritative tone I could muster. 

"Your highness, you're Uncle Gregory has been urgently looking for you," The guard on my left said after rising back to his original position.

Not replying I hurried past the guards and to the study, where my Uncle Gregory undoubtedly was. 

Closing the mahogany doors to the study and turning around to face my uncle expecting him to scold me, he instead gave me a weak smile.

"Did you enjoy your little stroll, nephew?" he said after a moment of silence.

"I, uhm... Yes, Uncle," I said quietly after hesitation, "are you not upset with me?"

"Adam, normally I would be. However, it may be a good thing that you were able to get out and see the city once more before fulfilling your role as King. After all, you won't have time to leave castle, let alone this study," my uncle stated matter-of-factly.

"I was informed you were looking for me, Uncle," I said, dreading the thought of reading a fraction of the documents on the desk.

"Ah, yes, with your coronation being tomorrow we need to go through the formalities and do another mock coronation for practice!" Uncle Gregory clapped and got up gesturing me to follow him.

"Uncle we've already done this 20 times this week, I think I've got it. I will just go retire to my chamber, I am quite exhausted and have to wake up before dawn," I said, faking a yawn and trying to slip between my uncle and the door of the study.

"Oh, no you don't!" Uncle Gregory barked and dragged me by my collar to what I might as well have considered hell. 

Retiring to my chamber after a mind-numbing rehearsal of the coronation tomorrow afternoon, I bathed and switched into my nightwear and blew out the candles lighting my sleeping chambers nodding off to sleep in my bed before I knew it. 

Stirring awake I thought I heard a slight shuffle in corner of my room, ignoring it I rolled back over to fall asleep. Moments later it felt like a bucket of ice water was dumped down my back as all the air was sucked out of my lungs. Immediately after I felt a searing pain through the left side of my chest.

Letting out a cough I tried to feel my chest only to feel the tip of a dagger jutted through.

"We will not allow you to lead this kingdom to extermination," an indiscernible voice whispered in my ear as I felt the dagger slowly leave my chest.

As the ringing in my ears got louder and consciousness faded, I was overcome with an overwhelming sense of peace I didn't know could be felt.

'Keep the Xenorian Kingdom safe, Uncle...' was my last thought as my consciousness slipped, then the world turned white.