

Chapter 2: Awake

"arrrrggg ergooooon don't go nooooo"???

The voice was loud and making the ear ringing very hard.

The big miss and captain Kyle are the first to come out and see what happens.

First, there was the bodyguard who is responsible for guarding the young guy is laying on the ground and put his hand on his ears, and from the expression on his face, he was hurt.

Second the Broken part of the tent that the young man stays in everywhere.

Lastly, the young man kneels on both his legs and screams.

It is Specifically the mysterious young man that falls from Heaven and they pick him by chance.

What makes them surprise is how strong the voice can make the people near him pass out by only screaming.

Kyle was the first to Respond by run very quickly forward and try to close the young man's mouse.

But when he was in front of the young man as though the young man was possessed he stop his sad scream and his eyes turn ferocious red as a thought-hungry beast.

His right hand Strike in the shape of a Claw toward Kyle's stomach.

Kyle scene the danger coming and he stops immediately but that claw-shaped hand is very fast and with shoo, some blood Splattered around.

Kyle feels very painfully in his stomach area. He looks down do sees five deep claws mark that blood siping out of it.

The young man Strike once again but this time Kyle is ready he jumps aside quickly out of the young man's path.


The five Claws clash with thin air which makes the air vibrating wildly and make dust flay everywhere.

"wait you crazy man wait why did you attack me" Kyle try to stop him.

Kyle thought inside: "what the hell this young man made from his fingers are as strong as Refined steel… With my body strength, even people that Strike me with an ordinary steel knife will not be leaving any trace on my body but him… What strong body he has"

The young man did not listen even to the abet and try to catch Kyle.

"hey you there are you deaf I am talking to you?" Kyle shot again.

Suddenly the young man fell Something banding his arms and legs. He tries to move but even with his full strength he just moves a little.

The big miss rising both her hands and the thin Strings bend down the man but it was she has some difficult time control it because of his struggle.

"Is this his solo body strength what a monster he is!!" the big miss surprise?

It was common logic that the body strength grows up with Training level and Natural energy that the cultivator Absorbs from the world.

But then this young man is resistant her energy Strings with his body strength only. As though she is trying to suppress a monster on human form.

Suddenly the young man stops resistant and looks surprised at the beautiful young woman in front of him in the depth of his eyes there was strong light of joy he softly murmurs:" kara".

The ears of the cultivator are very sensed his light murmur is clearly on their ears.


He stops completely resistant and tries to open his mouth to talk but then stops for some reason.

His strange behavior making the big miss blackout and loss control over the Strings for a second but this is enough for the young man to break out of her control.

He dashes forward and comes before the big miss and takes her hand.

"put your hand down, you bastard"

At this moment Kyle reacts finally and comes quickly like wind and strikes his hand at the young man he thinks that the young man had a bad intention for the big miss.

The young man ignored him and Focus his eyes ahead at the big miss with bright eyes and said with a hoarse voice: "kar~"

Before he can even end his word Something like a large hammer bond him hard on his left arm which pushes him far away from the big miss.

Kyle's hand is shocking hard and he looks at it with disbelief for some time and then murmurs: "monster".

Maybe from outside, it looks normal but inside all the fingers bone is Broken from the point of contact with the young man's left hand. Kyle's hand skin split open suddenly and it bleeds like rainfall.

The big miss has a serious face and looks at the young man with caution but his strange behavior before makes her confusing.

Ten meters away the young man stands up and looks ferociously at Kyle he wants to jump over him and cut him into the shard. But when he caught a glance of the big miss he calms down and walks slowly toward her.

She looks slightly afraid of him but still stands in her place.

At this moment two guards arrived before the big miss and stand ready to fight.

Kyle joins them immediately even though his wounded hand he can not fight but the protection of the young lady is his response.

The young man stops before them and puts his both hands on the ground and slightly bent his head.

"what he is doing?"

"Is this some sort of skill!"

"Everyone be ready maybe he is up to Something bad"

The two guards and Kyle look strangely at the young man.

After some time of wait without something happen they finally understand he is surrender.

The big lady come from behind the guards and said with Frozen face: "who are you?"

The young man did not reply directly but look strangely first as thought something not right here and then he said: "is that you kara".

Then it was the training of the group to behave strangely they look at him and thought: "what strange accent he has".

"Who is kara that you talk about no my name is Glenda horfer from the horfer family, I Will ask you last time who are you and also what about your strange accent it fell like you are not from here?" lenta say coldly.

"How is that possible you look so much like her, what is going here kara disappear and father is…"The young man murmur and look again at lenda horfer and to the surround said: "My name is Kany ergon from the primitive forest can you tell me where is this place".

"Who is this kara that looks like me and where are this primitive forest and this place isn't it the Regnor forest?!!" lenda horfer ask countosely confusingly.

Kyle jumps in: "how did you training your body are you even human?".

Kany just looks at them with a blank expression because his mind in a Chaotic state at this moment.

Lenda just looks at him silently waiting for his reply.

It did not take along and then Kany come back to himself and said:" I have been sleeping in my cave and then feel Something pull me out and then I heard his voice….. after that some liquid cover my body and I faint when I wake up I am here with you all, as for kara she is my young sister but you like here except that your personality is different ".

The quick tale of Kany makes them look at him with some disbelief they are Naturally not believing him.

Lenda looks at him and then said:" I did not care about your station now that you are awaking you can go by yourself".

Kany gets confused and looks around and asks again: "Then can you said to me where is the path to the primitive forest".

Lenda reply directly:" I never heard about this primtive forest.. But I can ask my grandfather for you".

Even though she has many things she was curious about Kany like that frightening heart bet and his also Incredible body strength but around this stranger here scene tell her to stay away.

Kany did not have any problem with that all he wants to go back to his home.

Suddenly his stomach makes a hard sound which makes him embarrassed.

Lenda looks as though she wants to laugh but keeps it hard down she said: "oh you look very hungry did you want to eat?".


Kany looks more embarrassed he scrubbing his hand over his head and laugh lightly.

Very quickly high breakfast is ready before him at the ground. The guards are professional they hunt and cook large beast cow with some of the forest herbs the smell make Kany more hungry he immediately attacks the food.

After five minutes…. the food is gone!!

The group today they learn Something new in life which never contact person size with his eating ability…

Just five moment ago as thought storm come across the foods everything done in five minutes and then the food is gone….