
Primordial Tempest: The Saga of Nico Silva

In a world where magic reigns supreme, Nico Silva discovers he possesses a rare and powerful form of magic known as Entropy magic. As he grapples with the immense scope of his abilities, Nico embarks on a journey of self-discovery and mastery alongside his twin sister, Noelle. However, dark forces seek to exploit his power, forcing Nico to confront enemies and uncover secrets while protecting his loved ones. With destiny hanging in the balance, Nico must embrace his power and navigate a treacherous world of magic and intrigue. [A/N: FUCK Canon MC will not join Black Bulls.]

BigyBoi · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

The soft coos and whimpers of the newborn twins filled the hushed nursery of the Silva estate. Nico's eyes slowly fluttered open, his infant senses just beginning to perceive the strange new world around him. He felt secure and content, swaddled snugly in a soft blanket and cradled against someone's chest. The soothing scent of freshly laundered linens intermingled with the faintest wisp of smoke in the air. 

As his blurry vision gradually came into focus, Nico found himself gazing up at the aristocratic features of a young man with striking silver hair and vivid violet eyes. There could be no mistaking that this was Nozel Silva - eldest son and heir to the nobility of House Silva. Nico studied Nozel's countenance, trying to gauge the emotional state behind that stern, impassive facade.

"You're finally awake, little one," Nozel murmured, his deep baritone seeming to rumble through the tranquil silence enveloping them. There was a subtle tremor of wonder underlying his words. "I had heard the blessed news of your arrival...but to think Mother gave birth to twins."

Something flickered briefly across those stoic features – a mere chink in his aloof demeanor revealing a glimmer of vulnerability and tenderness. Nico watched, utterly transfixed, as Nozel's free hand reached out to delicately caress Noelle's cherubic cheek where she slumbered peacefully beside him. 

"Welcome to the world, you two," Nozel said, his usually gruff tone hushed with uncharacteristic reverence. "Our mother and father have dreamed of this day for so long..."

The tender tableau was shattered in an instant by the harsh slam of the nursery door banging open. Nico jolted in his brother's arms, his tiny lungs seizing with instinctive infant fright as Nozel immediately whirled defensively. An oily miasma of pure malice seemed to flood into the room, blotting out any traces of the warmth and innocence that had ruled mere moments before.

At the center of this penumbra lurked a woman whose very presence seemed to strain against the very bonds of reality itself. Viciously beautiful features twisted in a rictus sneer, raven locks framing porcelain flesh that seemed to shift and distort between a deathly ashen pallor and flushed vitality. Despite her superficial beauty, something about this entity's aura set every primordial instinct within Nico screaming in revulsion.

Nico's breath hitched in his tiny throat as their gazes met – those sunken eyes boring into him with palpable sadistic glee glistening within their inky depths.

"Well, well," the woman purred in a lilting, half-mad tone that made his skin crawl. "What do we have here? The adorable new additions to the Noble Houses' bloodlines."

With a sickening lurch, flashes of dim recollection from his past life flickered through Nico's nascent consciousness. This malevolent intruder could only be none other than Vanica Zograttis – the Dark Triad's sadistic handmaiden to the demon Megicula, and wielder of sinister blood-borne curses.

Beside him, Noelle let out a tiny, plaintive whine as she roused from her peaceful slumber. The infant seemed to instinctively shrink back from the chokingly oppressive miasma of dread radiating off their unwanted houseguest. Vanica's wicked grin only stretched wider at the display, hints of sharpened fangs peeking out from the corners of her mouth.

"Yes, that's right my little ones," she crooned in a mocking, perversely tender tone. "You'll want to savor every last precious breath you can steal. Because in this world, all radiant beauty is destined to wither away and rot eventually."

Nozel bristled protectively, shifting his stance to better shield the helpless twins as tendrils of mercury-hued magic crackled around his free hand. "Stand down this instant, foul beast," he snarled, "before I make you regret violating the sanctity of our home!"

Rather than cower, Vanica lashed out in retaliation – a mere twitch of her fingers unleashing whip-like strands of pulsating eldritch energy rippling through the air towards them. Nozel's incantation choked off into an agonized groan as the malefic tendrils coiled around his throat, jerking him off his feet even as he instinctively clutched his infant siblings close. 

"Oh ho, getting a bit ahead of ourselves now, aren't we little lordling?" Vanica let out a panting, half-crazed chortle; sadistic glee dripping from every mocking syllable. "I wouldn't dream of actually harming your precious little bundles of joy just yet. No, no – the real fun will be watching your mother's face when she realizes her beloved children have been killed right before her very eyes!"

As if on cue, another figure appeared silhouetted in the open doorway – none other than Lady Acier Silva herself, violet eyes going wide with primal maternal horror at the sight of her offspring imperiled. 

The air was thick with tension as Acier Silva, the Steel Warrioress, faced off against Vanica, one of the Dark Triad. The battlefield was a stark contrast to the peaceful kingdom they were both fighting to control.

Vanica, with a cruel smile, summoned her devil Megicula, causing the atmosphere to darken. Acier, undeterred, readied herself, her grimoire glowing with a fierce light. She was the shield of her kingdom, and she would not falter.

The fight was a spectacle of raw power and strategy. Acier, with her steel magic, created armors and weapons of varying shapes and sizes, each attack meticulously planned and executed. Vanica, on the other hand, was unpredictable and wild, her blood magic creating chaos on the battlefield.

Despite the odds, Acier managed to land a significant blow on Vanica, causing her to falter. Seizing the opportunity, Acier prepared her most potent spell, the "Steel Magic: Valkyrie Dress," and charged.

But Vanica was not defeated yet. In her desperation, she used a forbidden spell, summoning Megicula to curse Acier. The curse was like a venomous snake, slithering its way towards Acier, who was mid-charge and couldn't evade.

Acier was hit. The curse, like ice, started spreading through her body, sapping her strength. But even in her weakened state, Acier managed to push through and land her attack, causing Vanica to retreat.

As the dust settled, Acier stood victorious but cursed. Little did she know that this curse would change the fate of her family, especially her newborn daughter, Noelle, and her twin, Nico.