
Primordial Sin System

In the novel "Primordial Sin System," readers follow the journey of Dave Alexander, a man reincarnated into a life of privilege and power after enduring a previous existence filled with misery. Now the son of the empire's strongest expert, known as the guardian, Dave is determined to seize every opportunity presented to him. Unexpectedly, Dave's life takes a unique turn when he discovers he possesses the Primordial Sin System, a mysterious system that grants him extraordinary powers and abilities by experiencing and embracing the seven deadly sins. Fueled by this newfound power, Dave sets out on a quest to collect beauties, conquer challenges, and ascend to the peak of his potential. Note: I am not a professional writer; I write as a hobby. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Feel free to criticize my work. I want to express my gratitude to those who appreciate and love it. There might be some plot holes in the early chapters, but I am committed to creating a better and more cohesive plot for the story.

sicko · Fantasy
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553 Chs

Chapter 22- Level up again. (Revised)

Dave reviewed his Sin Points, finding that they had reached an impressive 900,000. He had been saving these points for his next upgrade. When he first entered the academy, he was just a Top-tier Grandmaster, and he was determined to surpass the King level, a feat that 90% of people in the empire might never achieve in their entire lives.

Even if they dedicated their entire lives to reaching this level, it was almost impossible without innate talent and access to abundant resources.

Dave had read numerous novels in his previous life that glorified hard work as the key to becoming strong. However, he had come to understand that having connections and proper guidance were just as crucial. Access to resources was also essential, and hard work alone wouldn't cut it.

He took a moment to check his stats:

Sin Points: <<900,000 >>

Dave had accumulated a substantial number of Sin Points, so he decided to first level up his rank.

"900,000 Sin Points, huh? That's more than enough for multiple level-ups. I didn't expect the harvest to be this good," he thought to himself.

Dave proceeded to level up:

[Ding! You've leveled up to level 8 (Top-tier Emperor) -64,000 SP


[Ding! You've leveled up to level 9 (Peak-tier Emperor) -128,000 SP


[Ding! You've leveled up to level 10 (Low-tier Sage) -256,000 SP

Suddenly, Dave's body aura became sharper, and his senses heightened to another level. His vitality surged, and his physical strength increased significantly. He felt that his previous level was now ten times weaker compared to his current power.

Dave mumbled to himself, "So this is what it feels like to be a Sage?" He hadn't expected the immense gap between the Emperor and Sage levels. 

He had effortlessly crossed the Emperor level and entered the Sage level directly. He believed that he might be the youngest person ever to achieve such a feat. Not even his father had attained this level of power at his age.

He decided to remain at the Low-tier Sage level for the time being. Dave recognized that the rapid increase in his strength wasn't necessarily a good thing. He understood the importance of first getting used to his newfound power before fully harnessing it.

The system informed him that his shop would now release stronger items and equipment, so he refrained from purchasing lower-level items. 

His past experiences had shown that he rarely faced dangerous situations, and he possessed many high-quality items given to him by his father.

However, Dave received an intriguing prompt from the system:

[Ding! You've met the condition to evolve. Do you want to proceed?]

"Evolution, huh?" Dave contemplated for a moment and decided to postpone this opportunity.

He was taken aback by the prospect of evolution, believing it would make him even stronger. With 66 Skill Points still in his possession, Dave opted to convert some of his remaining Sin Points to level up his skills.

He had 452,000 Sin Points left, which yielded 4,520 Skill Points, in addition to the 66 he already had. Dave now had 4,586 Skill Points at his disposal.

Dave decided to level up his Sword Dragon Technique to level 10, and the system indicated that it had reached the limit for now. He gained a new skill called <<Wrath of the Sword Dragon>>, which allowed him to transform his sword attacks into a powerful beam comparable to a dragon's breath. 

This skill allows him to infuse his sword attacks with a tremendous amount of energy and transform them into powerful beams, similar in intensity to a dragon's breath.

In essence, it enables Dave to channel his inner power and direct it through his sword, turning his strikes into devastating long-range attacks. When he uses this skill, the blade of his sword becomes the conduit for this energy, and upon a swing or thrust, it releases a concentrated and forceful beam of energy that can strike his targets from a distance. The power and intensity of these energy beams make them highly destructive, capable of causing significant damage to opponents and even incapacitating them.

Next, he raised his Conceal skill to level 10, costing him 384 Skill Points. He acquired a new skill, <Shadow Mark>.

"Shadow Mark" is a skill that grants Dave the ability to track enemies he has marked with precision, regardless of where they go. When he uses this skill, it allows him to place a unique and invisible mark on a target, often without their knowledge. Once the mark is set, Dave gains a direct connection to the marked individual, and he can follow their movements and location as long as the mark remains active.

Dave also upgraded his Magical Eyes skill to level 10, acquiring a new skill called <Photographic Memory>.

"Photographic Memory" is a skill that endows Dave with an exceptional ability to retain and recall information with incredible precision. When he activates this skill, it enhances his memory to the point where he can recall details of past events, texts, images, and experiences with remarkable clarity and accuracy, as if he were looking at a photograph of the memory.

He then focused on improving his Sin of Lust skill to level 10. This upgrade granted him two new skills:

<Incubus Form>: This skill allowed him to transform into an incubus, doubling his charm and stamina.

<Absorption >: With this skill, he could absorb the power of his target through sexual encounters. Dave recognized the sinister nature of this ability and decided to use it sparingly, only when necessary.

With 650 Skill Points remaining, Dave's new stats looked like this:

= = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = 


Name: Dave Alexander

Age: 15

Race: Human


Power Level: Low-Tier Sage Level




Sword Dragon Technique (Lv.10: 0/256)

<Sword Intent>

<Sword Manifestation>

<Sword Manipulation>

<Dragon Slash>

<Sword Apocalypse>

<Wrath of the Sword Dragon>

Magic Skills:


Conceal (Lv.10: 0/512)

<Disguise >

<Assassination >

<Shadow Steps>

<Shadow Mark>

Magical Eyes (Lv.10: 0/512)

<Eyes of Truth>

<Illusion >

<Night Vision>

<Hypnotism >

<Photographic Memory>

. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .

Primordial Sin Skills:


<<Sin Of Lust>> (Lv.10: 0/2560)

<Charm >

<Hands of Pleasure>

<Dual Cultivation>

<Incubus Aura>

<Dream >

<Puppetry >

<Incubus Form>

<Absorption >

Skill Points: <<650 >>

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Lv: 10

HP: 30,000/30,000

MP: 45,000/45,000

Exp: 0/512,000


Str: 900

Agi: 1,200

Int: 1,700


Sin Points: <<0 >>

= = = = = == = = = = = = = = = =