
Primordial Punishment

In the depths of the void, the first beings to ever exist, the Primordials were born. It was millenniums before they encountered one another. This is the story of one such Primordial, and his punishment as a destroyer of worlds.

Noodlemine · Fantasy
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Gods, that's what they called them. I suppose it would suit them quite well, but they were so much more than that. They were the Primordials, the first creations to come into existence. When they first came into being, they didn't know anything, but as time passed, they grew to understand everything.

They were concepts, such as space, time, power, destruction, and creation. They wandered and searched the endless expanse of the void for millenniums before encountering one another, they gathered, in joy to find something like them. Their joy led them to create something they named 'mortals'.

Creatures with limited lifespans that lived on giant rocks of plant life, and massive bodies of water with overlooking stars that radiated heat and provided light. They watched, and watched, until eventually, the Primordial of power created his own race to destroy the others.

They were not limited in lifespan, they were strong, stronger than any mortal. They were devoid of any emotion and thought, except for two, overwhelming loyalty to Power, and a deep sense of hatred for mortals. He used them to destroy as many worlds as he possibly could.

His siblings did their best to thwart him, without much success. He ravaged world after world, and by the time they were aware, he already moved on to the next. During the war, Creation incarnated himself as a mortal, much to the surprise of the others. Through his limited time as a mortal, he experienced a myriad of many things, one was love.

He came to love a human woman and even had children. Eventually, his mortal shell died in an accident and he joined the others in the war, however still kept an eye on both of his children. That was, at least, until Power discovered what he had done.


"So, this is the world?" A multitude of voices asked, though, they resounded from a single individual.

"Yes, my liege." A woman that looked like a human but with tentacles and tendrils protruding from her back.

"Destroy it, and bring me his children." He said, and with those words, the siege on the planet began. It wasn't even a day before all the mortal kingdoms, and empires fell.

Now, before him was the wife, and grown children of his brother. To say they were afraid was an understatement, they trembled with fear, their very minds failing to comprehend the Primordial in front of them leading to them almost going insane, but Power wouldn't let that happen. He needed their minds intact, for now at least.

Nevertheless, they were still terrified, and wouldn't stop crying. "Silence." He said, and they stopped. "Mortals, from this day forward you will be my heralds."

"w-w-ww-why u-us?" The mother spoke up, though clearly afraid.

"Your children are the spawn of my brother, and you were his wife. I believe his mortal name was Ferof." Needless to say, the children and mother were all shocked.

Losing his patience and feeling disgusted by conversing with mortals, he said, "No more questions, you will be my heralds and you will fight for me, whether you like it or not."

Stolen from their world, everything they knew gone, and powerless to do anything about it, they were made against their will to destroy world after world. Eventually, they forgot they were even human to begin with.

Now, that we're all caught up, let's have a look at the present. The last battle of the war, the last mortal planet, and the last mortal planet under siege.

The Vyfil and Primordials already lying in wait, even on the planet below.

Power and his armies arrived, and the battle for the lives of the remaining mortals began.

A battle raged between the Gathor, the race Power made, and the Primodirals Vyfil, a race made by the Primordials to combat them. The Gathor vastly outnumbered the Vyfil, but they wouldn't be beaten by mere numbers.

"So, this is it, the final battle. After this, I can rid myself of all of you." Power spoke to his siblings.

"I'll kill you, you bastard," Ferof said.

"Oh? We both know that's impossible, no matter how much you try. Oh, and I have a gift for you, my dear brother." Power spoke the last bit with venom. Just as Power finished his sentence, his heralds, arrived.

"If you want this war to end, you'll have to kill them, but, will you be able to, I wonder?" Power said, and without saying anything else, all three heralds charged forward towards the primordials.

Ferof well, let's just say his wife seemed to want to kill him. Not that it was possible but Power didn't need it to be possible, he needed a distraction. One long enough to prepare enough power to seal his siblings, and destroy this planet.

The daughter and son of Ferof named, Jelk and Yoelia. Power had given all three of them a portion of his power, so they could fight the primordials on equal terms, at least, for a while.

Telina, with her sword in hand charged toward Ferof, and Ferof matched her tenacity. Their swords clashed, their radiating power a spectacle to behold in the endless expanse of space.

Their battle raged on until eventually, Ferof managed to knock her sword away from her, but she continued with just her fists. Not caring about her body breaking down she fought, fought, and fought until she couldn't move and fell backward.

Her helmet having been struck earlier in the fight finally broke in half to reveal her smiling face, and she remembered everything. His eyes widened in shock, and tears formed in his eyes as he dropped his weapon and caught her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't save you." He cried out as she was disintegrating in his arms, she smiled with tears in her eyes and said, "It...w-wasn't your f-f-fault." She said and looked toward Jelk and Yoelia.

"A-a-are t-they?"

"Y-Yes...p-please s-s-save our k-kids..." Telina said as all the remaining life was drained out of her, and the power she borrowed was returned to Power.

Ferof looked towards his other siblings as they fought his children and yelled out, "STOP!" As soon as he did, they rushed toward power to guard him as he prepared. 'Shit, it's not enough' thought Power as he looked toward his two remaining heralds and in one swift move of a tendril, killed them both, and his power returned to him.

"NO!! YOU FUCKING BASTARD, I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Screamed Ferof as he charged toward Power with hate in his eyes and tears streaming down his face. The other primordials joined together in his assault on Power, launching attack after attack.

Power was being pushed into a corner by his siblings, but was almost finished, until he saw the other primordials merging their energy, creating something that would restrain him, at least for a short time. They finished their restraints before Power could finish his own.

"FUCK!!" Cursed Power and Creation rushed toward him, he began kicking punching, and stabbing at him. The other primordials didn't stop him, as they witnessed what he had done to his wife and children.

With heavy breathing, Creation slumped down crying, "WHY?! WHY DID YOU DO ALL OF THIS?!" Ferof said but Power started laughing.

"aha...ahahaha....AHAHAHAHAAHAHA...Do you really need to ask such a stupid question? I mean, really! Look at them down there, so tiny, so small..." His voice turned even darker as he spoke, "It's fucking pathetic, and you Creation, or should I call you 'Ferof', are just like them, you mated with one of them, lived as one of them, and died as one of them. So, I thought I'd show you just how weak they truly are, and turned them into my heralds."

Ferof was seething with rage but before he could speak anymore, Time spoke, "You did all of this, just because they're weak?" Her voice became strained with sadness. "Yes", simply answered Power, and he continued, "And you all aren't any fucking better."

This time it was Space who spoke, "If you hate mortals so much, as to do all of this, then maybe, we'll make you one." He said with certainty.

The Primordials began accumulating power millenniums ago, enough to seal the vast majority of Power's power. Each Primordial summoned a sphere of power and all of it floated toward Creation, as they felt it would be his right to punish Power.

Power, for the first time in his eternal life, looked afraid, and tried to speak only to find he couldn't. "The decision was already made millenniums ago. Power, for your crimes of destroying billions of worlds, We, The Primordials sentence you to life as a human, with the vast majority of your power sealed." Creation, with the combined might of all Primordials in hand, shot out his palm toward Power, thrusting him to the planet below, to be reborn, as a mortal.

Destruction raised his sword and spoke, "THIS WAR IS OVER!!" A light shot forth from his sword and killed every single Gathor in the vicinity and beyond. The cries of victory from the Vyfil from the expanse and on the planet below.

Let me know what you think, and what could be improved going forward. Thanks for reading!

Noodleminecreators' thoughts