
Primordial Of Power and Ice

Percy leaves camp when his friends, the seven and the whole camp including Annabeth gravitate towards his stuck-up cousin. He is betrayed by everyone including his father. During his isolation he meets goddesses of the hunt and snow can they cure his frozen heart? P:S: This is my first story, not a chaos army or prince of the universe story, that's too overused. P.S: I personally tagged it overpowered I don't want any insults

grimreaper906 · Book&Literature
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25 Chs


Percy's POV

And then I heard "PERSEUS JACKSON, YOU ARE SUMMONED TO OLYMPUS IMMEDIATELY... POSEIDON BRING HIM OVER!!!" a voice which I was sure was Zeus's boomed.

Without asking I'm grabbed by the arm and flashed to Olympus. Once I enter, immediately I am placed in chains I couldn't even move I could only speak. I opened my eyes to find the whole Olympian Council and Hades and Hestia glaring at me.

"Why am I in chains?" I asked.

"Perseus Jackson you've been accused of aiding Gaia, Tartarus, and the giants and the titans as their spy in all the previous wars in the second Titanomachy and the second Giantomachy, how do you plead? asked Zeus.

the Olympians leaned forward for my answer, "Innocent, milord", I replied.

"Very well, Heracles come out and give your testimony against Perseus," said Zeus.

"Yes, milord, I was hunting Gration and Orion as I heard rumours that they both had escaped from Tartarus, so I found them and beat them up and interrogated them they informed me that they were hunting Artemis as they heard she was alone without her hunt, so they were going to attack her and take her as a wife so I asked her who gave them this news and they said it was Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon, so now I'm here presenting my case," said Hercules.

"Very well, Perseus do you plead guilty",

"No milord", I replied.

They asked their lie detector "Apollo!!!" they all shouted, "is Perseus innocent or guilty?" asked Zeus.

I saw Heracles glare at Apollo and I saw Apollo gulp in fear.

"Guilty, father" he replied. I narrowed my eyes. I heard Zeus droning on about how since am a threat to Olympus, I should not be let run amuck.

"Apollo, know this when we meet again it will not be on drinks or for jokes when next I see you I'll see you, it will be my sword on your ichor, you chose your life over the truth, or I may decide to forgive you, this I swear on the Styx",  I projected my thoughts to him and smirked when I saw him gulp in fear.

Thunder rumbled in the distance.

It was then I started listening to Zeus's monologue.

I heard "must be killed". I rolled my eyes and said

"I'm sorry I zoned out I couldn't hear what you were saying".

I heard some snickers and muffled laughter, Zeus turned red and said " Perseus Jackson has been sentenced to death by my lightning bolt" he said almost happy, he had a psychotic look in his eyes(ugh! like father like son) as he grabbed his master bolt, "any last words?".

"Yes Lord Zeus, I have some choice words for some people here, could you please flash the Hunters, The Romans, and The Greeks, here as a last request?". He nodded.

In a snap of fingers, they were all here looking a little disoriented. I cleared my throat, all the attention turned to me, the Greeks were glad seeing me in chains apart from Clarisse, the Romans were confused seeing their ex-praetor bound in chains from head to foot, The Hunters had mixed expressions, Thalia was angry.

"Now you all listening, know this if you had listened to me and paid more attention to your children, you Gods but no you wouldn't listen to a mere mortal, if you had paid attention to your children you would have seen how I was treated like trash by your children, know this Camp Half-blood, Zeus, Poseidon, I won't forget this, Jake when you see me again your head would be gone the next second, Romans thanks for the wonderful time I spent with you, Apollo I told you, don't forget, Oh and Hercules we will surely meet again. So Zeus are you ready. Oh and Lady Artemis I'm no spy, and why I would have information about the Hunt is beyond me. So as they say hit me with your best shot and Poseidon I will never forgive you for disowning me for no reason, and Clarisse send my greetings to Chiron". She nodded.

As I was saying this I felt someone trying to break down my mental barrier, so let the person in,

"I have plans for you young one, not yet time to die, I'll fake your death," said the male voice in my head, so I said,

"Hope it's not evil then yes". So the last thing I heard was Thalia and Nico screaming "NOOO" before I saw darkness.