
Primordial Magic Academy

Sirius was transmigrated into a Magical Fantasy World with his previous life's memories intact. The Fantasy World, Zenix, had Humans, Elves, Demons, Dragons, Faes and even Angels living there. After transmigrating, Sirius awakened the Primordial Academy System, and created the Primordial Magic Academy. From accepting the first student, Sirius turned the Primordial Magic Academy from an unknown school to the strongest organization in the Universe. Gods, Demon Gods, Immortals and even the Undead wanted to enter Primordial Magic Academy. However, only the most talented juniors in the universe could enter the Academy. During all of this, Sirius grew stronger and stronger with the help of the System, becoming the strongest in the Universe. Watch Sirius's adventures as in the Mythological World of Zenix as he turns the Primordial Magic Academy into the strongest organization, slaying all his enemies on the way to becoming the strongest of them all while gaining valuable allies. ( There will be SMUT )

StrikerAuthor · Fantasy
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First Lesson!

Primordial Magic Academy - 1 Week Later!

One week had passed since Sirius had officially commenced academy operations and had given the rewards to the students. During the past week, the five ( 5 ) students were merging with their new Physique's and Bloodlines, while comprehending their new Mana Cultivation Techniques.

Now one week later, all the students had fully merged with their Physique's and Bloodlines, with absolutely no problems occurring. Today was the first official lesson of the Primordial Magic Academy.

As the first day of classes, naturally all 5 students were in attendance, silently sitting in their seats while looking at each-other. As fellow students, they naturally had to look out for each-other, and had become rather friendly over the past week, yet there was still a competitive drive within each of them to be the absolute strongest.


Suddenly, all of the students felt an agonizing fear crash into their body. It was like a Primal, tyrannical beast was moving closer and closer to them. Their bloodlines rioted, and they gasped for air that had seemed to mysteriously vanish as the source of the fear grew closer and closer.

~Click~ The classroom door clicked open and in stepped Sirius, who briskly walked to the front of the classroom and looked at the Students, his eyes emitted an overbearing aura.

"First Lesson - No matter how powerful you become, how many techniques you learn, or how many enemies you defeat and kill. NEVER become arrogant. There's always a sky above the well, a Galaxy above the sky, and a Universe above the Galaxy. You all have gotten used to your Physiques, Bloodlines, Mana Techniques over the past week and might've think you're destined for greatness. But talent is insignificant in the fact of absolute power!" 

Sirius' tone of voice was exceptionally serious, his eyes glaring daggers at each and every student in particular. He wanted to make sure his Students understood his warning. Too many protagonists of Mangas, Anime and Novels he had viewed in his past life grew insufferably arrogant and overbearing the second they gained even a little power, regardless of how weak they were compared to real powerhouses.

Sirius didn't want to hear that his Students had offended the entire world due to their arrogance, and made sure to scare that mentality out of them early.

"UNDERSTOOD?" Sirius said loudly, and the 5 students briskly nodded. Once he had made sure they understood, he retracted his overbearing, tyrannical aura, allowing the students to calm down.

Seeing their improved expressions, Sirius nodded and began his lesson," Today, I'll be teaching you the correct method of Mana Control, Mana Manipulation and Spell Casting."

The twins didn't object, as they hadn't been taught anything about Mana or Magic in their lives, but the other 3 were slightly confused. All having come from influential families, they thought that they had learnt all the theoretical knowledge they needed on these subjects. 

Sirius didn't acknowledge their confusion, instead just continuing on.

" When you begin Mana Cultivation, you must gather the Mana in the surrounding area and store it in your body through your Mana Veins. The Mana Veins absorb and channel it throughout your body during cultivation, strengthening both your body and increasing your Mana Realm. That's what you all learned correctly?" Sirius explained and then inquired.

Ezreal, Gabriella and Azazel all nodded, confused as to why Sirius was explaining such basic information.

"That method is fantastic, but not entirely true. Once you store the Mana in your Mana Veins, before running it through your bodies, you must first purify the Mana of Impurities. Over 50% of the problem people have with Mana Control and Manipulation is that the Impure Mana not only increases the difficulty, but also reduces the power of the Mana used, and thus the spell casted is less effective."

Ezreal, Gabriella and Azazel were surprised. This theory Sirius was explaining had been discussed Eons ago, but Mana was too difficult to purify, and attempts to purify it lead to Mana Destruction, which would kill the Cultivator, this this theory was forgotten.

People had instead attempted to purify the Mana before absorbing it, but only around 10% of the Mana could be purified using the most advanced current technology, leaving 90% impure Mana around.

"Those aren't the only negative effects of impure Mana. Impure Mana also makes it much harder to breakthrough Realms, and also limits potential. A person might have the potential to reach the DemiGod Realm in their lifetime, but due to constantly having Impure Mana running through their body and corrupting their Mana Veins, they may only be able to reach the Divine Steps Realm."

This time, all of the students were surprised. They had never known the Mana they were using all their lifetime had such detrimental effects of their future. Shivers ran down their spine when they thought about it.

"The correct way to purify the Mana is to continuously compress your Mana while cultivating, using an Eternal Grade Mana Cultivation Technique or higher graded. This Method not only turns cleanses your Impure Mana into Pure Mana, but increases Mana Control, Manipulation, the spell of all Spells and Mystic Techniques casted and makes your strength significantly stronger within the same realm. Luckily for you all, I've given you Eternal Grade Mana Cultivation Techniques or higher."

All of students smirked in excitement. They knew that the Mana Cultivation Techniques Sirius had given them were of incredibly high quality, but this was the first time they really understood just how important it was. According to what they now knew, no-one had a Mana Cultivation Technique of Eternal Grade or Higher aside from Sirius, which was why no-one could purify mana.

"Now onto casting Spells and Mystical Techniques. By Casting, you're utilizing the Mana running through your body and using your imagination, understanding of Elemental and Arcane Magical Laws, and Affinity to turn your imagination into Reality!"

"For instance, to cast the spell Thunder Lance. Most Mages simply memorize the Magic Circles of the Spell while chanting the incantation, some geniuses can cast without saying the incantation out-loud, but even this is a terrible process, needlessly long, and inefficient at the very best."

The students were surprised. They were only taught to say the incantation while thinking of the Magic Circle for the necessary spell to cast them. 

"Think of it this way. How do Mages create spells? There are no Magic Circles, or incantations available for the Spell or Mystical Technique before they are created. The way they create the spell, is the same way most spells should be casted."

"Imagination is what drives the magic spells to work. We cannot produce something we cannot dare to imagine. What happens next is to control our mana and direct it the way how we want to obtain the said result."

"The correct, and most efficient way to cast spells are by first imagining the particular spell in your mind, for example Thunder Lance. The more vivid the imagination, the better. Then, we must combine this imagination with our understanding of the Primordial Laws of the particular element the spell refers to, for instance Light, Darkness, Dream, Fire, Lightning, Earth, Wind, Water and other elements. The deeper your understanding, the stronger the spell."

"Finally, we gather the necessary Mana of the spell, combining the Mana, Law Understanding, and Imagination, to form the spell. No chant or incantation needed. As you grow stronger, your speed of processing information will improve, and it will take mere picoseconds to cast even the most complex spells. This is one of the reasons people think only those in the Mana Emperor tier and above can Multi-Cast, when in reality, as long as you're smart enough, anyone can multi-cast."

Sirius continued on, explaining the process while simultaneously pointing out the various issues with the way the World of Zenix currently views spell casting.

Sirius snapped his finger, and the entire classroom morphed into a Dreamlike Forest with beautiful faeries and charming Mana Beasts everywhere to be seen.

"This spell can only be casted by Forbidden Mages or stronger, and takes more Mana than all of you have combined x5. Yet I casted it before you could even blink, due to my imagination and Law Understanding, and my completely pure Mana."

"My task for you all is to cast a Spell using this Method. You'll be showcasing that to me in 2 weeks."

Sirius said. If he truly wanted to turn his students into the strongest in the world, he needed to make sure they had all the necessary understanding and help needed. Sirius could be sure that the absolute strongest beings in the world, the Gods, surely knew about what he was saying, yet suppressed the information. Presumably to make sure their descendants continued to dominate the world.

Sirius was going to directly break this monopoly on information, using his unparalleled system provided knowledge to teach his students everything they needed.

 "Also, final thing before class ends. You all were given points as an Entrance gift, but starting from today. You all will need to either complete tasks, or work in the various stores around Primordial Magic City to earn Academy points!"

Sirius said, leaving the classroom while whispering to himself,

"It seems I like teaching more than expected!"