
Chapter 37: Bear Island

The sound of battle rang out thru the whole island, both forces collided with vigor and with their own goals, one side was to protect their families while the other to take what they wanted.

The northern men and women slowly began to faulter, they soon realized the trap they were falling into as more reavers came from the sides. The northerners tried to adjust but their numbers dwindled rapidly. Dacey had took an arrow in her leg, her mother took one in the arm, but both fought back with the same fervor as at the beginning.

Many injured men and women had began to get pulled away by the Ironborn, so that they could be used as hostages.

"Give it up Green landers, you will serve the King of the Iron Islands moving forward, we will find you excellent positions according to your talents. Hahaha."

"I call that beauty Dacey as my salt wife, I heard of her beauty, my last salt wife was broken after me and my crew got a little too drunk. She would be a perfect replacement for me."

"I've always wanted to try a real she-bear, those ones we have back home are just common bitches. I hear she's got a whole lot of sisters."

Laughter permeated thru the battlefield, shaking the resolve of some of the northmen as they tried to encircle the Mormont women to protect their leaders. Just as their shields were about to faulter, their strength from a full on battle had began to drain, a sudden boom, followed by the ground quaking, stopped all the jeers and shouts from the Ironborn completely.

"I'll only say this once, if your not a resident of this island, leave now, or you'll never leave this island alive again." A voice rang out from behind the Ironborn, causing many to turn back to investigate.

They witnessed a single man with dark hair and blue eyes standing up from a small crater in the beach, as Aiden stood his presence seemed to expand with him, drawing the attention of everyone.

Many Ironborn didn't waste time and began to relaunch attacks not only on him, but on the remaining Mormont forces since they were barely able to stand. They saw Dacey and others within that they found attractive and want to begin taking part in their spoils of war.

Seeing this Aiden just shook his head, "Guess you Ironborn need to be shown strength before you will listen to reason."

After saying this Aiden punched the ground, using his bio-electric field to carpet the area that the Northern forces were so they wouldn't be effected by the force, the ground quaked violently, turning the sand all around the northerners into quicksand for but a moment. All the Ironborn lost their balance after sinking into the sand a few inches, as some stumbled into the northern army they were slaughtered by the Mormont forces before they could regain their footing.

Aiden quickly grabbed a Ironborn man by his chestplate, looked out to the main ship that held the commander of this attack, "Tell your commander he has all but five minutes to stop this or I'll not only kill him and his entire army, but I'll gift all his ships to these northerners."

After Aiden stated this, to everyones shock, he threw the man far off the beach, the man's scream could be heard as he sailed an impossible distance, the scream continued until a load crash was heard. The man crashed perfectly into the ships door that led into Gorold Goodbrother's room.

Seeing Aiden's display of strength stopped all the Ironborn in their tracks. Seeing him casually throw a man so far was something they couldn't wrap their heads around at the moment.

It wasn't until a horn that signalled a continued assault did they wake up from the stupor they were in, although many heard the blare, they didn't move. Seeing that his warning went unheeded, Aiden slowly began to walk forward as he scanned the battlefield entirely.

"Those who drop their weapons will have a chance to return home." Aiden gave one final warning to these Ironborn, but alas his warning was met by a fanatical shout from an Ironborn.

"What is dead may never die! Kill this cunt and then we have all the spoils!" A large older man shouted as he ran to attack Aiden.

"What is dead may never die!" Shouts echoing the man resounded as the hundreds of men began to launch an attack, not only on Aiden but on the northern group as well, they wanted hostages to make thinks easier on them.

Just as the first man reached the small group surrounding the Mormont women, Aiden appeared in front of the man with a kick to his chest, launching him backwards. Before he could go far, Aiden grabbed him by the ankle, and used his body as a club, swinging him around causing mayhem within the Ironborn ranks.

Each time his body collided with another, there was a sickening crunch. Not only was the man being used as a club having his bones breaking with each hit, but so too were the bones of those he was hit into.

Within seconds a large amount of men layed dead or in excruciating pain, while the upper body of the man in Aidens arms was completely unrecognizable. If not for the legs and what was left of the armor on the upper body, you wouldn't even know that they were once a living person.

"Guess the Iron Islands just don't know when they are defeated until they are dead. Fine, I'm sure my friend Jorah could use some nice ships." Aiden said aloud which shocked the northerners behind him.

"You know my nephew?" Maege asked as she stepped out of the turtle formation they had put up to protect her.

"Jorah? I do. He is currently in Winterfell, my Lady. Excuse me one moment, I have some sea worms to handle first. Be right back." Aiden stated as he began to float up in the air and fly out towards the main ship.

Before heading towards the ship, Aiden began to use his heat vision to kill any Ironborn still armed, this caused the northern army to be stunned once again by the display of power and ability. He had arrived too quickly for them to realize how he arrived originally.

"Mother who is that?" Dacey said as she watched Aiden flying slowly backwards as a red beam was fired multiple times from his eyes.

"I only know that he is here thanks to your cousin Jorah." Maege answered with a sigh as she too tried to come to terms with what she was seeing.

"Is that magic? Is he a sorcerer?" Dacey asked as she was being looked at by a local healer.

"I can only assume my little cub, magic hasn't appeared in many years, but even what is recorded regarding magic doesn't speak of such abilities." Maege said as she yanked the arrow from her arm as a healer began to attend her.

Back on Gorold's ship, many of the Ironborn were shaking uncontrollably, they watched in horror as Aiden landed on their ship and backhanded any warrior that was brave enough to attack him. This backhand sent each man skipping across the surface of the freezing waters multiple times before they sank into the watery depths, never to be seen again.

"Come on out squid. It's time you knew that your ships are no longer yours. You had your chance to leave, but since you don't want to listen to your men, you've lost that chance entirely. Now you will have to hope that the Mormonts are a forgiving people." Aiden said load enough for all to hear.

"Fuck you! I swear I'll see you meet the damned Drowned God, you cunt of a Greenlander!" Gorold shouted as he burst through the doorway, angered by the shouts of his men.

As soon as he got onto the deck and saw only a single man dressed in a strange armor that looked like it couldn't protect even from the cold, he was angered even more.

"Are you cunts really scared of one man! I will throw everyone of you to the Drowned God if you don't show some fucking back bone! Kill this bastard, he isn't even armed you fucking cowards, and make sure you have the others continue their assault." Gorold ordered sternly, as he pulled his own sword from it's scabbard.

"Oh the men on land and the six ships have already been confiscated. I'm here to collect these last four since you didn't heed my advice to retreat, I warned by not leaving all these ships will be turned over. I am a man of my word." Aiden said as he folded his arms over his chest.

None of the men moved to attack, they had seen what happened to their friends that did, and that was not something they wanted to experience. Aiden didn't wait for them to attack first, using super speed, he dashed forward, grabbing each man and tossed them high into the air towards the shoreline in an exaggerated arc.

This gave him time to empty the four boats out completely, as well as pushing said boats to the shore and even had time to create a large catching net out of the fishing nets aboard the ships, to then catch some of those that he threw.

Aiden didn't care about those Ironborn who were devout believers in the old ways, they had raped and murdered many women and children in cruel manners, so those that were the worst of them wouldn't survive the plummet. Some he even thru deeper into the forest, set to land near a bear den with cubs, those would survive the fall with both legs broken, so they could then be mauled by the momma bear. Poetic justice.

This sudden change had caused many of the healers on the northerners side to faint, brain overload of information they weren't accustomed to, caused many of the weaker willed to just short circuit.

Dacey along with many others couldn't help but think of the legends from the Age of Heroes, where magic and heroes of the battlefield were commonplace. When one man could and did make a difference on the battlefield. Now, although it was still possible for one person to make a difference, it was not on the battlefield they made the difference, rather it was the commanders off the battlefield that won wars.

As magic declined and those powerful sorcerers and witches began to die out, either from battle or old age, the focus became more on strategy rather than strength. What they saw from Aiden was overwhelming strength.

Within minutes of arriving, he was able to stop a large scale invasion, not using an army or taking command, but by single handedly going on the offensive. Gorold hadn't even realized what happened, he found himself wrapped in a fishing net, laying on the sandy shore unconscious.

"Alright, now that that's done..." Aiden commented, he then began to focus on healing those who were injured on the beach.

A warm golden light emanated from Aiden's body, this light felt like it was from the sun itself, it tingled on their skin as all the wounds began to close up and heal completely, not even a scar was left behind.

Dacey felt the warmth wash over her, as she closed her eyes, the image of a cold winter frost that blanket the fields during the night, being overwhelmed by a raising morning sun that melted the frost with ease.

She felt her aches and pains vanish, even ones she had received from training days ago, it felt wonderful. All the northerners had the same thought, this wasn't a human before them, this was something that only the gods themselves could do.

"There. Now everyone should be all healed up, who was the one in charge?" Aiden asked as he felt the wounds were all healed.

His voice brought all the northerners out of their momentary bliss, causing Maege to speak up, "That would be me, my Lord. I am Maege Mormont. Aunt of Jorah Mormont. Regent of Bear Island in the absence of my nephew. You said you knew him?"

"Ah, yes. We battled during the tournament at Lannisport, and we got along well. I am Aiden, and I'm no Lord or Ser or anything of note. I am glad I made it in time, Jorah wouldn't have had a home to return too should these Ironborn had their way. I leave the ships for you, as well as choosing what do do with this old squid." Aiden said as he kicked at Gorold Goodbrother who was laying on the ground next to his feet.

"Aye, thank you for the help Aiden. These ships will definitely come in handy." Maege replied still confused by everything, she originally thought she would be dead earlier, so the shock was still keeping her a little hesitant on asking further questions.

"Are you a sorcerer?" Dacey asked as she stepped forward confidently. She was very confident in herself, she was said to be one of the most beautiful of women from the North, she was also an excellent fighter.

In fact, in the original timeline, she died at the Red Wedding, but she had almost fought her way out before she was eventually killed by the reinforcements that stormed into the hall after the Boltons and Freys sprung their trap against Robb Stark and all his forces.

She had killed many men, even though she was unarmed and taken by surprise, she was able to kill quite a few as she made her escape. Aiden had seen the future that would've been had he not been here, so when he saw Dacey he couldn't help but admire the girl.

"Nope not a sorcerer, but I can use magic, magi is what we call our magic users. And you are?" Aiden asked, although he recognized her he still didn't know who she was.

"Dacey Mormont. I am Jorah's cousin. Do you want to join us for some victory celebrations? Most of us are going to be going all out tonight, since we didn't think we would live past a few minutes ago." Dacey said as she walked up to Aiden to get a closer look.

She was surprised by his demeanor as well as his looks. She couldn't deny that the man in front of her was the best looking man she has ever seen. Aiden was completely different than any other man in the north, he wasn't grizzled or savage looking, instead he had a clean noble appearance found mostly in the south.

Aiden looked to Winterfell, seeing that they hadn't returned from their visit to Kandor, he gave a nod.

"Sure, why not."

"Perfect!" Dacey responded, then took her arm and intertwined it with Aiden's and began to lead him towards the keep.

"Great, I think sister is trying to stake her claims already." One of Dacey's sisters, Alysane stated with a sigh.

"Aye, well mom has been taking marriage proposals lately for her, which we know she was against all of them. This is probably her way of telling mom off." Lyra replied with a chuckle as she looked at their mothers expression.

Maege watched with a hint of worry for her daughter, worry that she may be getting in over her head with that one.

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