
Chapter 25: Interlude

That night the whole city of Lannisport was abuzz with talks.

Within the hall of the mansion that was built for the govenor of Lannisport a heated discussion was going on.

"I want him captured, tortured, and killed after he tells us where the dragonspawn and their mother is!" Robert demanded within the chamber.

Barristan Selmy, Tywin Lannister, Jon Arryn, Varys, Petyr Baelish, and Ned Stark were all in the room sitting and watching Robert going berzerk.

"We would have to wait until after the tournament to make any moves, if Ser Barristan can defeat him on the morrow and have him sustain injury would make it easier, but if we move tonight it will make the crown look like they never intend to pay the winner in the first place." Petyr Baelish commented with a slight grin. He was enjoying this.

"We know where he is, that is enough for now. I have men watching The Lion's Den and the tavern they are drinking at as we speak. If he tries to leave the city we will be able to capture him right away." Tywin responded.

"I don't give two shits what the people think. Barristan, how confident are you at beating him, you've obviously trained that bastard before." Robert said as he pour himself some wine.

"Not good, and I wasn't the only one to train him your Grace. He was trained by all of the Kingsguard, including Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Jaime Lannister and Ser Gerold Hightower extensively. He was very good with whatever weapon we put in his hands, it was as if he was born to fight. Rhaegar was wanting to groom the boy into a Lord Commander of the Kingsguard." Barristan replied with a sigh, he knew he wouldn't be a match.

"I can see why, you sure he isn't one of your bastards Robert? He has strong Baratheon looks and gods know how many bastards you already have out there." Jon Arryn said with a stern look.

"Who gives a shit? It's just a bastard, even if he is one of mine, I want him dead. He picked the wrong side." Robert brushed it off, he truly didn't care about any of his bastards or even his own children with the queen that he thought was his own.

"Robert, I wouldn't suggest making any moves on this one." Ned finally spoke, he knew anyone sent after Aiden wouldn't come back with him, if at all.

"Whose bloody side are you on Ned? He isn't a fucking babe! First you fault me for trying to kill babes, I barely fucking see you anymore since I took the throne from that Mad King, you hole yourself up in that shithole of a castle. What in the seven hells are you doing?"

"I'm doing my duty your grace, guarding the north. That shithole of a castle, as you call it, is where I belong. My family has been there for thousands of years, I have a lot of land to govern." Ned replied back calmly, hiding the anger he was feeling.

"Seven bloody kingdoms, one crown Ned. I can't have my kingdoms doing as they please. This bastard is a threat, a threat I want handled. I don't care how, by the time we get back to Kings Landing I want that bastard in chains and brought before me. I will question him myself, then deal with him personally. My hammer hasn't tasted nearly enough blood."

"We could try poisoning him before the match, I can easily have one of the whores at the brothel he is staying at do it." Tywin offered.

"I doubt it would be as easy as you think Lord Tywin. Not only is he staying with the Red Viper himself, who is a master at poisons, so he would easily be able to detect even the most discreet of poisons, but according to my little birds, he has amassed quite the following since his time here. The moment you approach one with such a task, outward they may agree, but they would just inform him of it, apparently the whores of your port think him some kind of god or savior." Varys chuckled, he thought it was amusing that such a thing occurred.

"Bah, maybe he is one of mine then, that bastard definitely doesn't look his age, he's what 13 or 14 name days old, he looks ten years older than he is. No, poisoning that way won't do, but have the men use poisoned blades and arrows during the ambush when he leaves, nothing that would kill, I want to kill him myself." Robert said after some thinking on what was said.

"I own this city, if I personally tell these whores to do something they will. They know the consequences should they not do so. You forget Spider, I own them and their families. All I need to do is capture the whores family before bringing her in, they will do as they are told." Tywin said, his anger evident in his voice, he wasn't happy about his influence being questioned, especially in his own city.

As the kings meeting was taking place, another was going on within the city, Olenna Tyrell was laying in bed with her granddaughter talking.

"So Little Rose, do you mind telling me what really went on before the tournament, I know you didn't tell me all of it."

"I can't grandmother, not yet at least. I made a promise not to tell anyone until we got home." Margaery shook her head.

"Oh, well I'm not just anyone dear. You would hide it from your own grandmother as well? Hmm, must be quite the promise, tell me you are at least getting something for keeping such a promise even against your own grandmother."

Margaery blushed and nodded her head, "When he wins, he will crown me the Queen of Love and Beauty."

Olenna squinted her eyes at Margaery, "No, he is a Sand, a Dornish bastard. The Reach and Dorne have always had a bad relationship. Handsome or not, and even if you were of age, it is impossible for you to have any relationship beyond friendship with him. Foolish girl, do you have any idea what the consequences would be?" Olenna said exasperatedly.

"I...I...I like him." Margaery said nervously.

"You will be wed to a true born one day, hopefully to Aegon so that we can make you into a Queen. Even if he has skills in fighting and is related to the Targaryens in a small sense, he was groomed as a Kingsguard growing up, so even if you wanted he will not be able to wed." Olenna explained softly as she stoked Margaery's hair to comfort her as best as possible.

"I never said I wanted to be Queen, and he isn't a Dornish bastard." Margaery said resolutely.

Olenna picked up on those words instantly, gears began to turn in her head, "Of course he is, his last name says it all. Even if he doesn't look Dornish." Olenna said, she was fishing for information, she knew Margaery wouldn't claim something like this unless she knew something more, it had to do with what she wasn't telling her.

"They probably only gave him that name to hide him from someone. Grandmother I will tell you when we get back home, then you will know I am right." Margaery said sheepishly, she wanted to tell her grandmother that she actually saw a baby dragon, a real one.

"I have half the mind to either leave now or keep you here all day tomorrow, so that he can't give you that crown."

"No! I have to go! If you do that I will hate you forever and ever. I will run away and never come back." Margaery said panicked, she didn't want to be unable to be there.

"Little Rose, do you not understand what truly happened today? If he crowns you, it will be as if we too are against the King. He all but declared war on the King today. Had he just kept his mouth shut and proceeded with the tournament he would've been fine, in fact he could've been a spy for the Targaryens, King Robert would've probably made him a Kingsguard, especially with those looks the Queen was giving him. But he didn't, he openly said he is in contact with the three wanted Kingsguard, thus in contact with the Targaryens. Right now Robert is probably planning to ambush him after he leaves, he will be tortured for the location of the Targaryens then killed. No matter his strength, if attacked with enough men, even Ser Arthur Dayne, the famed Sword of the Morning, would be subdued. Our family will then be pulled into it." Olenna explained to her calmly.

"No! We have to help him." Margaery said worriedly.

"We can't. Should we help in anyway, we would be declared rebels and put to the sword, every one of us. We can't make any moves until the Targaryens are ready, until then we need to play our part as a loyal house to Robert. Unless you tell me more of what you are hiding I have no choice but to let Aiden be, he knows what he is doing I am sure. He did seem confident." Olenna responded.

Within a high class tavern not too far from The Lion's Den, a party was going on. The atmosphere was full of joyful laughs and cheers.

Around a large table sat many knights of the Riverlands and the North who were enjoying themselves. At this table sat Lord Whent, Lord Mallister, Lord Mormont, Prince Oberyn Martell and Aiden.

"My boy you make me proud to call you family, though not of my blood, you honored me and my brother in the face of overwhelming odds. Though I still think it stupid, you remind me of my brother so much, he and those other Kingsguard are honorable men." Walter Whent said, his face a little red from the alcohol and his eyes a little red from the emotions.

"Aye, a true knight he is. Honorable to a fault, but honor can be a double edged sword, honor on a battlefield will get you killed, especially if your enemy doesn't share your same beliefs. I thought you not right in the head dismounting those times, but seeing what you did to Boros the Belly I no longer think that." Jason Mallister said as he began laughing.

"Aye, I never heard a man pass wind out his ass as loudly as he did. Not even my horse has let one so big." Jorah Mormont said chuckling, causing many of the knights to burst out laughing.

"We even got to see what the man had to eat prior to the match, I even think I saw a whole sausage come out, what does he not chew before swallowing? I think Boros the Belly be a sword swallower." A Riverlander knight chimed in, as the knights laughed and banged their mugs on the table in agreement with him.

"I am just putting on a show my lords, however after tomorrow I will need your help. I originally planned to take the winnings and leave but I thought of something better. But I know I will be unable to do it myself." Aiden said with a smile.

"Anything my boy. You have my sword and my life if you require it." Walter said seriously as he looked into Aidens eyes.

"Aye, I would have to agree. What would you have of us?" Jason asked.

"Nothing serious as that. I will be donating the gold equally to Riverlands, Reach, the North and Dorne. The people suffer and I know you all look after your men and commoners as best you can. I have seen the Tyrells going around daily handing out food and coin to the needy. I know being split four ways isn't much..."

"Isn't much? My boy that's ten thousand gold dragons each. Are you sure you want to do this? That's a lot of gold." Walter exclaimed in shock.

"Yes. I don't need it. The people do. Your people starve and struggle, the king does nothing but raise taxes. I originally wanted to just take it to hurt Robert where it would do the most damage, but seeing what the people are going thru, I'd rather it go to them. I am sure my mother and everyone would agree." Aiden responded.

"Aiden, I must say you are even more of a knight then myself. You have my word, I Jason Mallister Lord of the Seagate, swear I will ensure that gold is evenly distributed and that in the Riverlands it will go to helping the people, if I don't keep my word may the Gods send me and all my descendants to the Seven Hells for all eternity." Jason Mallister said as he stood up raising his mug.

"Aye, I make the same oath, I give my word I will ensure Lord Stark receives the gold as well, he is an honorable man and will definitely use it to help the north." Jorah stood up raising his glass.

"You know I shall do the same nephew, although Dorne isn't in too much need similar to the Tyrells, I will ensure we distribute it according to your wishes. I can think of plenty of places that could use that coin within Dorne." Oberyn stood.

"My boy, you are a gift from the gods themselves, for once I have to agree with these women that wont stop clamoring on about you. I will see to it, on my name and in the name of my brother Oswell Whent, I will ensure it be carried out. I thank you on behalf of all the Riverlands. As the northmen like to say, the Riverlands too remembers their friends." Walter said as he stood up.

Soon all the men at the table stood with there glasses help high.

Aiden stood and raised his mug, "Here's to good friends, never above you or below you, but rather always beside you. There is no one I'd rather call myself friends with than those at this table. May all your dreams come true, except for one so you always have something to strive for."

"Here! Here!" Came a unanimous shout from all at the table then all the men chugged their drinks in unison.

"You know nephew, the king won't stand what you did today. He is probably planning on poisoning you before the match, so I would be careful once we are outside this hall. I doubt he will attack before the tournament is over, since that would make the crown look weak and scared in the eyes of everyone. But after is another story. Do you still plan on leaving with the northerners? I could join you instead of heading out with Gerion."

"Oh, so you met with him?" Aiden asked genuinely surprised.

"Aye, I thought on what you said, and after talking with the man you were right. He is a good man, we have a lot in common, we will be traveling to Essos and then to Old Valyria, explore the ruins and see if we can find some treasures. Maybe some books and Valyrian Steel. It'll be a grand adventure."

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