
Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse

this is the story of Aiden-El, twin brother to Sho-El tho separated by many years, they both come from the same source, Zoa. Zoa is the oldest and most powerful of all Kryptonian Gods. He is both a Martial Arts God as well as a God of Creation. Aiden and Sho are both created at the same time but Zoa sends both to seperate ends of the Omniverse. They are meant to protect the Omniverse in Zoa's place after he was punished and eternally sealed by all the other Kryptonian Gods. Join Aiden as he discovers worlds across the Omniverse as he grows in strength, becoming a god that protects life. Aiden will journey to worlds both known and unknown. He makes friends and possibly lovers along the way. I only own my own original character and do not have any copyrights to the world and stories that the MC enters. There may be worlds that I do create but that would be later.

Sykocyrus · Movies
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78 Chs

Chapter 20: Lannisport

"Alright Aiden, now that we are finally here, lets go relax and unwind. I know the perfect place." Oberyn said with a big grin as they had finally received the signal from the Dockmaster that they could now dock the ship.

"Why do I get the feeling your playing at something? But fine, lets see your game, just don't let your defeat get you down too much uncle."

Oberyn laughed and patted Aiden's back a few times, "Worry not, it's not about whether you win or lose this game, it's all about the enjoyment. To the Lion's Den we go then."

With that said, Oberyn disembarked the ship with a little extra pep in his step, The Lion's Den was the best brothel within Lannisport so Oberyn was excited to have a taste of lion tail.

Aiden took in the sights of the newly rebuilt port, the buildings were all uniform and freshly painted white with red roofs. The banner of House Lannister was atop each building.

Lannisport was the third largest city in all of Westeros and was one of the most prosperous as well. It was the primary city and port of the Westerlands, Casterly Rock, which was the ancestral home and stronghold of the Lannister family overlooked the port.

Known for its fine goldworks, goldsmiths, well-trained City Watch, a fine spiced honey wine and its higher quality brothels. It was protected by high and strong walls, as well as the high cliff that Casterly Rock was built allowed the port to be well defended.

As Aiden followed Oberyn thru the bustling streets, he drew the attention of the crowd, not only was Aiden handsome and built like a Greek god, his kryptonian skin suit was like nothing they had ever seen.

Many blacksmiths had even came up to Aiden and touched the armor and cape, amazed by the craftsmanship.

Oberyn couldn't help but chuckle as Aiden had to refuse many offers from the blacksmiths to purchase his suit. As they made their way thru the street and out of the docks and market, they arrived in the higher end district used by rich merchants and nobles.

As they neared the brothel and spoke, there were several eyes that followed, some were children, or little birds as Varys called them, as well as several other spies for various families.

However two women who were out on a balcony that overlooked the square that Aiden was walking thru took note of him instantly.

One was a short elderly woman with grey hair and wizened face, next to her was a little girl who was around seven years old with thick and softly curling brown hair, large brown eyes and pale skin.

"Grandmother, who is that young man with the S on his chest and fine red cape?" The young girl asked with a blush.

"I'm not sure Little Rose, but he looks Baratheon with that hair and build, but I doubt he is one due to he seems close to Prince Oberyn Martell, and that crest I am unsure of, never seen it before. He is quite handsome isn't he?" The elder woman said with a smile.

The little girl blushed even more as she nodded her head. The elderly woman then rang a bell, moments later a blond haired servant came into sight.

"You rang Lady Olenna?" The maid curtsied as she asked.

"Yes, me and my granddaughter here want to know if you know who that man in the black armor with the red cloak is?" Olenna asked as she pointed Aiden out.

When the maid saw who was being pointed out, she shook her head, "I apologize, my Lady but I do not. Would you like me send someone to find out?" The maid asked as she too couldn't take her eyes off Aiden as well.

"Please do, no need to rush tho, since he is with Prince Oberyn it isn't hard to know where they are going." Olenna said and then pulled out four gold dragons and placed them on the table.

"Here is one gold dragon, if you are able to bring a name then another will be given. One gold dragon per piece of information you are able to provide, however you will not be the only one I will be sending to get the information. If I find that you lied about anything, you will find out why they call me the Queen of Thorns. Understand?" Olenna said with a cold stern expression.

"Aye my lady, I wouldn't dare lie."

"Smart. I do enjoy dealing with smart people especially when your constantly dealing with stupidity." Olenna said as she looked into the room they were staying in for the tournament.

Just inside the room was a overweight middle aged man with dark brown hair and brown eyes, eating a variety of different cakes that had been brought in.

The maid saw this, but dared not agree or disagree, she knew that Olenna was highly intelligent and shrewd. Although she came off as a kind and feeble old woman, she was actually one of the realms most able and cunning masters of intrigue.

The maid took her leave, she wanted those gold dragons, as she left the inn to go to the brothel, stopping at the front desk to exchange the gold dragon she received into silver stags, this way she herself could do some bribbing if necessary in order to get at information easier.

After the maid left, Margaery looked to her grandmother questioningly and asked, "You didn't hire anyone else to find out about that man, are you really going to hire others to check if she lied?"

"Of course not Little Rose, but she doesn't know that. You must learn to play the games life throws at you, one day you could become a Queen or Regent of a kingdom, or need to negotiate on trade, with just that sentence alone I guaranteed she will be truthful in her report. She knows there would be serious consequences should she not do so. Now come, you will be joining me in my meeting with the Hightowers, do not speak, only listen and learn. I will be quizzing you after the meeting to see if you picked up on anything once it is over."

As the two made their way to where they had scheduled to meet with Leyton Hightower, Aiden and Oberyn arrived at a luxurious mansion, The Lion's Den. This brothel was specifically designed to cater to nobles and only the richest of merchants.

Aiden got very nervous, he finally realized what kind of place this was. Although he looked to be in his twenties, Aiden was only in his teens in reality. So he hadn't ever done anything with a woman before, Oberyn knew this and was on a mission, he was going to give this nephew who saved his sister and children a good time.

"Get me the four most beautiful woman your establishment has for me and my nephew here, plus send up food and wine. We just arrived in the city so we will be needing my usual room all week." Oberyn said as he dropped a decent size pouch onto the proprietors front desk, when the pouch hit the table several gold dragons spilled out.

"As you wish Prince Oberyn, we are more than happy to accommodate you and your nephew. Might I suggest a virgin and a experienced one for your nephew, it seems he himself isn't very experienced, so this will ensure he has the greatest experience this week." The older woman said as she licked her lips as she eyed Aiden like he was a piece of meat as she gathered the pouch of gold dragons.

"Hahaha, those were my exact thoughts as well, just don't make her too experienced, only the finest for my family." Oberyn laughed as he patted Aiden on the shoulder encouragingly.

"Come Aiden, allow uncle to show you a whole new world, just don't tell your mother it will be our little secret."

Aiden looked at Oberyn and tried to calm his rapidly beating heart. He would be lying to himself if he tried to say he wasn't interested in what was about to happen. Just because he wasn't human didn't mean he didn't go thru the stages of puberty, just like any normal teenage boy he was definitely interested.

Oberyn enjoyed seeing Aiden squirming, his usual calm demeanor was nowhere to be seen anymore, now his face was beet red as his vision could see and hear everything that was happening all in the brothels occupied rooms.

After Oberyn and Aiden walked up the stairs to go to the double suite that he practically bought within the brothel, the blond hair maid that was tasked to find out who Aiden was by Olenna walked up to the front desk and talked with the hostess. She was the maids Aunt.

"Brienne, what are you doing here? Arent you supposed to be working today?" The woman asked.

"I am working Aunt Vivian, I was sent to get some information on someone who may have come in, my Lady wanted to find out about the man that was with Prince Oberyn."

Vivian then gave a knowing smile, "Ah yes, a very fine specimen indeed, hehe, if I was a little younger I would gladly help turning that boy into a man..." Vivian then thought of something.

"Your in luck, Prince Oberyn requested two women to join his nephew for the week, if you want I can put you and Gisele with him tonight." Vivian said with a wide smile.

Brienne was started by her aunts words, and blushed, "I..I..I don't have any experience."

"Precisely, and neither does he, like I said he isn't a man yet. Trust me, that boy was one of the most handsome men I have seen, I am a little jealous. So what do you say? Not only will you get to sleep with a good looking man, but after your done you would be able to get quite a lot of information for your Lady, and make some gold while doing it, men love to talk after they have plowed our fields."

Brienne blushed even further, she didn't get a good look at Aiden but what she did see of him, as well as seeing how infatuated Margaery had gotten when she saw him, she didn't doubt her words.

After a few moments of thought Brienne finally gave a nod, she couldn't help but think her luck was extra special today.

Not only would she get a gold dragon for every piece of information she can get from Aiden, but she would be receiving twenty five gold dragons for her virginity as well.

"You won't regret it, he is a gentle and kind person, I could tell just from his demeanor, so you wont have to worry about him being one of those abusive fucks that get off at hurting women. It's the only reason I made the suggestion, otherwise I definitely wouldn't allow you to lose your maidenhood here. Many of the men who request virgins have a thing for hurting women, which is why they always ask for one, knowing it will be painful. Go ahead and go change into something appropriate."

When she saw her nieces face and how she scurried off nervously, Vivian couldn't help but chuckle.

She then called for someone to replace her at the front desk, although she couldn't join in the fun with her niece, that didn't mean she couldn't watch him pound the two beauty's.

All brothels had hidden rooms that would allow discreet peeping, there were plenty of men who would pay to just watch a show, some even bring their wives to watch them get treated like a common whore.

Upstairs Oberyn couldn't stop chuckling at seeing Aiden actually sweating, he was enjoying every moment of this. He was finally getting payback for all those losses he took at Aiden's hands when they sparred against each other.

"Relax nephew, it will be fine, your pretty enough that even if you are horrible at it they would still feel satisfied."

"Aye, is that what you deal with each time? They're only satisfied because you are a decent looking Prince with a tiny cock. Well you don't need to worry uncle I will be fine, it's not too hard, like a sparring match with lots of wrestling, right?"

Oberyn burst out laughing, "By the gods, I think that's the first time I've heard it explained like that, and how dare you accuse your uncle of having a tiny pecker, if you weren't my nephew I would slap you with it just to prove a point."

Aiden looked at his uncle incredulously and responded, "If you did that you would definitely have a tiny one after trying, it would get removed before it came near me."

As they enjoyed a laugh together there was a sudden knock at the door which stopped Aiden's laughter as he nervously watched four beautiful women walk into the room carrying a few platters filled with various foods as well as a few pitchers of spiced honey wine.

"Prince Oberyn and Prince Aiden, I am Evelyn, this is Trixy, Gisele and finally Brienne. We look forward to serving you today." Evelyn said as she and Trixy made their way over to Oberyn while Brienne and Gisele went to Aiden.

All the women couldn't help but admire Aiden, feelings of jealousy began to bubble a little with Evelyn and Trixy, but they didn't let it show. Although they wouldn't get to be first with Aiden, they definitely knew that before the end of the week they would be able to take a bite of their own.

Aiden felt the lust coming off all four women, he even began to see various things they were planning to do with him and what they wanted him to do to them.

Both Brienne and Gisele couldn't stop touching Aiden, Gisele even took the initiative to grab Aidens hand and pull him off the couch and lead him into one of the rooms.

She couldn't believe how attractive the man before her was, even his blushing face made him even more cuter to her.

'I would've turned this boy into a man for free had I known he was this hot.' Gisele thought as her dress fell to the floor.

Brienne too couldn't stop her rapid heart beat from thundering in her chest. Now that she was so close she could finally understand what her Aunt was saying. Not only was he handsome, but he gave off a sense of security just being near him, his muscles looked powerful and strong, as if he could defend her from the whole world if she ever needed him to.

All the thoughts of both women vanished as Aiden slowly removed the skin suit, seeing his naked body, a carnal desire erupted within both women, like lionesses circling a baby gazelle, they pounced, determined to get as much tender meat as possible.