
Primordial Ice: Awakened after being frozen for millions of years.

There were four forbidden places on the southern continent of an unknown world. Of the four, one was the most mysterious, they called it the Frozen Abyss, and this place had existed for an unknown number of years. Thousands or millions of years had passed, but the only thing that never changed was that this place always existed in books and in the stories told. Even when ancient races roamed this place, it already existed, carrying a freezing that, no matter the strength, anyone who ventured deep into this place would freeze to death. But one day, suddenly, at the core of the frozen earth, two eyes opened. (English is not my first language, any mistakes please let me know, I appreciate it.) (One chapter a day, maybe more)

Ezreal_Math · Eastern
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58 Chs

Ice Tree

In the sky, near the central area of the frozen abyss, a divine-looking young man flew with a girl under his arm.

He felt that his body resonated with hers, but he didn't know why, so he just brought her along to one day find out.

Li Yuemei, despite being terrified inside, didn't say anything or move along the way. After all, she didn't know what this guy was thinking and didn't want to irritate him, as she feared he might do something she didn't want.

'No, no, no, why did this guy bring me along? In fact, how did the sect leader and the elders not protect me? Even they didn't dare to fight against this guy?'

'I have to find a way to escape, but how? Even in the safest place, which was the ship's barrier and surrounded by Emperors and a Saint, they still couldn't protect me from this lunatic.'

'And what did this guy mean by his body feeling something for me? Did he fall in love as soon as he saw me?'

She then remembered his emotionless face when he approached her.

'No, it seems impossible. I have to escape somehow.'

"Hey, who are you? And where are you taking me?" Li Yuemei asked with a firm voice, trying not to show her fear.

She thought he wouldn't answer, as he seemed like a completely cold person. But contrary to what she thought, as soon as she finished her question, a monotone voice sounded.

"Who am I? I don't know, but we're going to see my mother."

'Mother? Wasn't he trapped in the frozen abyss? How can he have a mother?' She wondered, but continued talking normally.

"How do you not know? Don't you have a name?" Li Yuemei asked, not believing what he was saying.


"And why are you bringing me along?"

"I've already said it's because my body feels something for you, as if I've found something important that I want, so I brought you with me."

'What the hell is this? He's completely crazy. How can he say this as if it were obvious or normal to kidnap someone like this?' Li Yuemei was going crazy with this guy and didn't know what to do.

They flew at a rapid pace, and soon he stopped abruptly.

His body descended from the sky slowly while many thoughts crossed his mind.

After a while, his feet touched the ground in front of a large tree.

The tree was completely frozen with a thick layer of ice. He placed Li Yuemei on the ground and walked slowly toward the tree.

She just stood there watching and didn't think about escaping because her strength was like that of an ant to him.

Once he approached the tree, she saw him raise his hand and touch the giant frozen tree.

She saw that the hand touching the tree was trembling slightly. She then saw that his facial expression wasn't the usual emotionless one; there was a pitifully melancholic expression on his face.

From his eyes, she saw a small tear fall, turning into ice instantly.

Li Yuemei saw this and understood what was happening.

'He's like me.' She thought as she approached the tree and stood beside his.

She bowed slightly to the tree and then placed one of her hands on it.

Then, she felt immense pain in her hand, as if countless tiny ice needles were piercing her skin and nerves, sending a sharp sensation of cold along with a penetrating burning.

The ice on the tree wasn't ordinary; it was extremely pure ice formed by the profound law of ice.

She hadn't used Qi to protect her hand and just bit her lip, enduring the extreme pain. She left her hand on the tree for a few moments and spoke extremely quietly, almost like a whisper.

"Rest in peace."

Even though she said it softly, the young man by her side heard it perfectly. He then saw the expression of pain on Li Yuemei's face and quickly removed her hand from the frozen tree.

Small tears were forming in Li Yuemei's eyes due to the extreme pain, but then the young man held her hand.

Despite his hand being extremely cold, as soon as his hand touched hers, a deep sense of relief and tingling spread through her hand. Soon the temperature of her hand returned to normal, as if the sharp pain caused by the cold had never existed.

He then looked at Li Yuemei's face.

Then he spoke softly, with a slight smile on his face, "Thank you."

Li Yuemei's face blushed completely as she thought.

'Beautiful, damn, his smile is killer.'

'Damn, what am I thinking about the guy who kidnapped me? I can't think these things about him.'

She wanted to keep looking at that smile forever, but then felt that he had released her hand and returned to look at the tree.

His expression had returned to its normal coldness.

She stood next to him and asked.

"What happened to her? If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay, you don't have to. I understand how that feels." She said it with a beautiful but extremely sad smile.

He saw the expression on her face and decided to speak briefly.

"She was murdered by men from the Dream Tower." He said this while touching the tree, and soon another layer of ice covered the tree completely.

"I don't know the reason, but it doesn't matter. I will hunt down every person from that place and bring their bodies here to appease her soul wherever she is." He said that an extremely icy aura emanated from his body, along with an intense assassin's intent.

Li Yuemei was frightened by the aura released by him and almost fell to the ground, terrified.

But he held her before she could fall.

"Let's go." He said this as he pulled her into his arms.

This time, he didn't hold her under his arms but held her with both arms as if carrying a princess and flew quickly in the direction that Elder Xu had mentioned.

'Well, at least this is more comfortable,' Li Yuemei thought with a red face as she slept with her head on his chest.