
Primordial Draconic Incubus With A Gourmet Chef System

Within the world of Arcadia, there exists an eccentric restaurant. The restaurant causes countless apex Mages to set aside their arrogance and pride, just to feast upon its delicacies. What did you say? You want to abduct the Chef? Could it be that you also want to force him to be your personal Chef? Are you an idiot? You would first have to get through a legion of men and women whose stomachs and bodies were thoroughly satisfied. Not to mention, the restaurant is guarded by a Divine Fox who killed a Mana God Realm Mage with a casual whip of her tail. What, a Divine Fox isn't strong enough to scare you? Then, how about a group of Yanderes? ================================================================== Do you want to contribute to making my novel? Then join my Discord! https://discord.gg/uDFCGKFHyR ================================================================== Note: The cover was made using Microsoft Image Creator ==================================================================

OGC · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Dragon's Gaze


Just as Lily was embarrassed because of her stomach and was looking for a hole to hide in for the rest of her life, a sudden familiar shout woke her up from her embarrassment.

'...This voice. Is it Uncle Fen? But why is Uncle Fen here? Could it be he is hungry too?' But right after thinking that, Lily shook her head.

'Why would Uncle Fen say that about Big Brother Lucian? He's a good person.'

Meanwhile, Lucian was confused. Since when had he tricked Lily? He was an honest and kind chef-owner. He had never tricked anyone. His prices were even dirt cheap. In fact, he was getting robbed, but he had to even put on a friendly smile, as though he was winning in life.

A few moments later, Fenwick landed at the entrance of Transcendence and immediately rushed in, placing his body in front of Lily.

After sensing Lily was not harmed, Fenwick angrily continued, "You bastard, how dare you have improper thoughts about young miss!?"

When Lily heard Fenwick's words, she was confused before a moment later, she became speechless and embarrassed.

"Uncle-" Lily tried to explain the misunderstanding before it got out of hand, but Fenwick turned his head behind his shoulders and gently cut her off.

"Don't worry, Lily. Now that uncle is here, I won't allow anyone to bully you." He gently patted her shoulder and then turned around.

As for Lucian, he was not someone who easily got angered by mere words, but today was supposed to be a special day. There were only four minutes left until the two-hour mark since he had placed the vacuum-sealed filet mignon in the water bath.

A moment later, without Lucian's awareness, the two Star Essence Fragments in his body, as though reacting to Lucian's anger became agitated; foaming, and bubbling even faster than before. A second later, one Star Essence Fragment broke off from the other before an irresistible force pulled it into Lucian's heart.

Within an instant, as though time had stopped, Lucian's blood stopped flowing, and a tinge of purple dyed the surface of each droplet of blood.

<{Bloodline Transformation increased to 1%}>

However, Lucian was completely unaware of the change. He had not seen it occur nor sensed it.

In fact, Lucian did not even see the System Notification that appeared in his mind.

Unbeknownst to Lucian as he continued to stare at Fenwick, his deep blue irises changed into eerie, dark purple vertical pupils, with tendrils of black gas seeping from his sockets.

Another notification appeared in his mind, this time startling him awake from his stupor.

<{You have learned Dragon's Gaze}>

<{Rank: One Star Primordial}>

<{Description: A Bloodline Skill inherent to the Primordial Draconic Incubus. single gaze can even cause Gods bow down in fear or make women your playthings!}>

'...Plaything… tch!' Lucian felt disgusted. He had always disdained men who manipulated women and treated them like lesser beings. Although, he disdained that part of the Skill, he would be lying if he said he would not use it to intimidate and kill his enemies.

'This… What is this feeling!?'

Just as Fenwick was about to continue berating the young man, his eyes widened in fear when he glanced at Lucian's eyes. He felt an indescribable sense of fear and despair, unlike anything he had experienced. 

'How… why am I afraid of a mere Mana Condensation Realm brat!?'

Fenwick could hardly believe his eyes. As a Mana Core Formation Realm Mage, it made no sense for him to fear a mere Mana Condensation Realm brat.

From the beginning, Fenwick had scanned Lucian's body, and from his Mana signature, he knew his Mage Rank. 

He was a mere Mana Condensation Mage, yet he had thoughts about his precious Lily, who was a talented genius! She was a never-before-seen heavenly genius.

But who would have thought that mere weakling could induce such fear in him, who was an entire Realm above Lily!?

Sometime later, without realizing it, his body began to tremble, and cold sweat drenched his body in an instant.


With an audible sound, Fenwick fell on his knees. He could not stand those piercing eyes. His eyes were too frightening it was as though he was being stared at by a Grade Sixteen Magical Beast.

"Argh! Stop looking at me!" Fenwick cried out loud in pain as he hurriedly shut his eyes. But to his horror, he could still see the piercing gaze in his mind.

"Big Brother Lucian please stop! Uncle Fen didn't mean to be rude to you. He was just worried about Lily. He's a good person, Lily swears!" Lily did not know what happened to cause her Uncle, who was even stronger than her, to be frightened into kneeling. She could tell it had something to do with Lucian's eyes, but even after staring at them, she was not affected by them. She only found his eyes scary, but at the same time, weirdly beautiful.

Lucian frowned when he heard Lily's words. But after a moment of staring at her masked face, he nodded.


Then, Lucian stopped supplying Mana into his eyes. Immediately after, the tendrils of black gas receded into his eyes, and his eyes returned to his deep blue colors.

After seeing Lucian's eyes were back to their original color and form, Lily sighed in relief and took her mask and bamboo hat off. She smiled sweetly and thanked Lucian,

"Thank you Big Brother for listening to Lily's unreasonable request." Then she bowed and continued apologetically, "And Lily is sorry on behalf of my Uncle. It was not nice!"

Fenwick, who had just sighed in relief after he no longer saw those beastly piercing eyes, felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart. 

'I'm still too weak!' He clenched his fists in self-hatred at his weakness. After five long years, he had only progressed from Mana Vein Tempering Realm to Mana Core Formation Realm. Whereas Lily had crossed three entire Realms in those five years. 

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