
Primordial Chaos

This is just the beginning

Nicky_RBLX · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: The First Day

The next morning Kuxo is fully awake, not because of the alarm that will probably blare in about an hour or so, nor by the excitement of the first day at Pacific, but the bustle of the apartment as everyone is getting ready about an hour and a half early before the college even opens.

Curious, Kuxo steps out of his room, to be almost run over by Kexho who mumbles a quick sorry before rushing out the door. He is followed by Asuka and quickly by Masako who gives him an expression of pity as she moves out.

Midst the chaos, Kuxo somehow was able to grab hold of Mahato as he is rushing off, "Where is everybody rushing too?" Kuxo says in a quizzical manner.

"Oh dear, I forgot to tell you." He says as he peers behind Kuxo before continuing, "Amaya cooks breakfast on Tuesdays and that is not something that you look forward to."

Noticing some movement behind Kuxo, he quickly jerks his hand off from his grip and rushes off behind the others just as Amaya comes up behind Kuxo to yell, "Breakfast ready in five!!"

"Hmm Who says no to free food?"

Even with the warning Kuxo doesn't back down and say no to free food when his stomach is grumbling.

He cleans himself quickly and make way to the breakfast table to notice a wide sortie of options before him from the tofu mince to the sprouting salad. Creating an all vegan breakfast. Despite the extreme reaction of others, Kuxo likes the taste when he mixes all the dishes partly in his dish.

Amaya just takes heart in the fact that Kuxo liked her dish in his own way. Which lead to the declaration of daily breakfast duty to Rebecca, self-appointed of course,giving Kuxo the glares that he deserved for complimenting her.

After that, the students dressed up for their Monday best,even though it is a Tuesday, as Kuxo heads down to the orientation class in his dream college of Pacific.

The sight of the tattooed guy catches Kuxo's eye as he sits with his legs sprawled on the adjacent seat. He waves him over.

"Nice seeing you again, newbie. Name's Hinato by the way." He says flicking his blond hair out of his face.

"Kuxo, So what are you going to major in?" Kuxo asks with an interest to keep busy till the lecture starts.

"Well, to be frank, I wasn't hoping to get into any college, given my skills you know." He says playing air guitar in the constricted space, "But my father thought it was his moral responsibility to give me a better future. And I be like if I don't care, then he goes, 'don't squander this once in a lifetime opportunity' and I be like 'whoa, slow with the flow my man' then he be like 'I have high expectations from you' and I be like 'm already high dude'."

The orientation class will be head jointly for all courses. Entry into the class reveals another much to be liked as he would look for a place to sit. Without much info, Kuxo stumbles around like many others looking for a place they can carve as their own.

Unsure what to make of the idiotic babbling, Kuxo simply turns his attention to the newest entry in the class, Mr. Risyabh, the dean himself. The hustle and bustle dies down as students around take their seats before he begins.

"This is an opportunity not only for you but for us too. Each year a fresh batch of students arrive to let in the Einherjar, each primed to showcase their brilliance and each year we guide them on this path of their path to brilliance."

He adjusts his suit as he steps forth to the first row, "Now you are a part of Pacific, its good and its bad are defined by your actions as much as it is by ours. Hope this institute gives you the impetus you need to do better than your best." With a quick glance around he leaves the classroom gesturing for the next in line, Mrs. Morcot the most senior faculty in the college, age-wise at least and the head of the Extra,curricular department. She steps forth and goes on with her introductory speech

The Timetable is given to each student at the stationary counter, along with their necessary supplies for the year to come. With a college badge, sweater and a jacket with university tagged on the pocket, Kuxo collects the papers and files required for the term work submission.

The first day at Pacific starts at ten, with the first lecture of Advance Calculus. Many don't look forward to the class after the two,hour long orientation that they went through and voice their opinion as they look upon the schedule.

At the conclusion of the lecture, Mr. Cha with a smug smile on his face tells the students that the test would only be solved by themselves once they complete his class. The whole experiment was to show how miserable they are. This according to him, this would enlighten them with the importance of attending his lectures,attentively.

Though Kuxo hoped this extreme teaching methods would be limited to only this teacher, he was sadly disappointed when his sculpting teacher Mr. Rian, suggested the students to free themselves during his lectures to the extent of shedding hindering clothes. Thankfully he regressed when nobody was interested in the idea of going nude on the first day of college.

The first day in the college ends with four lectures under Kuxo's belt giving him a glance at what is about to follow. Following calculus and sculpting, he has to attend the lecture of applied physics, and then finally end it at optional language class of French with a touch of introduction to other art departments as well.

Adjusting to the volatile classes that Kuxo has hardly expected coming in, has taken a toll on him. The vigorous exercises help him gain a better grip on the subjects under study but often lead Kuxo to the brink of his capacity.

Thankfully his roommates have been more than helpful through this journey with the likely exemption of Asuka, who has been on the case to destroy his life it seems. Though he has spent time with all his friends, Kuxo has been particularly biased towards Asuka, which is a surprise to say the least.

Though not by choice, Kuxo has gotten close to Asuka, because she won't leave him be at peace, Asuka promises to make Kuxo pay, even though there isn't a valid reason for her to hate home that much, Asuka often is seen in the same vicinity as hi. Even though she is a year senior to him, she often stalks Kuxo to his classes waiting for an opportunity to tease and humiliate him.

Her sheer attention towards him has caused for a lot of folks to think of some misguided feelings of her the reason for this. And whosoever is unfortunate enough to mention this around her, is soon added to her hit-list.

Though they both only manage to talk through taunts and sarcasms, Kuxo still enjoys the little competition he has with Asuka, trying to best one another, to see who will win this unnecessary beef. Through these little altercations Kuxo actually knows more about her than about any other person on the campus. Likewise, the only person who can pass a pop,quiz about Kuxo is Asuka..... Because she keeps stalking him.