
Ni Yang (Parte One)

Before there was time.

Before there was anything.

There was nothing.

And before there was nothing, there were monsters.

[Before there was time - before there was anything - there was nothing.  And before there was nothing, there were monsters.]

Reality exists as an endless chaotic sea of ​​monsters, including beings like Orgalorg who brings calamities, Chaos the beginning of all evil, and possibly Syren who marches through tens of billions of worlds.  Incidentally incomprehensible, the monsters eventually come to a common agreement on the state of reality, and this consensus becomes the Primordial Chaos. Therefore, despite its appearance to those who inhabit it, Primordial Chaos is not really material.  Primordial Chaos is an emerging product of consciousness, rather than consciousness being an emerging product of Primordial Chaos. Every sentient being who lives in the Primordial Chaos paradoxically maintains its existence by experiencing it, and this also means that every sentient being has an existence beyond the material, known as the soul.

 "The Third Sphere does not exist," said the Professor.

 "Why?" Asked the student.

 "Because the Primordial Chaos ..." said the Professor, "... within which the Third Sphere exists, does not exist. The Primordial Chaos is a reality of consensus shared by the minds of all sentient beings. If they died,  Primordial Chaos, as such, would suddenly disappear from existence, disappear and no longer exist.The absurd idea that there is another fundamental energy present in our world is but a complete and crazy absurd thought, if it existed there would not be at least one.  could I use it completely? "

 "Because?"  asked the student, not understanding what his teacher was explaining to him.

 "Because ..." said the Professor, "... there would be no one to notice it."

Other than that, the origins of Primordial Chaos are largely unknown.  No one knows where the monsters came from or what the true nature of reality is.  Everything we know about the world before its existence comes from this one glimpse granted by the First Primordial.

Where did the Primordial Chaos come from?  Since logic dictates that this question should result in an infinite regress - What created the Primordial Chaos?  And what created the Thing that created the Primordial Chaos? Etcetera - This suggests that the mental mechanism of logical thinking was not designed to determine the answer.



Behind his tightly closed eyelids — through the double barrier of the silk curtains that covered the bed — he could feel the sunlight shining on him.  "Good morning, time to get up" "I want to get some more sleep" - these two parts of him screamed at each other fighting to take control of his body.

As I slipped in and out of sleep, the bedroom door quietly opened and someone entered.  The shag carpet covering the floor drowned out her steps, but she could still feel someone approaching.

 This person went to the side of the bed and stopped.

 "Good morning, Yang'er.  The weather today is great. "Ni Yang

 "Wow, mmm, mhm ..."

 Her eyes opened reluctantly, and the familiar, loving smile of her personal maid appeared.

 The fact that she was granted permission to address her Young Master, the firstborn and heir of this kingdom, directly by her name, was because she was the personal maid in charge of her Young Master's care.

 Ming Mei was one of the highest-ranking servants in the entire Nine Celestial Kingdom and, in her youth, it was rumored that she would become the next head maid, some rumors stated that if she was lucky, she might even become the young mistress.  from your young master. Her skills were exceptional and she still had quite a deep training; It could be said that the road here was easy and without obstacles.

 And precisely because her Young Master was the only son Ming Mei was allowed to stand by her side - such was a sign of good faith she had received.  However, Ni Yang felt that she probably would not end up as a head maid, as she would probably make them and become the first wife of some other young master and so resigned, but No Yang already had some schemes in mind to prevent this from happening.

 Seeing that Ni Yang had already risen, Mei went to the window and opened it vigorously.  Just as he had described earlier, good weather sunlight filled the room.

 Having just emerged from the sweet land of dreams, his eyes burned with light and he couldn't help but close tightly.  Only after the eyes gradually became accustomed to sunlight through his eyelids did Ni Yang slowly open them once more.

 Warm sunlight entered the room, as if to say that today would be a wonderful, peaceful, warm day.

 "Fine, Young Master."  I will prepare water for you immediately.

 There was an empty silver bowl on the small round table.  After Mei launched a deep water attribute art, the basin was promptly filled with clean water.

 Mei had just launched a deep water element art.  Although the deep arts of some elements could create simple things for everyday life, the water created by deep water elements was sweeter.

 Since both used the same amount of deep energy, popular opinion held that deep art that produced better tasting water would be best, even if it was not used for drinking.  It seems that Mei thought the same way too.

 Because it is a very simple deep art, the water generated was not limited to just a single basin.  Although there was a time limit, the total volume of water created - which would increase according to the user's deep cultivation - could be divided on several occasions.  Therefore, there would be no spillage or waste, even if she cast her in the basin.

 In fact, Mei had a very high Deep path, was in the final phase of the Holy Heavenly Kingdom.  On cold days, she could conjure deep everyday arts, including some that altered the water temperature until it was comfortable, or even could directly warm a room.

 Yang read an ancient book, located in his library, that there was a deep art that could alter the very reality of a small space at will, but deep arts were generally limited to a very small space so were not widely used by most  cultivators, who preferred to go to a particular region and look for herbs and other materials needed to create pills and elixirs for deep cultivation.

 Yang after reading this book, and the author of the book wrote - It's very good - and since then Yang has wanted to try it out personally.

 Unfortunately, none of the castle maids could use these high-level deep arts.  Therefore, Yang could only read about its effects and how to do them in his books.

 Although there were countless cultivators everywhere, these people typically cultivated deep battle-oriented arts and had no time to learn arts that were considered useless.

 "Since this is so, I'll learn it myself!" Yang once said to the people around him - specifically his instructors on the deep path.  At that time, Yang was younger than now, at an age when he could barely cultivate. It would not be uncommon for someone to hear a young girl say and treat them as the naive statements of a child.

 That is, if such a child were not Yang.

 Ni Yang's parents - his father was in the Early phase of the Kingdom of Primordial Ascension, he was also one of the three emperors of alchemy, while his mother was beyond, she was in the middle phase of the Kingdom of Primordial Ascension - were extraordinarily talented geniuses.  in the deep way. Thus, as the descendants of both lineages, everyone believed that it was very likely that he could fulfill his words.

 Therefore, two hours after making such a statement, he was summoned before his father, who scolded him severely.  Until a certain age deep force did not manifest in his body, and like his son, he was to learn more useful deep arts.


 Young Yang had answered that this was precisely why he should learn simple arts and with few knew, perhaps some of them still had some mystery that no one had discovered.

However, his father had said this: "Don't be fooled by peace.  There is no telling when these calm and peaceful days will come to an end, and a king must personally go to the battlefield.  Therefore, anyone with the potential to become a cultivator of the Kingdom of Divine Ascension must learn effective deep arts against battle. "

 After hearing his father's response, Yang abandoned his plans to learn about these subjects.

 His father's words had been well founded, and he was not old enough to fully understand what he meant.  On the one hand, he lacked the courage to resist his father's severe scolding, and on the other hand he was not particularly obsessed with his pursuit of deep arts that would make his life easier in the future.

 Instead, her father's royal manner of speaking reminded her of the stories and deeds of the great teachers of the Kingdom of Primordial Ascension that My once read to him.  He sounded just like the stories, and it left a deep imprint on his heart.

 From that day on, Yang made a wish that he kept secret from everyone else, that one day he would become strong, like the great masters in the storybooks - or like his father - and fight the heavens themselves if they stayed.  in your way.

 The boy, who would realize this dream in his heart, got out of bed and walked to Mei's side, soon after began to wash his face.  Water splashed around him, but he didn't care.

 The temperature-adjusted water washed away all sleepiness though Yang's body.

 Yang used the towel My gave him to wipe his face and began brushing his teeth.  Then gargling the classy water, he rinsed his mouth and spat into the sink.

 After rinsing his mouth, Yang went to the mirror about his height and quickly changed his clothes to the clothes that were handed to him by Mei.

There were certain young masters who let their vassals take care of dressing them, but Yang's family insisted on dressing on their own forever.

 However, it was perfectly acceptable to let others help you comb your hair while it was getting dressed.  After wetting her hair, Mei squeezed them with a damp towel. Once Mei let them go, they gave way to short, straight hair.

And so Ni Yang - the only son of the Heavenly Pill Emperor - was ready for the day that awaited her.

 The familiar image of herself that she saw reflected in the mirror was a boy with eyes that reflected every shade of blue.

 These blue eyes were not unique to Yang.  The maid who was looking at Yang while putting the finishing touches on her appearance, Mei, also had them.

 "Now that it's over, please go to the dining room, Young Master."

 "... Are you two there today?"

 "Yes.  Both await your arrival, Young Master. "

 For Yang, meals were joyous occasions, but also times that weighed on his heart.  Because he could see his father. His father often traveled for business - both in the Nine Celestial Kingdom and other kingdoms - because of his willingness to work.  Even his only son, Yang, could not see him for many days. So he was very happy to meet his father. However, Yang's father was very strict with him, so he often scolded him whenever they met, which made him a little uncomfortable.

 Even so, he could not escape this meeting.

 "How about a little kiss?"  Ni Yang approached Mei as he raised his question and curiosity.

 Ni Yang noted that she agreed, and took her full lips as he began to suck them passionately, and proceeded to part her lips with his tongue as he came in to taste her taste.

 "Mhmm…" Ming Mei moaned between his lips when he felt very hot with the sudden attack of his Young Master.

 "Young Master…" she moaned as she rested on him breathlessly, this was not the first time her Young Master had done this, but her first experience was with her Young Master almost three years ago when he "accidentally" stole her lips,  and she felt like a little girl… the outburst of pleasure she felt just from the passionate kiss had already tamed her, while Ni Yang just slapped his lips on hers for a few seconds and laid his head on her plentiful breasts.

 Ni Yang had never been past just a few kisses and a few teasing, he was hoping to reach at least sixteen years old, before taking her as his first wife, he had felt that kind of feeling since Ming Mei began serving.  it over eight years ago.


 Dragging Mei with him, Yang walked into the dining room.  As Mei had already told him, his parents were waiting for him in the dining room.  Of course, their respective maids were also present. In particular, the head maid and assistant head maid were standing behind their father and mother.

 Yang's mother had a warm and kind expression on her face - truth be told, her personality was no different from her expression, and Yang had few memories of being scolded by her - even though she was a powerful cultivator in the middle phase.  of the Kingdom of Primordial Ascension, she was considered one of the strongest in the entire Kingdom of Nine Celestials and she was among the top ten of the strongest cultivators in the entire universe, one would hardly say this judging only by her appearance.

 The bodies of most deep growers tended to be taller and thinner.  So they were focused on deep arts that exerted greater mastery over a specific element rather than choosing deep techniques and art to improve their bodies.

 However, Yang's father was an exception among the exceptions.  Not only was he a powerful cultivator of fire attribute arts, he also possessed a powerful physicist who embodies the phrase "well-defined body," and he was also the most powerful emperor of sacred pills and elixirs that ever existed to this day.  and his forehead was always deeply furrowed with a severe countenance on his face. Regardless of whether he was at his meals or not, he always wore a gauntlet on his left arm, the gauntlet resembling the claws of a deepest, darkest Jade demon ever.

 This was one of the Treasures of Heavenly Chaos.  It was the treasure that was passed on by his family from generation to generation, though no one knew its real power or how to use it some even considered it as a dead object that had no heavenly spirit and so would never recognize it anymore.  no one like your master. This item was called the Celestial Demon Gauntlet.

 However, Ni Yang's father was the only one who in the entire generation of his entire family who used the Celestial Demon Gauntlet in a new way, completely different from his ancestors, he said she was long imprisoned underground.  while she should have gotten some kind of resentment about it, he was compensating her for all the hundreds of thousands of years of loneliness.

 "Good morning, dad, mom."

 "Good morning, Yang'er."

 In contrast to her mother's gentle greeting, the father simply frowned and nodded sharply, but that was the way he used to be.  If by chance he had responded with a smile just like his mother, Yang would be extremely confused.

 Mei pulled the chair back for Yang to sit down, and soon after breakfast was served.

 The Kingdom of the Nine Celestials had many rich and verdant lands, and had a thriving industry, mainly dairy, and so no part of the Royal Capital was badly garnished with cheese.  Of particular importance was the fact that one always expected the royal house dining tables to have at least three different types of cheese. In addition, there was sour cream, drinks made from the mixture of milk and freshly squeezed juices with juices of four different fruits, and so on.  In addition, there were thick slices of roasted ham. The crusty plates of white bread were accompanied by beautiful, intoxicating pieces of golden butter.

 Yang - along with his father and mother who were eating their morning meals - looked at the ring in his right hand, but the sapphire blue gemstone did not change color.

 The place where food was served required etiquette.  But since receiving the ring at an early age, and that ring had already become part of it.

 As they ate in silence, Father set the fork on the table with a silent clink.  She looked over and saw her father taking the napkin to wipe his mouth.