
Primordial Ascendance: Rise of the Godking

In a world where martial prowess determines one's destiny, Lin Xuanyi is an unremarkable disciple from the forgotten Misty Cloud Sect. Considered a failure due to his weak spirit root and mundane talents, he is the subject of scorn and pity. But fate has its own plans. During an ill-fated exploration of an ancient ruin, Lin Xuanyi encounters the remnant will of a primordial god. The god's dying consciousness merges with Lin, awakening unimaginable potential within him. Gifted with nascent control over the five elemental forces—fire, water, earth, wood, and metal—Lin Xuanyi embarks on an arduous journey through the martial realms. He must navigate the treacherous paths of cultivation, mastering ancestral techniques long lost to time and seeking the truth behind the gods' enigmatic fall. As Lin Xuanyi grows in power, he attracts the attention of demonic sects and the avatars of reincarnated gods, each vying for supremacy. Alongside a growing circle of loyal allies, Lin battles these formidable foes, forges spirit weapons of immense power, and seeks out ancient artifacts that can aid him in his quest. His ultimate goal is nothing less than to reignite the primordial godflame within him and ascend to the position of the supreme King of Gods, unifying all realms under his divine rule. But the path to godhood is fraught with peril, and Lin must uncover the deep mysteries of the primordial gods' decline and overcome the hidden machinations of those who would see him fail.

OrizonsCrib · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 19: Journey to the Ancient Temple

The dawn broke over the Misty Cloud Sect, casting a soft golden hue across the landscape. Lin Xuanyi stood on the precipice of a new journey, his heart racing with anticipation. The days of rigorous training with Feng Yulan had prepared him for the challenges ahead, and today marked the beginning of an expedition that promised profound revelations.

News had arrived from the sect's scouts about the discovery of an ancient temple hidden deep within the Azure Dragon Mountains. The temple, shrouded in legend, was said to contain secrets of the primordial gods and artifacts of immense power. Such knowledge could greatly aid Lin in his quest to reignite the primordial godflame.

As Lin gathered his belongings, Jiang Mei approached, her eyes shining with excitement. "Are you ready, Lin?" she asked, her voice a blend of eagerness and concern. "The journey to the temple will be treacherous, but I believe it holds the answers we seek."

Lin nodded, securing the last of his supplies. "I'm ready, Jiang Mei. This temple could be the key to understanding the powers I've awakened. We must proceed with caution, but also with resolve."


The expedition team was small but capable. Alongside Lin and Jiang Mei were Feng Yulan, whose knowledge of ancient arts and formidable skills in spatial techniques made him invaluable, and a select group of the sect's most skilled disciples. Elder Bai had chosen them for their expertise in various aspects of cultivation and their unwavering loyalty.

As they set out, the path through the Azure Dragon Mountains was arduous. The terrain was rugged and unforgiving, with steep cliffs and dense forests that seemed to close in around them. Each step required careful navigation, and the air grew colder as they ascended higher into the mountains.

Despite the challenges, Lin felt a sense of purpose and camaraderie with his companions. The journey was not just a test of their physical endurance but also a trial of their resolve and unity. The knowledge that lay within the temple could alter the course of their destinies, and each member of the expedition was determined to see it through.


On the second day of their journey, the group encountered a series of treacherous ravines. The ground beneath their feet was unstable, and a single misstep could send them plummeting into the abyss below. Lin, leading the way, paused to assess the best route forward.

"We'll need to be careful here," he said, turning to his companions. "Feng Yulan, can you use your spatial techniques to help us navigate these ravines safely?"

Feng Yulan nodded, his eyes narrowing in concentration. "I can create a series of spatial bridges, but they will be delicate. We must move quickly and with precision."

With a wave of his hand, Feng Yulan summoned shimmering bridges of energy, spanning the gaps between the cliffs. The group moved swiftly, their movements synchronized and deliberate. Lin felt a surge of admiration for Feng Yulan's skill and the trust his companions placed in one another.

As they crossed the final bridge, the ground stabilized, and they found themselves in a narrow, winding passage that led deeper into the mountains. The air grew colder still, and a sense of foreboding settled over the group.


By the third day, the landscape had changed dramatically. The dense forests gave way to barren rock, and the sky above was obscured by thick, swirling clouds. They had reached the heart of the Azure Dragon Mountains, where the ancient temple was said to reside.

As they neared their destination, the group came upon a massive stone gate, partially hidden by the overgrowth of centuries. The gate was intricately carved with symbols of dragons and phoenixes, their forms seeming to come alive in the flickering torchlight.

"This must be it," Jiang Mei whispered, her voice filled with awe. "The entrance to the ancient temple."

Lin stepped forward, his gaze fixed on the gate. He could feel a faint energy emanating from it, a resonance that stirred the primordial power within him. "We need to find a way to open it," he said, reaching out to touch the carvings.

As his fingers brushed the stone, the symbols glowed with a soft, ethereal light. The ground trembled beneath them, and the gate began to slowly part, revealing a dark corridor that led into the depths of the temple.


The corridor was long and winding, lined with ancient murals depicting scenes of gods and celestial beings. The air was thick with the scent of incense and the weight of centuries of history. The flickering light of their torches cast eerie shadows on the walls, and every step echoed in the silence.

As they ventured deeper into the temple, they came upon a vast chamber, its ceiling lost in the darkness above. At the center of the chamber stood an ornate altar, upon which rested a large, crystalline orb. The orb pulsed with a faint, inner light, casting a soft glow across the room.

"This is it," Feng Yulan said, his voice barely above a whisper. "The heart of the temple. The answers we seek are within that orb."

Lin approached the altar, feeling the pull of the orb's energy. He could sense the remnants of the primordial god's will within it, a connection to the power he had awakened. "What do we do now?" he asked, turning to his companions.

Elder Bai, who had been silently observing, stepped forward. "The orb contains the essence of ancient knowledge. To access it, you must attune your spirit to its frequency. It will be a test of your strength and resolve."

Lin nodded, steeling himself for the challenge. He placed his hands on the orb, closing his eyes and focusing his mind. The energy within the orb surged, flooding his senses with visions of the past—scenes of gods and celestial battles, the rise and fall of ancient civilizations.


As the visions intensified, Lin felt his spirit being tested, stretched to its limits. The knowledge within the orb was vast and overwhelming, and he struggled to maintain his focus. His body trembled, and he could feel the energy of the primordial god within him resonating with the orb, amplifying its power.

His companions watched in tense silence, ready to intervene if necessary. Feng Yulan stood at the ready, his hands glowing with spatial energy, prepared to protect Lin from any backlash. Jiang Mei and the other disciples formed a protective circle, their eyes fixed on Lin with a mix of worry and determination.

Minutes felt like hours as Lin grappled with the immense power of the orb. Just when he thought he could endure no more, the energy within the orb began to stabilize, merging with his own. The visions faded, leaving behind a deep sense of understanding and clarity.

Lin opened his eyes, breathing heavily but with a newfound sense of purpose. "I see now," he said, his voice steady. "The temple holds the secrets of the primordial gods—their rise, their fall, and the path to reignite the godflame."

Elder Bai nodded, a look of pride and relief on his face. "You have done well, Lin Xuanyi. The knowledge you have gained will be crucial in your journey. We must return to the sect and prepare for the challenges ahead."

As they began their journey back, Lin felt a renewed sense of resolve. The ancient temple had revealed its secrets, and with them, a clearer path toward his destiny. The journey ahead would be fraught with peril, but with the support of his allies and the wisdom of the primordial gods, Lin was ready to face whatever trials awaited him.