
Primordial 'Dual Cultivator' Dragon With System

Ling Yun was the son of a wealthy businessman. But one day, his mother finds out that her husband is having an affair with his secretary. And after that she decided to divorce her husband, but at that time she did not realize that she was pregnant with Ling Yun. After learning about her pregnancy, she decided to move to another city. And since then, their lives have been up and down. Because of the economic crush, and also his mother's health was getting worse. He decided to take the 'Dark' path, which led him to near death. But just as Ling Yun was nearing his end, he heard a little girl's voice asking him. "Do you want to live?" Tags : Drama, Romance, Big Harem, Dual Cultivation, Multi Race and world, Weak to Strong, Slow Plot At Beginning, Kind and Smart MC, Cruel Mc

JosieGan · Eastern
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1029 Chs

Xian Di Welcome The Guests

The two immortals, observing Ling Xi and the others from a distance, frequently let out heavy sighs, particularly in response to the actions of the six female beasts, who used their true form to exterminate those beasts.

In addition, Ling Yun and others did the same on the upper floors, making the tower feel like a playground for them.

Xing Jiangjun then spoke to his friend. "Seeing them like that, I think it would be better if we increased the difficulty inside this tower so that only cultivators in the five god realms can enter here. If the beasts on the first floor are so strong, the cultivators who come soon won't be able to repeat their actions, and they will have to work harder to reach the upper floors. Otherwise, our efforts to build this tower for them will be futile."