

'Doesn't being invited to a tea party mean joining a guild within the school?' I remembered what Zara had told me.

According to what Zara told me, there are 5 main guilds in this school that are affiliated with the 5 main guilds in Central City, the main city of the Human Kingdom.

Each guild is run by a superpower in the main city, but here they are run by the students of the 1S Class, the strongest kids in the academy.

'Though the question is which of the main guilds does she belong to?' I thought as I looked at her.

"Are you already affiliated with any other guild?" Livia asked, a bit concerned, but I shook my head.

As far as Zara knows, I am not involved in any of it. Or rather, no one would take the weakest of the weakest.

"It's fine. But I would like to remain that way for now. We can still have the talk if you want, though," I spoke, making her sigh in relief.

"I understand. Then, would you at least come to my house? We can have a private conversation with little interference," she spoke, and I pondered a little over it.

Not finding any problems, I nodded.

I could just find more information from her. Why waste such a beautiful opportunity?

"Okay. Let's then skip the training for today. I have something to do after the evening, so it would be better to go now. If you don't have a problem, of course?" I asked, since I need to check out the factory as well.

Not minding, Livia agreed and thus all three of us began walking towards the area where Livia's residence was.

Though contrary to my expectations, we didn't need to walk much as a luxury vehicle was parked outside the training area.

"Ooh! A rich lady, huh?" I thought as I looked at Livia, making her smirk at me before she spoke,

"You can have one too if you join our guild."

Though I just laughed it off before getting inside the car after Daphne and Livia.

We talked little in the car, and within a few minutes we reached the east city where most the rich people lived.

The car soon reached our destination, in front of a huge villa. That kind of made me smile a little. People tend to find beauty in the most abstract things.

Following Livia out of the car, we soon moved inside the villa, where a bunch of butlers and staff bowed down to us.

And taking the first left, we reached the living room, where an array of luxury sofas were present.

Livia and Daphne sat on one side while I sat on the opposite.

And not wasting even a moment, Livia spoke.

"That method of yours to restore the mana actively. Is that all there is to it?"

I smiled, as I knew she was sharp. Nobody in this world would give up a complete secret unless he or she is a fool.

Though to make this deal a bit more meaningful, I took out the colorless ball and played with it as I answered,

"Of course not. It would be a shame if that was all there was to it… How did you notice?" I asked, and she answered in a serious tone,

"The way you used the air mana. Rather than manifesting it, you boosted your inner muscles. That is an enhancer's magic."

Enhancers were people who used mana to strengthen their body. For some reason, people who are enhancers can't channel mana outside their body.

'A guess would be that their channels must be incomplete,' I thought, wondering about their methods of opening channels.

"But before that, you also created that miniature tornado. A manifestor's magic," she emphasized 'manifestor' quite a bit here.

Manifestor were those who can use magic outside their body to create anything they want, within their capacity, of course.

Similar to enhancers, they can't boost their body with mana as well.

"Theoretically, it is impossible, but… here we have you. Someone who just showed me it, in fact, is," she spoke as she looked at me, her eyes showing a certain gleam.

It was as if she was looking at a treasure right now.

"Girl. You have no idea what is possible," I smiled as I looked at her before adding,

"But let's take this step by step, shall we?"

Her eyes narrowed at my relaxed behavior.

"Let's start with the basics. What do I gain from giving you my secrets?" I asked.

"What do you want? Money? Power? Women? We can certainly get you anything you want," she answered with a confident smile.

"Don't you think I can already get that if I wanted to?" I asked again, making her smile fade before she asked,

"Then, rather than beating around the bush, let me ask you directly. What is it that you want, Mr. Vincent?"

"Information," I gave her the answer.

"Information?" She spoke, tilting her head.

"Hmmm… but first I need to check something. Can you find out about me? I want to gauge your ability to find information. If you can find half the things about me… we will have a deal," I told her with a business-like smile, and she narrowed her eyes at me.

She closed her eyes for a moment before she nodded.

"Sounds fair. But let's add a condition to it," she spoke with a pondering face,

"If I were to find reliable information about you, you would teach me a better way of mana regeneration… or something similar."

She seemed damn serious about it. Not that I mind.

I looked at the colorless ball in my hand. Pondering over it for a few seconds and then replied,

"Sure. I will do that."

Her eyes glistened brightly as she shouted for someone," Albert!"

A butler with a stack of papers in his hand walked into the living room and then placed the entire thing on the table between us.

There was a name written on the top.

Files: Abraham Vincent

"Now that I have this stack of information on you… let's see if it is half or not," she laughed sheepishly as she looked at me and then at the files.

'Jackpot,' I thought as I looked at the files as well.