

Adept Psychiatrist and loyal family man Dr. Hadrian S. Rawsone has his life turned upside down when secrets from his obscure past threaten to undermine the life he has built for himself and his family in the wake of torment from a disgruntled former patient, giving rise to an unseemly monster long thought to have been buried within the sands of time and repression.

Knight_Wind · Realistic
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137 Chs

Chapter 1: A Haze Of Purple

Roadside, Unknown City, Unknown State...

Blazing heat had ruled the day barely dissipating after the sun had gone down. The stench of sweat, gas, and obscene amounts of alcohol filled the air as a lone rectangular dark gray four-door made its way down the highway. The driver had been poised as he stared out the front window, his hands rough and calloused from a life of hardship and nights of hard partying. He wore a suit, or what could barely be described as a suit given its wrinkled nature and fading elegance of it. It was navy blue but he had taken off the jacket due to the heat and was sweating bullets through the long sleeve formerly white shirt which was stained via dust and soaked due to his sweat and spilled booze. He'd been driving for hours and the empty bottles of already ingested vodka were all that littered the backseat and floor of the car. The old leather seats were as hot as the rest of the car in terms of the stifling air. He had taken the liberty of rolling down one of the windows, it did little good to cool him off despite it being a lost cause what little breeze had come through the hot car merely tossed about his sweat-slick unkempt black hair, the parts that weren't stuck to his forehead that was.

His semi-darkened complexion seemed to nearly match the interior light brown leather of the old model car he drove as he continued to make his way down the highway. Beside him on the seat had been a cell phone, a bulky thing that had been the staple of a different time. Black in color and possibly be considered a flip phone. The driver seemed to be quite agitated as he awaited a series of lights to turn so that he could continue on his way. Chaotic eyes of black seemed to blaze with rage as he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror as he awaited the light to change.

Even to him, he looked to have been quite a bit worse for wear as the definite signs of five o'clock shadow were all across his face. He had bags beneath his eyes indicating his lack of sleep and the continued practice of it due to his tendency to party through the night. Something akin to a tie dangled around his neck, blue and just above the wrinkled formerly white shirt he wore.

Still awaiting the light, the driver picked up the cell phone and dialed furiously before being treated to a voicemail before being able to leave a message. This seemed to further agitate him as he growled into the receiver before leaving his message.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU LEX!?" he asked enraged. " You know it will be a matter of time until I fucking find you and when I do you are going to fucking regret provoking me!"

Satisfied with the message, he slammed the phone closed and tossed it back into the seat. His patience was fast approaching an end with Lex as it were and he was even more desperate to find his missing associate.

The light changed and he was on the move again. After another long day of searching and the heat had begun to wind down once more. For four days he'd been searching for his missing associate and each time turned up nothing. Feeling this was going to be another fruitless day, The driver began to contemplate stopping in somewhere and getting a drink to settle his nerves. He'd been craving it since he'd run out of vodka at the last stop light.

Feeling the uneasy sickness that came with withdrawals, he decided to have a drink but didn't want to venture to any bars. There was less of a chance of being seen and recognized after the fact so he decided on a nearby nightclub.

The driver pulled into the club's parking lot as the pulsing music and scent of cigarette smoke filled the air and ventured through the open windows of the car. He did his best to make himself more presentable as he parked and climbed out of the car, slicking back his hair and righting his tie and shirt before throwing on the navy blue jacket that he'd tossed in the backseat beforehand.

He managed to pass for decent as he approached the bouncer of the club who had seen the suit and anticipated him being a big spender with expensive and vastly illegal habits and let him in. The driver was amused at the ease with which he was invited his dark eyes reflecting it briefly before he ventured inside.


Unknown Nightclub, Unknown City, Unknown State.....

Pulsing rhythms greeted the ears of The driver as he stalked into the nightclub. His steps were slow and deliberate as he got a sense of the place. Not so much a teen scene as it was packed with younger people thrill-seeking with their collective minds on casual sex and decent drugs. His slow pace enabled the full view of his towering height to be noted given that he stood at a whopping six foot one inch and had the look of a middle-aged man in body and the way he moved. He wasn't the least impressed by the new age music that blared across the sound system nor the numerous young people that packed together to have a good time. He was more interested in getting his drink and for a few moments his thoughts returned to his missing associate "Lex".

The driver approached the bar, and a young woman with red hair and ruby lipstick greeted him. She seemed to have had her fill of guests for the night, but remained polite anyway. He sat at the barstool and looked over the alcohol menu. While he was partial to vodka, he was willing to let her walk him through the selections she had on hand.

"Welcome To Maritosa," she said in a borderline rehearsed tone.

The driver nodded in acknowledgment of the nightclub's odd name.

"What can I get you today?" she asked continuing her routine.

She seemed rather nervous in his presence as if his piercing gaze had cut through her very heart of her. He did not doubt in his mind that she sensed the darkness in him. He wore it like an invisible cloak. Not too many people could stand to be in his direct presence. She'd been the first in a long line that had to endure it.

"Vodka...neat," he replied after looking over all of the fruity and uninteresting drinks, his expression reflected one of boredom as he handed her back the menu.

He watched her pour his drink, her hands trembling despite trying her best to keep her composure. He knew her type, the young, ambitious, fish out of water. There were always good girls that held shit jobs in places they were not supposed to be.

Finally handing him his drink she stared at him once more unable to hide how unsettled she'd been at the mere presence of the man before her. He took the drink meeting her gaze full-on and noting that she had green eyes despite the dim lights and flashing neon that surrounded them. He had a thing for redheads but knew all too well this one had been underage despite her apparent position as a bartender.

It didn't take him long to deduce that she'd lied about her age on the application to get the job for dream money. He smirked before taking the drink and finishing it off in record time before slamming the glass down as custom and ordering another. He polished off another three more rounds before tossing a twenty-dollar bill onto the counter and giving her a knowing wink.

"I won't tell if you don't," he said before taking his leave of her.

The redhead nodded unable to speak much more that had not been rehearsed and took the twenty without much fuss. She was relieved when The Driver walked away seeing that something else had gotten his attention.


The Dance Floor, Unknown Club, Unknown City, Unknown State.....

The driver caught sight of what seemed to have been a familiar face amid the darkness and colorful lights. He balled his fists as he watched what looked to have been a sixteen-year-old girl with long black hair and a shortcut black dress with thin straps dance amid a group of drunken and no doubt sexually aroused men. The music that played had not been to the now furious man's liking as he continued to watch the black-haired girl behave like a wanton whore on the dance floor. The group of drunken men was much too busy copping feels and attempting to talk the inebriated teen into joining them out back. Their ages ranged from teens themselves to two middle-aged men in suits also looking to get their rocks off.

Stalking the dance floor as his blazing eyes continued to watch as the four men managed to persuade the drunken girl to follow them toward where the driver recognized to be something of an exit that lead to a darkened back alley. He followed, but not close behind as he had not wanted to alarm them or anyone else as to what was happening. His dark gaze continued to fall upon the now stumbling girl with black hair as she was escorted through the door and the men crowded her.

Blood boiled in the veins of The Driver as he followed the men and girl out the door and into the darkened back alley. They were far from the view of cameras or prying eyes apart from their unknown tailgater. It was quite dark out, the sky black as oil and clear as could be. The stench of dirty water, oil, and the nearest dumpster filled the air heightened by the pungent scent of week-old urine.

The men surrounded the girl who had been quite nervous despite being unable to react very well to the obvious dangerous scenario she found herself in. The Driver knew the girl well. He especially knew her milky complexion, pale blue eyes like frozen pools of the purest water in winter, and her thinly built frame that offered no measure of shape to her otherwise awkward-looking form. He knew especially the familiarity of the thin legs that carried her as they found it difficult to keep her upright and the flailing equally thin arms that moved about the breezeless air in an attempt to keep her on balance.

The middle-aged men were more interested in having a proper go at her now that she had been revealed to have been so helpless in the wake of their continued advances. One wearing a dark green long-sleeve shirt with hairy arms and smelling of brandy reached out and copped a feel of her small round arse. Although she had not been much to look at anywhere else, she had a well-shaped arse and it showed via the tight-fitting low-cut black dress that hugged her awkward body in places that made it possible to appreciate the aptly provided view.

The second middle-aged man wore a gray suit and had his tie untied as he goaded his fellow seeker of pleasure. The younger men were intent on having a go as well, so much so that the boldest among them grabbed the unbalanced girl and attempted to get her to place her hand on his crotch as his bulging erection got the better of his senses.

The driver noted the inability the girl had to put up a fight against the fiendish men, who had all begun to surround her like a pack of rabid hyenas who had at last cornered a direct piece of tantalizing meat ready to be devoured. His rage boiled to the surface the moment he saw another hand slide between her thighs as the second younger man attempted to pin her against the dirty brick siding of the building and have at her unguarded flesh due to impatience.

The girl attempted to protest despite being so heavily out of it only to be silent via a large heavy hand being placed over her mouth in a bid to keep her quiet while the men who had cornered her did what they wished with her.

Having seen enough, The driver approached not in the least intimidated by the numbers nor the possible aggression that each man had been showing in a bid to sate their continuously building lust for the prize in question.

"That piece of ass belongs to me." growled the driver as he approached the men with his fists balled and intent to cause harm flashing behind his darkened eyes.

The middle-aged man in green approached him chuckling at the audacity this stranger in a suit showed.

"Get in line buddy, we already primed this pussy." he declared with a smug expression.

"I said that piece of ass belongs to me." growled The Driver not at all hiding his measure of aggression as he spoke.

"I don't think you're hearing so well buddy." began the man in green before he attempted to swing his fist at the driver who had ducked the lethargic blow and pushed the fool into a nearby wall causing him to hit his head and blackout.

The second younger man attempted to join the altercation determined to keep the stranger away. The first younger man continued to pin the girl against the wall determined to free his erection from his pants and insert it into her before he could be interrupted. The middle-aged man in gray continued to hold his hand over her mouth to quiet the screams that began to come from the distressed drunken girl.

The driver smirked as he let the second younger man attempt to stop him grabbing the lad by the collar and ramming his knee into the lad's stomach repeatedly until he doubled over in pain and was thrown into a nearby wall as well falling unconscious after impact.

"Why can't you just mind your own damn business or better yet...find another piece of ass?" growled the middle-aged man in the gray suit.

The driver slicked his now wild hair back and continued his approach.

"As I've said before...that piece of ass belongs to me," he growled still aggressive in his wording as he narrowed his eyes at the men before him.

Not wishing to be on the losing end of this little battle, the middle-aged man pulled a knife from his back pocket and quickly opened it aiming the blade toward the irate driver.

"And I said to find another." demanded the middle-aged man in the gray suit.

The Driver pulled a thick green fountain pen from his pocket and smirked at the man wielding the knife.

He had not an ounce of fear in him as he advanced toward the now nervous opponent.

"Shall we see which is mightier, the pen or the sword?" asked The Driver, not in the least impressed by the knife or the impending threat it provided.

"Fucking nutcase." muttered the knife-wielding man before taking a lunge toward the pen-wielding driver.

It had not worked out as well as he had hoped as the booze made his reflexes dulled and he missed his opportunity to strike. The driver quickly stabbed him via the fountain pen in the soft palate and continued to venture toward the last young man and the girl as the middle-aged man in the gray suit fell onto his knife and bleed out on the ground.

A giddy expression filed across the face of the driver as he continued his advance only for the now flustered younger man to push the trembling girl aside and rush at him head first. This only proved to be a mistake on his part as the drunkenness and frustration from his still-exposed erection made him much too constricted to put up a real fight.

The driver made short work of him beating him with blow after blow via his fists when he caught him via the neck and slammed him onto the ground where he proceeded to continue raining heavy blows via his fist into the face of the younger man, he didn't hold back the fury that seemed to have been building for quite some time as he saw his way to breaking the younger man's jaw, nose, and eye socket.

Blood poured from the now defenseless lad as The driver finally pulled back just shy of killing him and got to his feet. He took his time for a few moments, taking out the various wallets of the fallen opponents and cleaning out their foolishly on-hand cash and any cards that didn't require much identification to use on hand. He then turned his attention back to the black-haired girl who had been in a state of shock when she looked upon the scene before her.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" growled The Driver in annoyance as he approached the girl. "What the fuck did you think they were going to do once they got a look at your cock...you stupid fucking prick?"

The black-haired "girl" attempted to explain but was silenced by the murderous glare that came from the driver as she was snatched by the elbow and led back to his car.

In all the commotion it was a wonder that the thin strapped black purse that was attached to her shoulder remained as such and inside the cell phone whose number had been dialed multiple times in the past few days resting against a small tube of heavily used ruby red lipstick, an unused pack of condoms, and a bottle of opened cheap perfume.

The driver shuffled the rather reluctant drunken "girl" into the car and proceeded to berate her for not only being careless enough to get drugged at a nightclub but being nearly sexually assaulted by four drunken assholes who probably were behind the spiking of the drink, to begin with.

"I told you, I'd find you Lex." growled the driver as he shoved who had been revealed to have been the infamous Lex into his car before moving back toward the leftover bodies of the men he'd taken out in the back alley.

Still dazed and confused from having been spiked via his drink, Lex did his best to adhere to the angry man's wishes as he shuffled into the passenger seat of the car and leaned against the door once it slammed shut due to the rage behind the driver's closing it after he'd been inside.

Everything had been a haze of purple and muffled sound as Lex attempted to make sense of the churning in his stomach and the shaking of the back of the car as The Driver stuffed something in the trunk of it before approaching the driver's side of the vehicle and climbing in.

The angry middle-aged man glared at the nauseated and decidedly high Lex, who had been quite thin compared to him as he leaned against the door of the four-door sedan with his right cheek pressed against the glass of the window. The black wig he'd taken to wearing was nearly fallen off his head revealing the peek of short thin grade blond hair beneath and his legs were spread just enough to reveal the exposed pinked flesh of his small penis from beneath the black tight-fitting dress.

The driver rolled his eyes, as it was apparent that the drugs that were slipped into his drink and meant to cause arousal was beginning to do just that Lex moaned and attempted to make sense of his surroundings as the car pulled out of the parking lot leaving behind minor tire tracks as they headed down the open highway.