
Open your eyes, open your mind

James was awake, in this boring, plain looking and sparsely furnished room. Bedroom. His bedroom. Well not his. Cyrus bedroom, but clearly it's not that far away for being his own. After all, they are the same person now, kind of. Or maybe Cyrus wasn't anyone until he became aware of the reality, just memories to fill the place, like an undercover identity, a fake passport of sorts, anyways that didn't matter anymore. James was dead, well not dead, just erased, forgotten, his life isn't here anymore, even if his soul, mind, spirit was here now, in a foreign body. Figuratively and literally, while not that striking because of his fair skin and, rather handsome face, he was not from a family of American he looked like middle east, but European, even then he wouldn't complain, he wasn't bad looking in his past life, but this was way above, as long as puberty doesn't bully him to much. Nowadays you may look like Brad Pitt as long as you are considered short, well it sucks, not as much as they joke about it as though.

Back to what matters, this orphanage bedroom was boring, but nice for an institution sustained by charity alone, most of it by nearby New York CEO's and other upper class citizens, motivated by press or guilt mainly, however it was enough to maintain it. The local school even gave a vacancy for the best student, which Cyrus obtained. Midtown High, as soon as he remembered that he knew that life probably will be over dangerous, but that may at least distract his mind, that was calm for know, for how long though, was to be seen.

He finally decided to stop thinking affront life, he, got up from bed, he dressed himself and made his bed, then got to the bathroom, cleaned his face and brushed his teeth, and ultimately went to the dining hall to have breakfast. Thankfully, while intelligent, capable and independent, Cyrus was reserved, and wasn't one to start conversations, so he evade silly talk with too young to be funny teenagers, even if in his past life was 18, he was way more mature in personality and temperament, so it would be pretty awkward.

He finished, put the plate in the kitchen and went to catch the bus. While looking trough the window at the weirdly, disgusting, and pretty city, his mind went adrift, blackness, red, violet, thunder, clouds, while screams of all kind of tortured beings reverberated in his head growing more and more until... it stopped, the most illuminating, powerful light cleared everything, followed by the apparition of a man made in fire, with the most empowered, awe inspiring voice said:

"Rejoice child, this time, work your gifts, as they are the bane of the enemies of humankind"

And then I open my mind and eyes, and became fully aware of myself and the world.

This is just a pilot of sorts, Chapters will likely be far more long, but first chapters are always hard, anyways make any sort of crazy theories, you may guess my overall Idea. Anyways Bye Bye have a nice day! For the Imperiuuum!

Nehemias_Groppicreators' thoughts